What Is the “Abomination of Desolation

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In reading bible prophecy it is my humble belief that the abomination of desolation happens when the man of sin enters the temple in jerusalem and declares himself god.
This ruler is also spoken of in the book of Daniel 9.
Who is this ruler and where does he come from?

I have seen from other postings that many believe this ruler is to come from europe and the catholic church is the whore of revelations 17 thar sits upon the beast of revelations 13.
From this theory we get Europe as the beast and the catholic church as the great whore.

Is their any scripture to back up this view?
I believe you are referring to Revelations

Rev 17:9 And here is the understanding that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, upon which the woman sitteth: and they are seven kings.
Rev 17:10 Five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come: and when he is come, he must remain a short time.
Rev 17:11 And the beast which was and is not: the same also is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into destruction.
Rev 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom: but shall receive power as kings, one hour after the beast.

The seven mountains are the seven kings who remain after the man of sin uproots three.
There were originally 10 but the little horn comes up after the 10 are formed and uproots three leaders, or three horns.
Dan 7:20 And concerning the ten horns that he had on his head: and concerning the other that came up, before which three horns fell: and of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth speaking great things, and was greater than the rest.

So this harlot woman sits upon the seven hills which are the seven kings that are left after the little horn uproots three.
Notice also that the beast still had 10 heads showing this empire will have the strength of the ten with only seven of the original leaders active.

The ten kings had not received their power in Johns day but will only receive their power with the beast, so the beast had not come in Johns day so this must be in the future to John.

Now this harlot woman sits upon this beast that has ten kings authority but only 7 leaders because 3 have been uprooted by the little horn.
This harlot woman is called Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots and Abominations on the Earth.

Rebellion against God after the flood began in a place called Babel, the people wanted to build a city and a tower to reach into the heavens. This tower would put them close to the heavens because they began to worship the stars, the moon, and the sun.

So Babel eventually became known as Babylon
The form Babylon is the Greek variant of Akkadian Babilu (bāb-ilû, meaning "Gateway of the God(s)", translating Sumerian Ka.dingir.ra).

This place became known as the gateway to the god's.

So this woman is a false system of worship that sets upon the people of this endtime empire.

Now what is the geographical location of this empire?
It is right in scripture

Rev 13:1 And I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten diadems, and on its heads names of blasphemy.
Rev 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and its feet as of a bear, and its mouth as a lion's mouth. And the dragon gave its power to it, and its throne, and great authority.
Rev 13:3 And I saw one of its heads, as having been slain to death, and its deadly wound was healed. And all the earth wondered after the beast.

Notice that this beast has parts of 3 former empires(see Daniel 7) in it also speaking of geographical locations, or the land mass these empires ruled.
Leopard.Grecian empire, Lion Babylonian Empire,and the Bear Persian Empire

Notice also in revelations the dreadful beast of Daniel 7 is missing why.
Because John was living during the time of this dreadful beast which was Rome.

So know this future beast with 10 horns and 7 heads will be formed in the same geographical location as the Grecian empire ruled , Babylon, and Persia. These kingdoms all ruled in the middle east.

Even though Rome ruled in the middle east it was never able to conquer the warrior tribes in Persia , or the Mesopotamian area .

So Rome never conquered the entire middle east.

So this future kingdom will cover the geographical area of the combined grecian, persian, and babylonian empire.
this land mass is not predominately catholic, but islamic.
This is the principal area of the ottoman empire in the middle east

If the nations that will come agianst Israel in the endtimes according to Ezekial 38, and Psalms 83 are predominately middle eastern,,,even the tribes of gog and magog are known as the Scythians who now many live in parts of the old russian empire north of Israel are mostly islamic.
The Bible indicates that the Antichrist will be of the people who destroyed the City of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple in 70 AD. In Daniel chapter 9 we read the following:

''24Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

25Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

26And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.'' (Daniel 9:27)

' On 14 April 70, during Passover, Titus laid siege to Jerusalem. To the northeast of the old city, on Mount Scopus, the legions XII Fulminata (a new addition from Syria) and XV Apollinaris shared a large camp; V Macedonica was camped at a short distance. When X Fretensis arrived from Syria, it occupied the Mount of Olives, in front of the Temple.'' [2]

Two of the main legions that participated in the siege against Jerusalem were legion XII Fulminata and legion X Fretensis and both came from Syria. Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson write:

