America is now a 'house divided' that can not stand. Who divided it? It started in the late 80's with the Christian Right's movement. These Christian's leadership began to proclaim, "the kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force" (Matt. 11:12). With that reckless 'violent' mentality they went forth to conquer the political world. In so doing, they 'divided' this nation and it will never be the same.

On the surface, the issue at hand was 'abortion.' Denominations around the U.S. united under that banner.

The tele-evangelist world with such spokesmen as Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, etc. took to the air waves and began to denounce the Democratic Party and elevate the Republican Party. They used allegedly "God's TV" to promote politics as the answer to the issue of abortion. This was an obscene evil that would forever alter America.

Now, what actually started their furor was what happened to former PTL president, Jim Bakker. According to Jim and Tammi Bakker, God bless them, it was Jerry Falwell who connived to takeover PTL. He did just that, but could not hold it together so today it sits for the most part as a barren place. In the meantime, Jim Bakker was arrested, tried and convicted. He received a 45yr. sentence. He was chained and literally had a nervous breakdown. It was a scandulous media field day. All of the Christian right's leadership forsook him. After 10 yrs. he was released. He was/is a changed man. I, was one who happened to follow the happenings and thought he was wrongly charged and convicted.

Nonetheless, that conviction scared the right-wing so-called Christian conservatives. It terrified them and they took action. They went to the Republicans for protection, not God, as they teach the flock, rather, the Republicans became 'god-like' to them because they said, 'they wanted abortion abolished.' They also must have made a deal to protect those cowards as all of a sudden 'all sermons were built around the alleged "goodness" of the Republicans and the "badness" of the Democrats.'

With a demonic fury all religious issues began to revolve around politics Biblical Scriptures were thrown in to justify why 'all Christians must vote Republican.' Pat Robertson, had raised such a furor, and gathered such a terrified audience that he was prompted to run for President. In the early 90's, he did just that. He didn't win ofcourse, but he became a force to be reckoned with as the innocent, gullible masses were drawn into the illusion that they were doing the will of God by resisting the Democratic 'devil' party.

They went from resisting abortion, to hating 'all' who did not think like them. They went from denouncing 'abortion' to accusing all who felt it should be remedied different from them as 'anti-Christ.' They began to dehumanize all who were not like them via "labelling" them 'liberal' and thus, dismissing any significant thing they would have to say. They had deceived themselves and become nothing but 'hate-mongers.' They were 'hating' in the name of Jesus. It was an abominable deed to behold.

The so-called Christian Right had gained power and given power to the Republican Party. In return they asked that their 'will be done.' Their will was to destroy the Democratic Party and all else they had dehumanized and labelled 'liberal.' The problem with that evil, among many was, the Democratic Party consisted of many born-again believers who did not believe in the Christian Right's method. These were denounced as hypocrites. This evil of the Christian right was dangerous in that it was 'racism' erecting its' demonic head again.
You see,, a lot of the masses that voted for the Democratic Party were African/Americans. Their prominent Democrat supporting preachers were scorned and vilified.

Such evil would naturally wrought divisiness and that is exactly what it did. The Christian Right used allegedly 'God's airwaves' to lift up the few black ministers that voted Repubican. In this way, they pulled in a lot of naive' African/Americans to their cause. They renounced voting for the Democratic Party and were allowed in because they would henceforth, vote Republicans. A spirit of sheer madness had they unleashed in the land.

As for the issue of abortion itself, they 'lied' and said, the Democrats who did not want the medical procedure of 'abortion' abolished were 'killing babies.'

In reality, that was a straight up lie they hurled. The women who were getting abortions, many times, because their husband's forced them to, were the only ones' 'killing their babies.' The Democrats or so labelled 'liberals' never advocated or forced anyone to get an abortion. It is wrong to lie and infer otherwise. The truth is, they just didn't believe in legally abolishing the medical procedure itself or legislating a woman's body and what she can and cannot do with it. In other words, 'less governmental' control over people.

The Christian Right thought otherwise and condemned the Democrats. They deceived all their followers via proclaiming that all who were for keeping the medical procedure 'abortion' on the books were automatically advocating 'killing the un-born.' Ergo, they bred their flock to believe the Democrats were for 'killing babies' when nothing could be further from the truth, and truth is God!

