There are many Christians that come against abortion and in the same breath can speak that the death penalty is ok.

If the issue is the santity of life? why is the death penalty considered godly(of all things) rolleyes.

For the record I do not believe in abortion and I do not believe in the death penalty as well. I do believe that some individuals should never leave prison, however it is not our right morally or SCRIPTURELY to take a life that God gave.

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Not me, I'm consistent...I'm against all forms of murder, in the womb and outside of the womb.....I even told my wife that if I was killed, do not seek that person who killed me the death penalty, but rather use it to bring God the glory and minister to him powerfully to engage him with the Gospel of peace ....:)
Well Praise God! Scott, I know that if something happened to my loved ones, everyday I would be on my knees praying for a heart of forgiveness, and I would never ask for another's life in revenge.
Even the word of HaShem had the death penalty, and it still does for the wicked if they do not repent. As far as abortion goes... I am ify.
Ify about what James? Just curious.
James here we go, because this is a very passionate subject with me, Yeshua said you have HEARD a eye for an eye ...., BUT, I say
unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matt. 5:39

Which simply means do not seek revenge. The death penalty is murder with malice, it's intent is revenge, it is pre-meditated murder.

and the "IF THEY DO NOT REPENT" know that the time they spend on deathrow, most repent, if they are guilty, if they are not they have nothing to repent for. Karla Faye Tucker was guilty, but turned her life around and brought other women to Christ while she was on deathrow.

Ones life or death does not belong in the hands of twelve people deemed to be one"s peers, because that 99.9 percent of the time is not true.

Eye for an eye is actually a teaching in the Torah. It deals with monetary issues, and not physical retaliation. You have to understand this from a Hebraic point of view. The Torah had no problems with the death penalty, because the wages of sin is death. In other words, the PENALTY of sin is death. All the wicked right now are on spiritual death row until they repent. You are letting your own bias, and what you were taught about this, to get in the way.
Eye for an eye is NOT strictly to money James. The scriptures clearly speak about justice.

Exodus 21:12 "He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death."

Exodus 21: 22-25 "If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."

Do these verses sound like money issues? A woman's child is NOT a monetary issue, Hebraic context or not.

Read that scripture VERY carefully, because obviously you missed it. Its not your fault, but only what you have been taught. I am going to post the scripture in numbers so that you can see it.

1) If men strive, and hurt a woman with child
2) So that her fruit depart from her
3) And yet no mischief follow
4) He shall surely be punished
5) According as the woman's husband will lay upon him
6) And he shall pay as the judges determine
7) And if any mischief follow
8) Then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

It is apparent that your mind is not trained in Hebraic thought. NO Hebrew believes this to mean physical exchanges, but monetary givings. It would not make sense to give someone my tooth because I broke their tooth, or give them my eye because I knocked theirs out! THINK Trevor. This is not rocket science.

This is dealing with monetary issues. I will give you X amount of Shekels in place of your eye. I damaged your eye, so therefore I will give you equal amounts of Shekels, depending on the damage, hence its "eye for eye." You hurt a woman while she's pregnant to the point where she loses her baby. You are to pay her the equal damage of Shekels. This is all its saying, Trevor. Christianity does not teach you this, so I can see why you have a hard time understanding Hebraic thought patterns.
wow.. you callin Trev Hebraically ignorant LOL but you so suave about it.


Blessings Minister you stated that "In self defense situations people are acquitted of murder."

self-defense is not murder, and in the Old Testament laws it states thou shalt not murder, there is a difference in murdering and killing, the difference is the intent, the examples you gave where in reference to wars, but the Prophet went to David about his intentions about Bathsheba's husband, he murdered him, because of the intent of his heart, even though there was a war.

We are Christians we obey those that have rule over us until it causes us to be disobedient to God. Thank on the three Hebrew Boys, they obeyed their masters, until they personally had to compromise their beliefs.
Could we as Christians electrocute, stick a needle full of poison, hang a noose, not anymore than we as Christian women can allow our children to be sucked from our bodies. They are both murder.

Jesus had the victory over his death sentence and gave the thief victory over his.
I understood you. I think because of the love he had for us HE was above the system. The laws today are for the lawless, we as saints, as you know, do not need man's laws. Our deliverers in history because of love placed themselves above man's laws, Moses, challenge the rule over him and delivered Israel, Joshua, challenged the rulers of the land God promised to the children of Israel, Rosa Parks challenged the laws of the land for right, Little Rock 5, challenged the law of the land for education, MLK Jr challenged the law of the land for the sake of right, just to name a few, the death penalty and abortion is being challenged as well.


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