''For some reason, possibly due to the fact that the capital of the Roman Empire was in Rome - and thus in Europe - many seem to forget that the Roman Empire also included a vast portion of the Middle East. Because most of the soldiers were recruited from the provinces where their garrisons were located, the legions that were stationed in the Middle East were also primarily Arab and, most specifically, Syrian and Turkic'' [3]

In writing about the destruction of the Temple, the historian Tacitus states:

''Early in this year Titus Caesar, who had been selected by his father to complete the subjugation of Judea . . He found in Judea three legions, the 5th, the 10th, and the 15th, all old troops of Vespasian' s. To these he added the 12th from Syria, and some men belonging to the 18th and 3rd, whom had withdrawn form Alexandria (Egypt). This force was accompanied by twenty cohorts of allied troops and eight squadrons of cavalry, by the two kings Agrippa and Sohemus, by the auxiliary forces of king Antiochus, by a strong contingent of Arabs, who hated the Jews with the usual hatred of neighbors,and lastly, by many persons brought from the capital and form Italy by private hopes of securing the yet unengaged affections of the Prince. With this force Titus entered the enemy's territory,preserving strict order on his march, reconnoitering every spot, and always ready to give battle. At last encamped near Jerusalem.'' [4]

Josephus writes:

''Hereupon some of the deserters, having no other way, leaped down from the wall immediately, while others of them went out of the city with stones, as if they would fight them; but thereupon they fled away to the Romans. But here a worse fate accompanied these than what they had found within the city; and they met with a quicker despatch from the too great abundance they had among the Romans, than they could have done from the famine among the Jews; for when they came first to the Romans, they were puffed up by the famine, and swelled like men in a dropsy; after which they all on the sudden overfilled those bodies that were before empty, and so burst asunder, excepting such only as were skillful enough to restrain their appetites, and by degrees took in their food into bodies unaccustomed thereto. Yet did another plague seize upon those that were thus preserved; for there was found among the Syrian deserters a certain person who was caught gathering pieces of gold out of the excrements of the Jews' bellies; for the deserters used to swallow such pieces of gold, as we told you before, when they came out, and for these did the seditious search them all; for there was a great quantity of gold in the city, insomuch that as much was now sold [in the Roman camp] for twelve Attic [drams], as was sold before for twenty-five. But when this contrivance was discovered in one instance, the fame of it filled their several camps, that the deserters came to them full of gold. So the multitude of the Arabians, with the Syrians, cut up those that came as supplicants, and searched their bellies. Nor does it seem to me that any misery befell the Jews that was more terrible than this, since in one night's time about two thousand of these deserters were thus dissected.'' [5]

Notice that in this passage Josephus makes a distinction between Arabians (Arabs) and the Syrians. This distinction does not exist today because the modern Syrians are Arabs just like every other Arab nation. The Syrians of Roman times were ''Assyrians'' as we shall see below.

Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson write:

''Indeed, the majority of the ''Roman'' soldiers that destroyed Jerusalem were Arabs, Syrians and Turks. When we look at the four Roman legions that were under Titus during the siege against Jerusalem, we see that they were from the Eastern portion of the Empire and were primarily from Syria or eastern Turkey. Below ate the four legions that were under Titus during the Jewish Roman war and the location that history records for heir garrisons:

Legion 10 Fretensis: Turkey, Syria

Legion 15 Apollinaris: Syria

Legion 12 Fulminata: Melitene: Eastern Turkey, Syria

Legion 5 Macedonica: Moesia: Serbia, Bulgaria

These four legions were all involved in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. The legion, in particular, that went through the wall breach and set fire to the Temple was known as X Fretensis or the tenth legion. It was this particular legion that actually pulled down the entire Temple and made the Temple Mount its new base. It should be pointed out that each legion was composed of several smaller ''cohorts.'' Below is a list of the actual cohorts that comprised the tenth legion and where they originally came from:

A. Thracum: Syria (Syrians)

B. IV Cohort Thracia: Bulgaria and Turkey (Turks)

C. Syria Ulpia Patraeorum: Petra in Edom (Nabatean Arabs)

D. IV Cohort Arabia (Arabs)

Again, these were a mixture of Syrians, Turks and Arabs. While the people who destroyed the temple were indeed Roman citizens, they were not primarily Europeans or Italians, but rather the peoples that lived in Syria and Eastern Turkey during the first century. This verse is concerned with the heritage and lineage of the people as restricted by the text ''people of the Prince'' and not their allegiance to Rome. This is why the text is written in this way. It insists in this connection. Once again, the Bible has led us to the same region. In context, the ''people of the prince'' are simply the people of the Antichrist; the Hebrew ''Am'' for people is persons, members of one' s people, compatriots, countrymen, kinsman and kindred. (Strong's 5971)

Even if we take the meaning of ''Am'' as '' nation'', how will the construct of this verse with such meaning be logical? ''The nation of the Antichrist'' that is entirely futuristic. How can someone conclude that the Antichrist is Roman with this interpretation? It proves nothing, since the nation of the Antichrist would not be know for such a construct. The only logical construction for the context ''Am'' is the ''kindred'' of Antichrist - his ancestors, his kinsman.
The Antichrist will be from among the people who still live in the Middle East - those who destroyed the city and the sanctuary in Titus' time. This is the natural way to read the text, especially since connecting to the people with the prince is widely accepted.'' [6]

As we have seen, the people of the Antichrist are not Europeans, but Middle Eastern. All historical accounts point mainly to the Syrians as the people of the Antichrist. Josephus writes:

''There was also another disturbance at Cesarea, - those Jews who were mixed with the Syrians that lived there rising a tumult against them. The Jews pretended that the city was theirs, and said that he who built it was a Jew, meaning king Herod. The Syrians confessed also that its builder was a Jew; but they still said, however, that the city was a Grecian city; for that he who set up statues and temples in it could not design it for Jews. On which account both parties had a contest with one another; and this contest increased so much, that it came at last to arms, and the bolder sort of them marched out to fight; for the elders of the Jews were not able to put a stop to their own people that were disposed to be tumultuous, and the Greeks thought it a shame for them to be overcome by the Jews. Now these Jews exceeded the others in riches and strength of body; but the Grecian part had the advantage of assistance from the soldiery; for the greatest part of the Roman garrison was raised out of Syria; and being thus related to the Syrian part, they were ready to assist it. [7]

It should be pointed out that the Syrians of the first century are not the Syrians of modern times who are Arabs of the modern Syrian Arab Republic [8]


The name Syria derives from the ancient Greek name for Syrians, Σύριοι Syrioi, which the Greeks applied without distinction to various Assyrian people. Modern scholarship confirms the Greek word traces back to the cognate Ἀσσυρία, Assyria, ultimately derived from the Akkadian Aššur.
The area designated by the word has changed over time. Classically, Syria lies at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, between Egypt and Arabia to the south and Cilicia to the north, stretching inland to include Mesopotamia, and having an uncertain border to the northeast that Pliny the Elder describes as including, from west to east, Commagene, Sophene, and Adiabene, "formerly known as Assyria". By Pliny's time, however, this larger Syria had been divided into a number of provinces under the Roman Empire (but politically independent from each other): Judaea, later renamed Palaestina in AD 135 (the region corresponding to modern day Palestine and Israel, and Jordan) in the extreme southwest, Phoenicia corresponding to Lebanon, with Damascena to the inland side of Phoenicia, Coele-Syria (or "Hollow Syria") south of the Eleutheris river, and Mesopotamia. [9]

I writing about the Assyrian Identity in Hellenistic and Roman Times, Simo Parpola, Helsinki says

''In the second century AD, two prominent writers from Roman Syria, Lucian and Tatian, ostentatiously identify themselves as Assyrians (Assúrios). This self-identification is commonly misinterpreted to imply nothing more than that these writers were ethnic Syrians (in the modern sense) speaking Aramaic as their mother tongue (Millar 1993, 460). It is perfectly clear from the contexts, however, that they were specifically referring to their native identity and cultural heritage, which they proudly and defiantly contrasted with the Greek culture. That heritage was Assyrian. It is worth emphasizing that while Assúrios in Roman times could refer to an inhabitant of the Roman province of Syria, it basically meant "Assyrian", nothing else. No "Syria" in the modern sense existed in antiquity. In Armenian, Parthian and Egyptian sources of the Roman period, Roman Syria is consistently and unmistakably referred to as "Assyria" (Asorik', 'swry'; 'Išr; see Frye 1992; Steiner 1993).'' [10]