Still, on they went in their hateful madness. Every political issue revolved around the "goodness of the Republicans and the evil of the Democrats" Be it the economic, social, religous, etc., the Republicans were "of God" and the Democrats were "of the devil." This insanity they dared to hurl as Christ-like.

As a result of their evil disposition, America became divided. Naturally, the Democrats, and those people they labelled 'liberals' became enraged. They too, became deceived. Since the so-called Christian right wrapped their evil around 'Christianity', Christianity was cursed. Whereas, formerly the so-called left had a record for respecting Christianity, now they loathed it. They went further to the left. They now began to hurl a 'no tolerance' message towards the evil of the Christian right. They cursed 'Christianity' or what they thought was Christianity. They had been severly provoked by the evil of the right-wing, conservative so-called Christian right and now they wanted vengeance. They will never forgive the evil promoted by the Christian right.

This then is how American became divided and thus, is being conquered by the Middle Eastern enemy in our midst.
Yes, you see, in the meantime, while the Christian right set up their 'no tolerance' for anybody who doesn't think like them, and the Left set up their resistance at all cost to the Christian right's madness, the Middle Easterns slithered in and bought up America with every intent to set up their Islamc 'sharia law' and take fulll control of America's educational, religious, political, etc. hierarchies. They have had a field day in advancing while America's attention was diverted on the hate unleashed by none other than the so-called Christian right.

Yes, the Middle Eastern Saudis, have bought up the banking industry whereupon they now have acess to any American's private information. They have and are buying up the postal industry whereupon they are bringing in the weapons of mass destruction. They own the ports and God knows what evil they can utilize them for. They now have over 800 mosque in America and are growing. They have inflitrated the school system and are now forbidding Christian and Jewish values to be taught.

They are not alone, they are allied with the Latin American nations, and these too, are both buying out America as well as being given access to America's banking system. All of America is being sold out to foreigners by none other than the 1% republican elitist who the Christian right hurled as 'of God.' In reality, it's judgment day for the Christian right. God's wrath is and always will be against the evil they pulled off in His name. Therefore, God has allowed an enemy force to come in and rule over the very America the Christian right sought to use politics to rule over.

See in all the Christian Right's evil doing, they were assaulting God and God's true anointed masses. We realize that that's the truth because the 2006 election found a united 'we the people' voting out the same Republicans the Christian Right had hurled as 'Christ like'. Not only that, the Republicans were found to have regularly committed one evil upon another. They were exposed for their shameful conduct that surpassed the Democrats. God opened the eyes of the masses to see that the Republicans were strictly for the rich while seeking to altogether alleviate the middle class Meaning, they were knocking the middle class into the poor category while simultaneously giving the rich filthy lucre galore.

Every God-given protection that was for the masses, none other than the sinister Republicans were found to be about casting underfoot. They went after Unions that protect the masses. Many good people died that we might have 'Union' protection. They went after Affirmative action in order to knock blacks and women out of opportunites to advance. They went after our very 'rights' to strip us bare of all protection from the evil of the rich. They seduced their blind flocks into believing they should 'give up their right to sue.'

In so doing, laws were put on the books to limit the amount people can get against damages wrought by corporate America. Corporate America could now recklessly do anything and get away with it. Oil spills, nuclear hazards, toxic waste that hurt the environment and people in the environment would now go un-checked. Meaning, if people got cancer from a nuclear spill caused by corporate America, the people have no way to be compensated and no punishment on the books to scare corporate America into being 'careful' and 'fearful' of the masses 'lawsuit' retaliation. In other words, 'un-limited lawsuits' against big business was a God-given 'right' Americans once had. However, some were deceived into not valuing it for what it was.

At any rate, all these evils unleashed in America wrought God's wrath. There were no wise men on high rather fools, and as a result, America is a despised, laughingstock before the nations of the world. God's protection cannot be over evil. At best, He can pour out HIs spirit on the masses and seek to unite us to arise and confront, condemn this evil that would not be found out. This is what happened during the 2006 election. An awakening in the conscious of the masses. Even, the poor masses who were seduced by the so-called Christian Right.

