There are many Christians that come against abortion and in the same breath can speak that the death penalty is ok.

If the issue is the santity of life? why is the death penalty considered godly(of all things) rolleyes.

For the record I do not believe in abortion and I do not believe in the death penalty as well. I do believe that some individuals should never leave prison, however it is not our right morally or SCRIPTURELY to take a life that God gave.

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The death penalty is a permissible punishment. Too quickly we scream "turn the other cheek", but that is in personal reference. There is a difference in justice and personal revenge. GOD has given judgment unto the saints, so there shouldn't be a "judge not" statement after this.

Abortion however, I see as Murder 1st degree. Its a crime against a human that didn't even get a chance to breathe air or feel earth. Any doctor OR MOTHER participating in such should stand trial for it, with capital punishment hanging over their head. The ONLY reason I have seen for abortion was for medical complications that may cause the death of mother and/or child.
Trevor, we not going to agree on this one, there is no such thing as justice, if there were we ALL as filthy rags would've been given the death penalty , lost, It is by God's grace and mercy that we are here, because of HIS forgiveness ONLY.

Man's idea that he can impute justice is a LIE sown by the enemy, so there is NO difference in it and personal revenge other than the fact it is revenge taken by society as a whole, and CHRISTIANS should not have anything to do with it.

Ones are quick to holler, "kill em" imagine one hollering that in reference to yourself, gossip is a form of murder, how many here need to be on deathrow
"There's no such thing as justice"?!!? What world are you living in??? Thats some type of nonsense that I would hear from a brotha in the 'hood, not from an intelligent/anointed Christian.

Then again, when I think a little longer I'm not surprised to hear it coming from an Evangelist. This is meant in no way to be offensive, but a pure Evangelist does not have the mindset that a pure Apostle/Prophet has. An Evangelist says "save em all!", and screams "win the lost at any cost"!! Thats not the mentality of Apostles and Prophets. Philip the Evangelist was ready and willing to let Simon the Sorcerer come along for the ride in the Church bus, but Apostle Peter denied him access.

You're called of GOD to win the lost at any cost, bring em on in by the truck loads, and even look at every person as being able to be saved. This will therefore effect your views on Capital Punishment. We however do not have your Evangelistic mandate. we judge, we discern who is and isn't saved. We even allow for salvation or retain a person's sins (Matthew 7:5; John 21:23; 1 Corinthians 6:2-5).

Is that an excuse for me to seem "harsh"? No not at all. It just gives me a different paradigm of the world than you do. I could sentence someone to death if the evidence was overwhelming enough, and the punishment fits the crime. I am all for grace, but there are things that a person will not turn and repent from. I know because I seen lifer's in prison up-close and personal.
Hmmnnn pretty good Trev..kinna like 'dat...I know I'm an evangelist as well and never looked at that from that point of view...*finally I learned something new in here, now where's the lightning bolt?*

Its true though!! We all want each other to walk in the mentality that the next man walks in. Paul told Timothy to do the work of an Evangelist. That is good advice for everyone to think of, but thats not everyone's calling from GOD. Apostle/Teacher/Evangelist Paul was speaking directly to Apostle/Evangelist Timothy!
Trevor LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! thank God Scott beat me, lightning won't strike twice in same place???????
LOL!!!!!!!!! Ya'll are a trip in here!!! LOL!!!!!!!

You never know how GOD will work with His lightning!
Ask and ye shall receive.... LOL

That looks like it would HURT!!!!!!!
LOL it almost looks like the nervous system !!!
I feel as if I don't have the authority to do so. And in some cases, abortion is plain old selfish!

Amen to both!

where do you draw the line, in obeying the laws of the land?
Rev. Luckett, I always wondered if those who are against the death penalty were also againstwar? And what about all the spy vs spy activity?

I wonder if people were against the death penalty during the time when God required an entire city to be destroyed from the king to the last baby crying.

I Samuel 15:1-3
1 Samuel also said unto Saul, The LORD sent me to anoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the LORD.

2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.

3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Eh, that's OT but what if He required it today? Would we obey it? Would we have the audacity to do it in the name of the Lord at the cost of being labeled... murderers??? (just my curious mind asking questions.)

NT saints - Leave the death penalty up to the Lord
Acts 5:1 to 11
describe how a couple, Ananias and Sapphira sold an piece of real estate. They gave part of the money to the apostles, claiming it was the full proceeds from the sale. Peter interpreted their act as lying to the Holy Ghost. God killed Ananias on the spot. Three hours later, Sapphira repeated the lie to Peter. He cursed her and God killed her immediately

Hmmm that was just for lying. I wonder should sin continue so that grace may abound... God forbid.

Are there any examples of the death penalty being enforced in the New Testatment??? Where these righteous enforcements? If not, what would be a righteous enforcement of the death penalty for those under... grace?

(and don't try to assume my position on the death penalty.. I haven't told you where I stand yet... I'm just asking questions ... smile)


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