According to Greek and Roman historians such as Herodotus, Strabo, Justinus, and others state: the term Syrian means nothing more than Assyrian. In the 1st century BC Strabo wrote: "When those who have written histories about the Syrian empire say that the Medes were overthrown by the Persians and the Syrians by the Medes, they mean by the Syrian people, none other than those whom built the royal palaces in Babylon and Ninus; and of these Syrians, Ninus was the man who founded Nineveh, in Assyria. (H.L. Jones Translation of "Geography of Strabo", New York 1916, Vol. VIII p.195) [11]

The above information shows that the Syrians of Roman times were ''Assyrians'' in native identity and cultural heritage.That is in total agreement with the Bible which should be our final authority in identifying the people of the Antichrist. The Antichrist is called the ''Assyrian'' in Isaiah 10:5, 14:25, 30:30-33, and Micah 5:5-6. The Syrians who destroyed the Temple in 70 AD were Assyrians who lived in the Syrian province of the Roman Empire during the first century according to information presented above. The Syrians of today are ethnically Arabs whereas the preserved Assyrian people who for the most part live in Iraq, Syria and Turkey are not Arabs ethnically.
Some say that the Antichrist must be a Syrian because Antiochus Epiphanes who was a type of the Antichrist was the ruler of Syria and caused the abomination of desolation by erecting an image to Zeus in the Jewish Temple around 167 BC. Although Antiochus reigned the Syrian province of the Seleucid dynasty, he was a Greek ruler, not Syrian. As a ruler he was best known for his encouragement of Greek culture and institutions. [12]

The prophets Isaiah and Micah used the Hebrew word ''Asshur'' to refer to the Antichrist and it is defined as:

1) the second son of Shem, eponymous ancestor of the Assyrians

2) the people of Assyria

3) the nation, Assyria

4) the land, Assyria or Asshur [13]

This points to the Antichrist as being ethnically an Assyrian who will come from the land of Assyria also known as the land of Nimrod.

''And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver [us] from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders.'' ( Micah 5:6)

Nimrod was the son of Cush, grandson of Ham, and great grandson of Noah; a mighty hunter, he established an empire in the area of Babylon and Assyria [14]
According to Genesis 10, the empire established by Nimrod was in the land of Shinar:

''And the beginning of his [Nimrod's] kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land went forth Asshur (Assyria), and builded Nineveh . . .'' ( Genesis 10:10-11). The land of Shinar is defined as:

Shinar = "country of two rivers"

1) the ancient name for the territory later known as Babylonia or Chaldea [15]

Babylonia or Chaldea is the general area of modern day Iraq. This suggests that the people of the Antichrist who destroyed the city and the sanctuary who were labeled as ''Syrians'' during that time were originally from the region of Iraq, more specifically, the Assyrian region located in northern Iraq.Today they are referred to as an ''indigenous people'' [16] who are working hard toward an independent Assyrian state in northern Iraq. ''The Assyrian independence (also known as the Assyrian Question) is a political movement and ideology that supports the creation of an Assyrian homeland for the Aramaic-speaking Christian Assyrian people in the Nineveh plains of Northern Iraq. The issue of Assyrian independence has been brought up many times throughout the course of history from the end of World War I to the present-day Iraq War. The Assyrian-inhabited area of Iraq is located in the Ninawa-Mosul region in Northern Iraq where the biblical Assyrian capital of Nineveh was located. This area is known as the "Assyrian Triangle." [17]

Click the links below to read recent news articles related to Assyrian independence
Netherlands Requests Assyrian Autonomous State in Iraq
Good News For Iraq’s Assyrian!
Assyrians Need Own Area in Iraq, Swedish Mayor Tells US Congress
European Union Foresees Bigger Future Role in Iraq with specific concern for the ''Assyrian Minority''