This awakening is our best chance to redeem America. It is our best chance to arise, unite and withstand all of these enemies on high. The Right, the Left and the deadly new foe who is the Middle Easterns, with their Latin American, Asian, African, etc. allies. We should thank God for this awakening as it is a sign God has had mercy on 'we the people'. He would not leave us under the wretched principalities, powers, wicked spirits unleashed by the Christian Right. Nor, would he want us to be under the prinicpality of retaliation unleashed by those labelled 'liberals of the left' They must forgive and denounce their depravity as that is the only way God would be on their side.

As well, God would definitely not leave us under Islamic 'Sharia Law' so being sinisterly implemented by the Middle Easterns. Yes, they took advantage of our sweet liberties in order to implement their satanic bondage. They played the U.S. right wing powers that be, like a drum. God was not with this administration and their folly now manifested before all the world to see is proof that our God was not as the Christian right lied, with this wicked administration.

As so, helter skelter is unleashed in America. Foreigners now rule over us and even boast that they do. A national news service announced that the Saudis proclaim that, 'they run America.' They have set their people in every industry as 'cells', is how they phrase it, yes, 'terrorist cells.' Ergo, if they work in the phone company they will tap your phones, with an arrogant, 'F, U.S. laws to the contrary.' If they work in the mail company, they will tamper with your mail. If they work in the banks, they will mess with your funds. If they work in the cable-computer companies they are hacking your computers. If they work in the IRS they will audit you If they work in the agricultural or food industry, they will poison you If they work in the medical industries, they will kill you. Make no mistake about it. We have been sinisterly taken over in just this manner.

So much for the 'right to bear arms' argument. You can't bear arms against a deceitful devil who is coming at you with such sinister tactics. America the house divided could not stand and as a result, another has arisen to stand in its place. All of this evil was wrought because America became divided and the attention of America was and still is, seduced to stay on the division wrought by the conservatives and the Christian Right.

As said, thank God for the awakening in the hearts of the masses. Again, that is a sign that God will have mercy on us. As scripture proclaims, 'If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins, and heal their land" (2 Chr. 7:14).

There is hope afterall. As so, I call on 'we the people', to no longer identify ourselves as the "Republican" people or the "Democrat" people, rather as, the 'awakening' is upon us we must see ourselves strictly as 'Godly people' who are American citizens (those of us who are) who will stand solely for God and His righteousness.
We must as Scripture proclaims arm ourselves to 'fight the good fight' against all foes both foreign and domestic. Henceforth, let us pray to this end that God may have mercy upon us amidst this horror let in because America was a house divided that could not stand.


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Boy was this a long read.....thank God gave me the gift of knowing how to skim read...:) Anyway, I think, or I know your demonizing the entire right wing Christian republican party as our oppressors of old have done to us. I don't think there is a party that is walking in the fullness of God in either party, whether it be demoncratic or republican. Both have forskaken the God of the heavens and the earth. So are you trying to say to all those who read this that the demoncratic party is the chosen party of God? Then abortion should be abolished and looked upon as the evil that it is, in killing and murdering unborn babies for convenience and for profit. Are you aware of how Planned Parenthood came to be? Are you aware that the president of Planned Parenthood which does 90% of all abortions in America targeted black and brown women to abort their babies? Are you aware that over 15 million black babies were butchered in the sacred womans womb since the 70's? Does that concern you? What great signs and wonders are coming out of the demoncratic party, but a party?

And puhleeeze don't tell me that the abortion issue is not the only issue on the platform of the demoncratic party. What other and more important issue than that you can think of more important than saving the innocent from being slaughtered by paid hitmen that the mother has bought? If the Klan killed just 3 black babies you and the rest of the demoncratic party would be in an uproar and rightfully so. So where is the uproar of the millions who have and continue to be slaughtered for profit in the name of eugenics.

