There are many Christians that come against abortion and in the same breath can speak that the death penalty is ok.

If the issue is the santity of life? why is the death penalty considered godly(of all things) rolleyes.

For the record I do not believe in abortion and I do not believe in the death penalty as well. I do believe that some individuals should never leave prison, however it is not our right morally or SCRIPTURELY to take a life that God gave.

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Greene luke 6:37,41 ;
Pastor Bell,

I don't think it is a question of whether a person can or cannot take another person's life simply because God is the giver of life. People die daily at the hands of others. It is more a question of should they and under which circumstances is the taking of another person's life acceptable for the Believer?
Minister Tracy I belive if it self defenese or protecting onces family yes but killing a person on death row will it bring anyone back .
LOL.. ya'll are funny
Bro. Watson.... all I can say about you both is that you are both disecting rainbows.
Bro. Watson... I totally understand what you are saying.

But, I believe there is a trail of bread crumbs that has been left for you here on BPN. You will find it soon. (smile)
Skull and bones Anthony,

It's interesting that you have yet to explain YOUR definition, as it relates to the Torah--- keeping it in its entirety. Until you explain this, then Mr. Skull and bones, you have no say.
Minister Tracy: It is important to dissect a rainbow, to fully appreciate its splendor. You only admire it's beauty; we men admire its complexity!

James, I answered it before. Answer Anthony now.
Actually, that statement was told to me because i'm VERY analytical and while I admire beauty, I quickly go to dissecting in order to understand why it is beautiful... THEN I go back to just admiring it's beauty LOL

You have not answered it. You probably closed your mind on its understanding. Eye for an eye never refers to handing someone your eye in place of their eye. LOL dude, you cannot be serious, but being educated in Churchianity/Christianity will do that to you.
Let me ask you all this question, have any of you been on deathrow? I have here in Texas, and you know what I haven't seen ONE monster yet.
Evg. Fugett,

I guess my question wasn't so much as those persons on death row or the justice and penal system in America. My line of questioning was death penalty period.

Like my dialogue with Trev... if we defend ourselves to the point of deadly force.. then we have already decided when we purchased the weapon of defense that we would use it even to the point of taking another person's life. That is the death penalty BEFORE we even get to the court system and to death row.

When we have the paradigm that we will defend ourselves to that extent.. then we have already agreed that death is a penalty we will issue out.

I also gave the example of the movie End of the Spear where the missionaries were armed with guns but refused to shoot the natives who were attacking and ultimately killed all of the missionaries. They believed that if they (the missionaries) died, then they would go to heaven. They knew that the natives would not if they (the missionaries) defended themselves and killed the natives. The outcome was that the natives understood the gospel in a different way.

So my question to anyone who says they don't believe in the death penalty is not how you feel when you go into the prisons but what would you do if faced with the decision to take a person's life who was threatening you, your belongings or your family. Would you take their life... penalizing them for what they are doing or trying to do to you at that moment?

(I'm dissecting the death penalty rainbow)


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