We have mentioned in our articles that the Antichrist will be a Muslim Assyrian. How can that be since the Assyrians today are orthodox Christians? Below is some information I found on the Internet. Whether it is true or false, I do not know, but I will include it for the sake of our subject. ''The Assyrian people have been subject to Islamisation since the 7th century Muslim conquests. Some of them have been fully Arabized, while a small number retains elements of Assyrian ethnic identity:"A small minority of the Assyrians, around 1%, has converted to Islam, but remains Assyrian in culture and language...The flag of the Muslim Assyrian minority is a vertical tricolor of violet, yellow and green, bearing a white crescent moon and five-pointed star on the upper hoist.
Arabic-speaking Muslims known as Mhalmoye or Mhallami from the Tur Abdin region may originally have been converted from Syriac Orthodoxy to Islam during the sixteenth century. (cf. Hamshenis, Greek Muslims, Pomaks, Torbesh, Gorani). Culture from their pre-Islamic period survived, such as the appearance of the cross otherwise considered to be a decoration based on a flower.A Swedish Assyrian web site names four other ethnic groups whom it considers as "Assyrian Muslims": the Barzani Kurds and the Tagrit, Tayy and Shammar tribal confederations.'' [18]

Supposed flag of the Assyrian Muslim Minority. Notice the Islamic crescent and star

Could it be that this Muslim Assyrian Minority will be the people where the Antichrist will rise from? That will only be answered when the time of the appearance of the man of sin arrives. It has been recently reported that the Christian Assyrians of Iraq are about to face extinction:
'' Thousands of Christians fleeing persecution in other parts of Iraq have returned since 2004 to ancestral lands in the Nineveh Plain, just north and east of Mosul.While they have escaped the Islamic militias who slaughtered family members and burned down their houses and churches in Baghdad and Mosul, now they face a new battle. Today's enemies are poverty, joblessness, and despair.Jamal Dinha, mayor of Bartella, a large Christian village east of Mosul, painted a dire picture of the life these persecuted Christians now face in this Kurdish-controlled safe haven. . .The plight of these Assyrian/Chaldean Christians has been aggravated by the collapse of any central government authority in the Nineveh province, to which they officially belong, and by the actions of the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), which is seeking to annex this fertile land where Christians have lived for two thousand years because it is believed to contain rich oil resources. . ."As Christians are driven out of the Nineveh plain, this place will become a great museum of churches and cemeteries. And ultimately, the churches will end up as mosques. The Christian community in Iraq is on the verge of extinction." [19]

Could it be that the heavy persecution of Christian Assyrians in Iraq caused by Islamic militias will cause many Assyrians to give up orthodox Christianity and embrace Islam as their new religion in order to be preserved as an ethnic group? Only time will tell. It is interesting to note that in Psalm 83 we find a prediction of an Arab confederacy that will seek the destruction of Israel so that ''the name of Israel shall be remembered no more'' (Psalm 83: 4). In Psalm 83:8 we read that Asshur (Hebrew for Assyria) is also joined with them ( the Arab confederates). The main thing that unites the Arabs against Israel is the religion of Islam which seeks the destruction of Israel and the liberation of Palestine. Why is Assyria joining with them in this end time confederacy to destroy Israel if Assyria does not even exist today as a nation and the Assyrians are orthodox Christians? It sounds like Assyria will eventually become and independent state, embrace Islam as the primary religion and bring forth the Antichrist in order to become part of the Psalm 83 end time Arab confederacy that will seek to destroy Israel. I know this all sounds crazy to you the reader but to me personally this is a very possible scenario to take place in the future of the Assyrians and the Middle East.

The people of the prince that shall come (Antichrist) who destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple in 70 AD were not Europeans as many conclude based on Daniel 9:26, but Middle Eastern Syrians of the Roman legions 10 Fretensis and 15 Apollinaris that were garrisoned in the Roman province of Syria. These Roman Syrians were ethnically known as ''Assyrians'' in native identity and cultural heritage. They have been preserved throughout history and live today in the Nineveh plains of Northern Iraq near the modern city of Mosul. They are the people of the coming Antichrist who is referred to in the Bible as the ''Assyrian'' and '' the king of Assyria '' (Isaiah 10:5,12,24 ; 14:25; 30:30-33; 31:8 and Micah 5:5-6)
Bless God
This is absolutely brilliant commentary by Walid Shoebat. As said, in addressing your other post, I buy the whole Asshur Assyrian faction being the demonic 'people of the prince to come' but who is right there with them but their European Roman brothers? (Dn. 926).

Yes, the literal man of sin i.e Anti-Christ is that which the article proclaims. That does not negate the 10 horn European factions who are already in existance this very day. (Dn. 7:7-8).

Bottom line, both are the anti-christ 'people of the prince to come' and many peoples or nations are with them including factions among the Latin Americans, Asians, Africans, Bahamians, etc. Indeed, these are they. Make no mistake about it.

