Dear Married Couples in Ministry,

I would like to enphasize scripture when we are told to "Love our wives as Jesus loved the Church." How important is this to follow this command. How important is this for our wives to understand this through our actions, our words and our prayers. As husbands were are to exemplify Jesus' love to our wives, and this love is a heavenly love that is unconditionally consistent and never wanning. This love is uplifting, edifying, nuturing, growing, strengthening, habitual, wonderful, powerful, faithful and plentiful.

Men, we are so blessed to be granted the gift from God that we made an oath with. The beautiful, wonderful gift of having a wife, who can stand beside us, just as the Holy Spirit does. Our wives are absolutely priceless, and a treasure that we get to enjoy througout the day. The magnitude of knowing that God gave me a gift is overwhelming, and at least I can honor that gift by taking care of my wife the way God commanded. Men I emplore you, I challenge you to honor the Word of God by honoring your wife from the moment you get up, till the time you get up the next morning. Constantly tell her how much you love her, how much she means to you, how much you appreciate her, but do this through prayer, actions and your words. Not just because God commanded it... but because you feel it in your heart.

Brother Wilson

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First you must do what Jesus did for everyone. Pray. Pray that the Holy Spirit convict you husband to the truth, on how he is supposed to conduct himself in the presence of the Lord. Because everything is before God and he is witness to everything we see, say and do. Your husband is accountable for his actions alone, and he will have to explain his behavior to God one day, if he does not repent. Jesus said that what you have done to another, you have done to him, and your husband needs to understand this scripture in particular. So just pray for your husband daily with trust in your heart the our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will open your husbands eyes and heart with the understanding of the Word. Secondly, get scripture from Psalms, Proverbs, Ephesians and Colossians that talks about our conduct between one another and print them out, and just simply put them into a folder. Copy paste what I wrote and put that in there too. He will read it one day out of curiosity and maybe God will speak to him this way. Take care and God bless. Lastly... Divorce is not an option or even a thought you should entertain in your mind. If Jesus went through all the persecution and beating for our salvation, show him you honor that by praying and sticking by your husband no matter what. Worry about nothing and pray about everything.
Hello Quida,

I will first say to you that you are doing the right thing by going to God about getting correction for anything you may be doing wrong and then correcting that action. Secondly, it is a good thing that you pray for your husband. The scriptures say that a man can be saved by his wife (1 Corinthians 7:14). Continue to pray without ceasing if you truly believe God can and will change your husband's heart. Having said that, God can not and will not force His will on anyone. That's why He allowed Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden tree in the garden and didn't try to stop them. Your husband has to be yeilding to the Holy Spirit in order for God to do a work in him.

Now I would never be one to say that a person MUST stay with someone who they are not comfortable with. Both my wife and myself were in abusive marriages before and we got out of them. Then God introduced us eventually after much prayer on both our parts. We never knew each other when we were pursuing God on our own other than singing together on the praise team. But there was no attraction until God intervened and put it in our hearts. I say all this to say that while God hates divorce, He also loves His children. Both my wife and I truly believe God has forgiven us for our divorces and now our marriages has been fruitful beyond anything we could imagine. This was our particular path and God has been blessing us ever since we were married 4 years ago. We were both married for 10 years to our previous spouses. My wife went through years of physical abuse from her ex-husband as well as drug and alcohol problems while I went through years of mental and verbal abuse in my previous marriage and this was a hell on earth that I would'nt wish on my worst enemies.

I am not saying that this is what you should do. Only God should tell you what to do. I just wanted to present to you the other side. If you truly believe your marriage is of God and you want it to last, then continue praying for your husband to come back to God. I will be praying for you as well.

God bless you...

I hear your heart...the Scripture does allow for divorce and if you make that choice then you have to live with it. I must say that it is very difficult to live a life set apart to Yahweh in a situation like this, but let me give you some food for thought...

My husband and I have been married for 30 years and we went through a period during our 10th year of marriage that should probably have broke it plum in two, but Father Yahweh spoke a word into my heart and that was, "your husband can't love you right now like he should, and you are going to have to give it time. I am going to have be enough for you..." When He said that to me I broke and said whatever Your Will is for my life, I don't see a way out of this other than divorce, but I am counting You Faithful to bring wholeness back in my marriage. I let it go at that point...see Quida you can't make your husband stop accussing you, but you can walk a Righteous life before him that will still his tongue, and pray and anoint him when he's asleep. But you have to do it with a pure heart and if you want to let the marriage go, let it go...but if you want your husband ask Yahweh for him and I guareente that He is Faithful to make it happen..whatever it is it will be deliverance for both of you, because if he is having an affair Father will bring it to light, for He hears the cry of His daughters and He will bring all that is done in the dark to the light.

This is probably going to be one of the most diffcult things that you will have to do, but do it with a grateful heart and belief just like Sarah in Genesis, she knew that her womb was dead, but she counted Yahweh Faithful that He could accomplish it. Be strong my Sister and Father Yahweh will deliver you both through this, and He can set you up for the ministry that He has set you aside for. Messiah Yahshuah (Jesus) came to give us sounds like you have asccepted that life, know that this is molding time for you and your husband.