And what about the pro stance of the demoncratic party in wanting to create same sex marriages to be the same as the marriage of man and woman? I don't remember seeing that mentioned in this long and exaserbated post you cut and pasted. And another thing anyone who is closely associated with Orpah, I mean Oprah is not someone I would pull the lever of. It was Oprah who proudly states that there are more than one road that leads to heaven, not just the Christian stance of the only way to get to see the Father and get to heaven is through Jesus the Christ. Most have not realized as of yet that we are being played as in the African American community has been suckered by this demonizing of the right wing republican party as if they are one. I'm neither demoncratic or republican. I go by the individual policy and how each one believes based on biblical principles. You won't get me in that proverbial box. I know many white republican and conservative Christians who very much love the Lord just as we say we do. I know hundreds who have given up their comfortable lives and are on the mission fields of Africa, Asia and India and throughout the diverse world to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the unreached and unevangelized. Many of them who cry real tears of the oppression and hungry and starving BLACK children who are orphaned who have no clothes at all and are found naked and hungered with no hope. Matter of fact those right wing conservative white republicans are the ones and only ones mainly who are going to the nations as missionaries as well as their churches, some of them evangelical and other who are presbyterian or methodists pray dilligently in their churches for nations who yet have been evangelized. I know many white and republican right wing white churches who send 50% of their tithes and offerings in support to foreign missions so that everyone can have the oppurtunity such as you to accept or reject Christ. So since we love the demoncratic party so much, where are those who claim to be African American who will take up the greatest Command of the Great Commission to Go Ye Therefore to preach and teach and baptize in the nations? Are you aware that only 200 African Americans are on the mission fields of Africa, Asia and throughout the unreached world? Are you aware that the black church who are mostly demoncratic spend more on the men's breakfast than on the continuing works of Christ. That's a fact. We are the least represented on the mission field and we have the nerve and the audacity to call ourselves "African" American.....

So where your treasure is, is where your heart is also......
Scott you had the gall to more or less write, 'what a long read' and then reply with this longer read. lol. wow

Well, I see you're an emotional piece of work aren't ya? I see your bosom is pent up with a lot of black self-loathing and for that, I will pray for you.

As for your comment concerning 'cutting and pasting' what are you a stalker, crazed over the posting matter that you are guessing at or what? wow....heh
I apologize for the laugh for I well see that you are seriously disturbed over any talk that you feel speaks against whites who you adore.

Well, had you NOT skimmed through and rather read, you would know that you are 100% percent off base with the entirety of the subject matter upon which I spoke.

I see your soul was just bubbling over with anger towards blackness that you feel is 'bad, inferior' to the whites so much so that you were sorely offended that I spoke against that hierarchal faction. Listen, it wasn't their paleness that I was referring to rather, their ideology. Again, had you not skimmed through and read you would know that.

Still, the soreness in your spirit with regard to any African/American saying anything righteous against yourlove for whiteness is so apparent and sad.

Moving on, in actuality the issue of abortion as I spoke upon it has to do with the so-called Christian right abusing God's word to justify right wing politics. That is a great evil before God for in so doing. they are 'aborting' the rights of God's masses to oppose their madness.

As for Margaret Sanger and her Planned Parenthood genocide plan, I know the right-wing conservatives bred you to rail that comment at any African/american who opposed right wing politics as the answer.

Still, you need not fear that any intelligent African/American isn't aware of the genocidal demonic nature of such whites. The right-wing conservatives have spoken just as much evil as this woman and even gone to the extreme of violating any and all who oppose their demonic disposition.

Afterall, they applauded George bush who sent our sons and daughters to die in Iraq which is old Babylon. Yes, it was George Bush and the Christian right who are building up that end-time. anti-Christ economic headquarters. Blacks senselessly died at the hands of these whites. Oh, and please know, all senseless deaths are just as evil in the eyes of God.

However, back to that wicked woman Sanger, she could have all the plans in the world but if black women wouldn't go in there the plan wouldn't work. So you see, it is not the Democratic parties fault that so many abortions are being done, rather it is the women. The Christian Right should reach out to the women with God's love and support for them instead of damning a political party because they won't go along with the Christian's Right's idea on how to end abortion.

The fact is, abortion is a medical procedure, that will always be on the books because a woman's or child's life could be endanger.

The evil of the Christian right is that they chose to blame this evil on the Democratic Party. It is wrong in the eyes of God. What is needed is prayer for women that they might know their true worth. Bottom line, if women wouldn't go have abortions then the abortion rate would decline. Sanger's dead, she can't force anyone to have an abortion. The Christian Right is wrong to have bred you to angrily rote in this despicable manner in which you have.