Remeber, Scripture tells us 'Cush shall be fool enough to be "at his feet" or his servant as usual (Dn. 11:43).
Hi Coe, listen that's very interesting and I buy the fact that the Islamics are anti-Christ. Why, anybody can look at that woman-hating, backward, primitive repressed homosexual culture and tell it is satan's main headquarters. Yes, that is true.

In fact, the Anti-Christ will as you say have the Asshur Islamic madness cloaked about it for Scripture says, 'he will give no regard to the gods or desires of women' (Dn. 11:37).

This is why we see the females of the middle eastern stripped of womanhood, regularly beaten to a pulp, while the male is the Prima Donna of his own culture. It is perversity incarnate.

It's as if a ruthless, demonic, woman-hating, homosexual bitter because he could not openly express his homosexual feelings for his middle eastern brothers became enraged and jealous because of the normal God ordained man/woman relationship.

In demonic ire, this being who established and carried out their laws did all in his demonic power to rear his Islamic brothers to walk in the same homosexual bitter nature as he who made the rules. This mentality has passed itself off as 'manhood' to we the outside world who aghast behold this madness.

Again, Daniel 11:37 speaks of the Anti-Christ forces despising the 'role and function' of a real woman. It is the wrath of Satan disguised as religion. Remember, Genesis tells us that there would be 'enmity between the Woman and Satan.' (Gen. 3:15).

In other words, Satan hates women for Satan is a homosexual himself. According to the Strong's Concordance, the word 'woman' as defined in Genesis 3:15 means 'female'.

We see that Satan hates the woman and all females because it was a woman who God used to be the vehicle to bring forth the Messiah Yahshua whose birth, life, death and ressurection destroyed Satan's hold over humanity. At least, those who will call upon Yahshua to deliver them.

Anyway, the point is, yes, I buy that Satan is working through the Middle Eastern tribes. Anyone can look at that mess and see it is satanic.

Still, the 10 horns of Daniel 7:7-8 has Europe right there too as the 'people of the prince to come.' Make no mistake about that but that both are the direct descendants of the Roman Empire. That's why both are collaborating to bring forth the end-time evil that the Bible speaks of.

Yes, the man of sin, will be a Roman 'Asshur' contingent as that filth is of Satan. In fact, I once heard or read that the Kurdish faction residing amidst those strange tribes actually refer to 'Satan as their father.'
Several scriptures refer to it, but do you know what it is? Is it something merely from history—or a soon-coming prophesied event? Prepare for the shocking facts!
The term “abomination of desolation” appears in Matthew 24:15 and other scriptures. This subject has generated much interest—along with much erroneous speculation. It can only be correctly understood if you let the Bible interpret itself. In addition, history can broaden our perspective on this intriguing issue.
Let’s begin with Matthew 24. In verse 3, Jesus Christ’s disciples came to Him and asked, “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the world?”
Christ continued to explain the sequence of events that precede His Second Coming: (1) deception by false prophets and false christs, (2) greatly intensifying wars, (3) devastating famines, and (4) pestilences—widespread diseases—following in the wake of warfare and famine. These events are symbolized by the first four seals of Revelation 6.
Next, Christ explained events and conditions leading up to the Fifth Seal: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matt. 24:21
World conditions will have seriously deteriorated. Even God’s people will be affected: “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (vs. 12-13).
Verse 14 gives a general sign of when the end is upon us: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”
Do you grasp the meaning of this verse?
Since the time of the first-century apostles, the true gospel did not go out as a witness to all the world until the mid-twentieth century. Astounding, but true! This sign is still being fulfilled.
(The gospel that most professing Christians assume as true is not the gospel Jesus Christ taught. It is a counterfeit! To learn more, refer to our booklet Which Is the True Gospel?
Now we come to Matthew 24:15, which speaks of the abomination of desolation. This verse gives the specific sign that identifies “the end of the world” (more accurately translated “the end of the age”). The earth itself will not be destroyed, but will continue under a different “world order,” governed by the kingdom of God.
Hi Prophet David, where can I obtain a copy of the booklet 'Which is the true gospel?'

Prophet David, this is all so very fascinating. I apologize for just now getting back to this wonderful discussion. Do elaborate on what you mean when you say, 'get ready?'

I'm ready to hear your in-depth understanding so do bring it on.
Bless you my beloved


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