Remember it's not by power nor by might but by My Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) says Yahweh!

Shalom and Blessings!
My heart goes out to you. I think that you husband has the problem. I think if anyone is cheating it is him. The reason he keep accusing you is because that he probably what he is doing or want to do. just think if he can keep you at home, not having friends he knows where you are at all times. You need to pray about your marriage. Marriage is a trust thing, if there is no trust you just got a piece of paper. Trust me I have been married for about 30 years and I have seen men like you husband. The wife think that it is cute for them to be jealous, but this is of the devil. Love suppose to trusting. If he can't trust you, why did he marry you. Also it is like he don't even trust your relationship with God. A woman that is faithful to God will never cheat on her husband. This man I feel in my spirit is a hypocrite. This is not love, this is just a person that probably wants it all. The women and his wife. I pray that in 7 day that God will release you from that relationship and that He be honest to you and treasure you like God wants him to. I pray that you will go forth in the ministry that God has ordain you for. My heart and love goes out for you. Just hold your head up no matter what.
Amen my brother! This is how we as Godly men should treat our wives. Thx for sharing.
Brother Wilson, I love this. It's good to hear a man of God say these things about the blessings that God has bestowed upon him. However, I feel you shouldn't leave the sisters out, there are some of us out there that don't always tell our husbands how much we appreciate them. I thank God that I am not one of them but my husband has a friend that he counsels occasionally and I often hear this man say that with all he does to take care of home and family he still feels as though his wife doesn't appreciate all his effort. I think we can all stand to reflect a moment on what we have and how we got it and give God the glory and honor for the gifts that we call our spouse.
Amen Brother Wilson. I couldn't agree more.
Shalom Brother to you for this post!

I am just reading this and feel that I must say this since you have brought up the subject. Why don't so called men of God know this, why is it not being taught in churches?

Because we have a whole church full of people who live and walk outside of God's Commands and then expect for everything to fall in line...that is not going to happen. I hear all the time...we are no longer under the Laws of God and I count that as a ridiculous statment, because His Laws govern the entire universe, but man in all his finite wisdom declares what Yahweh has deemed as governace is futile and antiquated. If we can get our men to walk in the Rtighteousness that Father Yahweh has instructed in His Teachings and Instructions then marraiges would be whole. Men need to stand up and take hold of Fathers Laws/Word and be men, not spawns of this society. What you have said above is a good thing...but we must get people back to the governace of Yahweh and stop the lie that has been told since the council of Nicea 325 BC. Father's Word, all of it, is for reprove and correction as stated in 2 Timothy 3:16 and what was Yahweh's Word when this statment was made....what we call now the Old Testament...It is the instruction manual for a set apart life unto our Wonderful Creator...Yahshuah (Jesus) lived it, The patriarchs lived it and yes even Paul lived it...We need to do as Jeremiah 6:16 says:

Thus said Yahweh, “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and find rest for yourselves. But they said, ‘We do not walk in it.’

Notice they say we do not walk in it...We must go back to the instructional part of the Scripture. I don't worry about my husband cheating of not treating me well why because he knows he is held by Yahweh's Commandments and that keeps him and I in sync. Too many christian marriages are spliting up and too much abuse is right in the church...if we will return to the old path and stop this so called 'new thing' (of which people don't have a clue to what Yahweh was refering to when He said that) Yahweh will restore our marriages, families and ministries. Father will restore the love in marraiges as we come back to Him as our Only Love...He will heal the land of Israel and therefore restore all of Israel back to it's rightful place in Him.

I know that most on this network don't believe in keeping Yahweh's Word, but we've got to start somewhere regathering the lost house of Israel..and if it means that it begins with our men grabbing on to the Truth of who we really are then so be it.

Love, Shalom and Blessings!
I wish my husband understood the importance of loving me the way Christ love the church. I have been married for almost 17 years and the verbal abuse I get from my husband is unbelievable. Now I am not an angel and would never say that but when you can love someone unconditional, not looking at the person faults, not bringing up all the faults or all the issues the person have, that is agape love, the love that Christ want us to have for one another.
Praise God, I am a blessed woman to have a husband who has honored me for 33 years of marriage. He allows me to grow and be myself knowing that I will support him and use all my gifts to bless our family. Thanks for reminding all of us the high standard that God has for husbands and wives. We can do what He asks with his supernatural help.
Bless you Brother Wilson.
In Christ
Pastor Ja'Ola



HalleluYah Sister!

That is correct! I look forward to every Sabbath (Shabbat) my husband saying, "I have found a virtuous wife, whose price is far above rubbies..." That is an awesome time.

I challenge everyone reading this post to speak Proverbs 31 over his wife during Father Yahweh's appointed time which is His Sabbath the 7th day of the week. I guarentee that it will make a major change in your marriage.

And Sisters speak Psalm 1 over your husband during that same time and Father will Bless you even more abundantly than He already has!

Shalom and Blessings!


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