Why do some Believers say they're gonna take back what the devil stole from them?

How did he steal it?

What exactly did he steal?

Were you at fault? Did you give him way more than he stole? Did you forfeit your right to certain things due to your disobedience to God's word?

How exactly will you take it back?

Lastly, what will you do to keep it from being stolen again?

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Amen Sister here is what the enemy can do if we allow him

1. deceive us
self-deception- 1John 1:8 deals with peoples self deception concerning themselves, John state "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us"

societal deception- Eph. 4:14, these are those that lie in wait to deceive us, the trickery, sleights of ordinary men
satanic decetion - is the devils direct work on us 1 Tim 4:1 speaks of "seducing spirits"

2.hinder us - 1 Thess 2:18 says Because it was our will to come to you(Paul again and again wanted to come but satan hindered and impeded him, Pauls was hinderd from going to Rome in romans 15:22

3. Turn us aside - 1Tim 5:15 for some are already turned aside after satan, this scripture is speaking of women who were idle and became busybodies and gossips

4.Enslave us - and they may recover themselves ot of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will 2Tim 2:26
the word recover in the original language (ananepho) means to sober up, return to ones senses

there are more but I will stop here, this answers your question scripturally in reference to what the enemy can do without permission from the Father IF we are not armored up.

Now there are some things he can't do

He can't cast out satan Matt 12:26-29 if satan cast out satan, he is divided against himself... THAT IS WHY WE MUST BE CAREFUL HOW WE LET THESE FOLKS SPEAK THINGS ON US, death is of the enemy, and when that talk comes to us we should rebuke it and that person, I don't care if it's Bishop Goodpastor, or sis watermelon,

he cannot tell the truth, he is a liar john 8:44
he cannot inflict disease, or death Heb. 2:14-15


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