What would you say to the "Man on the Street" who asks you....

1. Why do I need God, I'm doing pretty good by myself?

2. Why are Christians always trying to shove Jesus or their religion down my throat? If I don't accept it at that very moment, they get angry which makes me want them to just get away from me.

3. There's too much mess in the church. Why do I have to go to church? Isn't God everywhere? Can't I worship him away from church?

4. Why do I have to speak out loud, kneel or close my eyes when I pray?

5. Why is it so hard to get to know God?

6. What if you're wrong and God is not who or what you think He is? How do you address the many 'what if" questions that I have?

Now remember, when you answer these questions, also consider that most non-beleivers don't understand church jargon. So try to explain your answers biblically but not "churchy". We tend to think that everyone understand the "church culture" and "christianese" and they really don't.

Please let us know which question(s) you are answering. You don't have to address them all.

However, I may "DING" you if you use Christian jargon that the average non-believer wouldn't understand. So, don't be offended if you get a "DING" on parts of your answers. I won't ding you because of what you said but HOW you said it.

Feel free to add questions that you've heard others ask. I think this will open up a great discussion on evangelism.

Also, feel free to share your "Man on the Street" evangelism mishaps and successes. We'd love to learn from you.


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2. Why are Christians always trying to shove Jesus or their religion down my throat? If I don't accept it at that very moment, they get angry which makes me want them to just get away from me.

Some are over zealous and don't have a clear understanding about God themselves. I would say to this person, I will tell you the gospel truth according to God's word and hopefully you can separate The Lord himself from the errors of people and find out what he truly can mean to you. Please understand that our souls can only be punished or rewarded by God and thus we should seek to serve him and not man.

3. There's too much mess in the church. Why do I have to go to church? Isn't God everywhere? Can't I worship him away from church?

I would say to this person, I understand your concerns about the mess in the church and I share some of the same feelings, however we must understand that man does not have a heaven or hell to put you in. Don't let your eternity be determined by your ill feelings of man' s weaknesses. If you truly want to partake in eternal life you may worship God in Spirit and in truth right where you are. Just remember that in your praying and worshiping you may seek him for a true place of worship. Always keep the focus on God wherever you go and RUN if the teaching doesn't line up with the true gospel.

EW you said

Some are over zealous and don't have a clear understanding about God themselves.

Now aint that the truth! LOL

and you said...

I understand your concerns about the mess in the church and I share some of the same feelings,

Too many Christians make excuses for their brothers and sisters who act up and get caught. It is good to tell the unbeleiver that you as a Christian have an issue with the same stuff that they see happening. It helps differentiate between the good, the bad and the ugly Children of God. LOL But I think it also helps them see that you aren't perfect once you become a Child of God. You are being perfected, being transformed in your mind and being conformed to the image of Christ. Now how exciting is that! I don't have to come all cleaned up because God cleanses me himself!
Why do I need God, I'm doing pretty good by myself? ANSWER!
We all can be doing pretty good by ourselves,but what about those times,that will come and you just need someone to talk to,but you feel nobody could understand,God will,what about when your pretty good,could be a whole lot better,and all you need is that little push,or that favor,God will give it to you,what about when you hear or see bad news,and it's coming your way,God can help it pass you by,or give you an answer to give you strength to make it through,because in all honesty,we all need somebody,one way or another,and if you have the spirit of God with you,that's honestly,somebody watching your back,even while you sleep!
Why are Christians always trying to shove Jesus or their religion down my throat? If I don't accept it at that very moment, they get angry which makes me want them to just get away from me Answer;
Some who love God,get carried away with it,it's a new fresh feeling to their lives an they want to share it with someone,they sometimes forget that,having Jesus in your life is just like learning how to ride a bike,everybody just can't jump on and go,but their heart is in the right place,and then theirs some who assume,that you need to follow them and their ways are you're going to hell,run from them i would too!
There's too much mess in the church. Why do I have to go to church? Isn't God everywhere? Can't I worship him away from church? Answer;
Well going to church today,isn't like going to church when our parents did,God tells us that we the people are the church,so with that being true, while you're getting acquanted,with the bible,i can help you find people who might feel the same way you do about crowds,an are thinking people will judge you,and all get together out here in the park or at the library,and answer some of your questions and help you,find your way through the bible,they call that home church,lots of people are doing it these days.and when you get ready i'll help you find the church you'll like
Why do I have to speak out loud, kneel or close my eyes when I pray? Answer;
Well now i don't know who told you that,your conversation with God is just between you and Him,some people shout out loud because thats how they learned to talk to God,but let me tell you,find yourself a private spot,park bench,under a tree,wherevers comfortable to you,you don't have to kneel unless you feel like it,you don't have to close your eyes,many do,just before you start always say,In The Name of Jesus,so God will kno you're speaking to him,and it all can be inside your head,remember the devil can never know what you ask God for if you don't say it out loud,he can't read your mind.
Why is it so hard to get to know God? Answer;
Getting to know God isn't hard,,just as sure as you know you can walk by putting one foot in front of the other,that how simple it is,the problem comes,when you except God with the sinners prayer,then turn around and sin,it's a feeling HE puts on your heart like,you have gas,or you just caught that glass before it broke,when you get to the point that you think it's hard,you already know HIM.
What if you're wrong and God is not who or what you think He is? How do you address the many 'what if" questions that I have? Answer;
I can tell you this one thing,if God's not who i claim He is,and you live the same way i do,respectful,caring,giving,loving,forgiving,and people in life see us doing this,i can say that the respect we get for doing these things will be worth all the effort you put into it,then i'll say like you did,i'm doing pretty good by myself!