As for your oh so apparent self-loathing towards African/Americans. African/Americans were prevented from assisting Africans and that by the white racist hierarchies. They still divide and conquer as many an African is ignorant and will praise, whites and despise blacks. Yeah, Scott many, many are still Willie Lynched enslaved. Heck, they'll kill a black to the glory of whiteness. It's sad Scott really, really, sad.

Annnyhoo, many a African who is over here in America benefiting from the valiant fruits of African/American labor actually look down on African/Americans and praise whiteness. What can ya do Scott eh? I say, we need to have WILLIE LYNCH exorcism services on a regular basis.

Africans over here need to realize that if it wasn't for African/Americans breaking segregation, and putting laws on the books to stop overt discrimination. they couldn't be over here prospering.

See then, when you say African/Americans have done nothing you show your deep, deep, ignorance. African/Americans support many of the programs that are started up to aid Africans. We can't help it if we have an uphill battle in breaking white racism that continues to 'divide and conquer' blacks because of the spirit of black self-loathing in so many blacks.

Bottom line Scotty, God's good, African/Americans, at least the righteous among us, are good and are fighting the good fight to the glory of our God. Oh, did I mention that African/Americans not only fought valiantly to free blacks from slavery but fought valiantly in every war to free America. I'd say, that's pretty good job amidst a racist world.

African/American inventors have made many things that benefit the whole world. African/American teachers daily educate our children. African/American lawyers daily fight white injustice that would rear its' head in the most sinister ways. African/American mothers and fathers rear our children to serve our God and be productive citizens.

African/American's tax dollars go to Africa and in that way we are reaching out. African/American politicians fight to have our tax dollars that go to European nations to also go to Africa. So in that way, we are in Africa. And Scott, many a African/American gives to the white charities that I have no problem with. We just hope the funds get there. Many an African/American preacher raises funds to get Africans, wells, goats, and feed a village of 250 em'. Yeah, that's what we African/Americans have done and so much more that unfortunately, your poor self loathing eyes are blinded to. I pray God uses these facts to open your eyes and deliver you from a Willie Lynch spirit. Truly, I do.

Other than that, I stand by what I said about the evil of the Christian Right. Nice chit-chatting with ya.
Now I have a willie lynch mentality for standing up for the rights of those who can't fight for themselves in the womb and asking more AFAM's to get more involved in the local and Global harvest of the unreached whether far away lands or the land where we are. If that's willie lynch, then I'd take that as a badge of honor. At least my house is not being terrorized.
The issue has nothing to do with color, nor political party, nor the white people.
Our white counterparts don't have websites such as these that promote their agenda above God's agenda.
Our white counterparts do the TRUE mission of God by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and bringing Jesus to the world.
However, black people are more concerned with money, titles, prestige, popularity and being a "saviour" to the world.
The division was started in the black church.
Give black people a little power and they don't know how to act.
As always.
That is one of the most self hating things I have ever seen a negro spew. White misionaries go over to africa, and exploit the suffering of my home continent for their own gain. Its no secret that the 700 club(white christian organization) and many of its splinter groups go over there and make people denounce their old religions before they give them aid. Black people with power had the most advanced societies when your prescious hard working white people were busy howling at the moon a couple of centuries ago.
A basic history lesson will prove my statement on whites forcing christianity on africans in exchange for goods true

I will choose to ignore the personal attacks Mr.Newman

God bless:)
Of course your not the joel osteen type...Even that nice old man would have called out a "marquise" if he made the statement that his race dosent know how to act when given power.

They have ruined enough things. There are many places in the western world where chritian missionaries can put their skills to use. We can mission to our own people(and we wont cause the problems european missionaries cause)
Yeah, yeah, yeah Rastus spirit, be silent and speak no more folly, In the Name of Jesus! In the name of Jesus I bind that demonic spirit of Willie Lynch black self-loathing within you. Satan loose this poor soul In Yahshua's Name!

Lord Jesus, I turn this soul over to you and ask that your blood would cleanse him from this self-loathing, demonic spirit. Show him that he's a man, and not a inferior boy needing to yield to an Uncle Tom madness bred into blacks during slavery and passed down to this very day.

Lord Jesus, help us as a people to fight and destroy this demonic disposition that seeks to destroy African/Americans. In Your Holy Name I pray, Amen!


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