Minister Agnew you said,

all you need is that little push,or that favor


What do you mean by favor? Do you mean I can ask God to do me a favor like I would ask my friends?

Minister Agnew, recommending home churches is an EXCELLENT answer for the person who has issues with the “church”! Home churches are most definitely on the rise. While not all churches are bad, if the person isn’t comfortable going to a church “building” then most definitely introduce them to the “church”.. the BRIDE OF CHRIST. Most refreshing answer Minister Agnew.

Minister You said…

just before you start always say,In The Name of Jesus,so God will kno you're speaking to

the MAN ON THE STREET might ask

Doesn’t God know what I’m thinking? Why do I have to say in the name of Jesus in order for Him to know I’m talking to him?



The MAN ON THE STREEET may ask you, “what is a sinners prayer”?

I’ve heard that used a lot. I’m not saying it is right or wrong. But, my question to you is, where do you find a person being converted using “the” or “a” sinner’s prayer in the Bible?
First of all you did say,
Now remember, when you answer these questions, also consider that most non-beleivers don't understand church jargon. So try to explain your answers biblically but not "churchy". We tend to think that everyone understand the "church culture" and "christianese" and they really don't.
Most all people understand favor or a little push,but in this explanation i meant just that,that friend we have who's there for you,to keep your mind focused,and far as favor it's like that cheerleader pushing us saying you can do it.
just before you start always say,In The Name of Jesus,so God will kno you're speaking to
I make it clear that in order to get God's attention,just as any parent,you call their name first,hey mom,hey dad,I took the questions in order,so by time we get to this question,i will make it clear why in the name of Jesus,is needed
what is a sinners prayer”?
Again someone who's not churchy,wouldn't understand,that a sinners prayer is the combination of many verses in the bible,2Cor7;10,Rom3;23,Acts3;19,Rom3;10,Luke13;5,ISa64;6,Ps51;5.Titus3;4,but to lead this person into salvation,it's easier to say a sinners prayer.I no theres no sinners prayer in the bible.
In the last month and a half,i've joined with 3 other ministers,and we've had rallies would gladly post pictures,and just as you mentioned the terminologies used are'nt biblical,but when it's over,we when for Christ,and this is what works for us,Great questions,and as i was taught,ONE BODY,MANY MEMBERS,THE GLORIES NOT OURS IT'S HIS,i just deliver them to HIM!
We are'nt trying to evangelize,in any particular denomination are we,because i'm non-denomination
Oh I agree Minister Agnew.. I NEVER evangelize a denomination. A denoination can't save you. If anything it will bind you to it's traditions of men. LOL

I only ding'ed you based on what you posted. The explanations you just gave were not part of your orginal post. You're responses to my dings were very good!

Big SMILE to you sir!


1. Why do I need God, I'm doing pretty good by myself?
---You might do even better with God, plus you might enjoy his company.


5. Why is it so hard to get to know God?
If you sincerely want to know God, tell Him, start where you are and let Him know that you want to know Him and you don’t know where to start. God will answer that prayer.


LOL we can talk scripturally without them even know it. Not once did you say, "the bible says". You expressed God's heart with His word without directly mentioning his word. After all, saying "the bible says" can be an IMMEDIATE turn off for many people and you will miss the opportunity to just minister to them.

What you've done here is plant a seed. The MAN ON THE STREET may have no other questions for you. But God may send someone else to come along and water that seed and it is God and God alone that will give the increase to that. Increase their knowledge, increase their desire to know Him, increase their thirst for Him, increase their faith, etc.

What goes up must come down. That is the simplistic explanation of the law of gravity without getting into the details of that law that the layman would get lost in.

Man, you guys are GREAT!

Keep the comments coming! The evangelical tug should be in us all to some degree. After all it is the PRIME DIRECTIVE of the Believer. It doesn't mean we have to knock on doors and beat the streets, but the MAN ON THE STREET could be that person in the grocery store or at the gas pump or at the bus stop or the video store or sitting next to you in jury duty, etc.

My admonition to everyone is be prepared for... THE MAN ON THE STREET.
oh no problem. I'd love to see others respond because we all have such wonderful ways to reach those who have not heard the gospel or have been hardened by the hypocrisy of or brethren.

I guess I consider myself a lifestyle evangelist more than the Billy Graham-stand in the pulpit- type of evangelist. I'd rather just hang out with the MAN ON THE STREET than preach to them at a pre-orgainzed gathering.

Quite often, Jesus' audiences were just a crowd of people who came to hear him speak to what started off as one person or a small group of people. I guess you would call them a great crowd of eaves droppers LOL
nice discussion Minister Tracy. Very cool answers too from other ministers. I believe the "way we do church" paradigm is shifting right in the midst of where we are. Love your take on it Minister Tracy, "lifestyle minister". Many are called to be marketplace ministers, apostles, prophets, teachers, even pastors to minister and serve in the highways and byways of life.

I wont try to add to questions that have been answered, but I do have testimonies of what I call prophetic evangelism ... divine encounters involving the man or woman on the street. Its like they may or may not attend church regularly, but they have a need for deliervance and God wants to open the prison doors. I need to find where I've posted one or two so I dont have to re-type. Meantime I'll keep reading


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