There are many Christians that come against abortion and in the same breath can speak that the death penalty is ok.

If the issue is the santity of life? why is the death penalty considered godly(of all things) rolleyes.

For the record I do not believe in abortion and I do not believe in the death penalty as well. I do believe that some individuals should never leave prison, however it is not our right morally or SCRIPTURELY to take a life that God gave.

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It all depends on the paradigm you are viewing from. If it were up to an Evangelist, JESUS wouldn't come back until every person on Earth was saved. However, that is NOT the truth; the truth is every tongue and culture will have the Gospel preached to them, then the end will come. Evangelistic mentality says I would sacrifice my life so that you would live, which is valiant! JESUS did this at the cross. There is another paradigm however that says "he's heard it, and heard it, and heard it again. Its time to cut it loose." JESUS will do this when He returns, and has done this to many already.

Such can be said of the death penalty. I see it like this: you decided your fate if you come at me in a way that causes me to defend with lethal force. The fact of the matter is that there are some who JUST WON'T BE SAVED, PERIOD!! In that case, they have literally rejected life itself. what happens from there is not even on us, but was actually there decision. If they get saved on death row, then great! Death is a sobering thing. It exposes who you really are. Many show that they are hard within their heart.
No, I haven't visited it yet. I don't consider them monsters, I consider them as criminals who are serving out a punishment. Some justly served, a few unjustly served. As a former inmate myself, I had an up-close and personal view of such, ad I had an up-close and personal view of prison ministry: such a shame!
I live in Texas.. I use to think that the death penalty would deter those from committing crimes that would result in the death penalty....until....

I realized that they don't care if they die. I'm not saying we shouldn't care either... I'm saying it is no longer a deterrent.
I've been in prison with guys that were absolutely heartless. One guy said to me without remourse "I actually enjoy killing cops. I don't like killing black or spanish, but if he were a cop, thats different". He had 20-life and served 35 years so far. One other guy was with me there and he originally had 125yrs-Life. He fought it on appeal and got 25-Life, he's fighting to get the "life" sentence taken off. He's been in there for 28 years. These guys sit around and are stone-hearted. Its an interesting experience. One day you would just be sitting in prison with the fellas, playing cards, and all of a sudden, it would hit you: "My GOD, I'm in prison for X amount of years". And you would just exhale. No man would say a word if they noticed it. All fall silent. The only one that would say something is OT (jail nickname for Old Timer) whose dealing the cards. He would say "hey hold your head son. Do the time don't let the time do you". If you shed a tear, that would be all. But you would keep on playin cards. After that, no tellin what type on mindset you took on: a changed man for the better, then becoming Muslim, 5%'er, or Christian, always studying and saying "peace my brotha", or a stone cold killer.

Yes, I've seen them, and some are too far gone. Some say GOD has forsaken them, and they die thinking that, no matter what preacher comes along.
The death penalty has NEVER been a deterrent.

It might seem that the prospect of receiving a death sentence would deter would-be murderers from committing such offenses. However, many studies on deterrence and the death penalty do not support this idea, nor does the rate of murders in states with the death penalty.

The murder rate in states that do not have the death penalty is consistently lower than in states with the death penalty. The South, which carries out over 80% of the executions in the U. S., has the highest murder rate of the four regions.

When comparisons are made between states with the death penalty and states without, the majority of death penalty states show murder rates higher than non-death penalty states. The average of murder rates per 100,000 population in 1999 among death penalty states was 5.5, whereas the average of murder rates among non-death penalty states was only 3.6.

A look at neighboring death penalty and non-death penalty states show similar trends. Death penalty states usually have a higher murder rate than their neighboring non-death penalty states.

People are killed for three reasons, passion, insanity, negligence(eg DWI) none of these can be deterred by the death penalty,

Yes Texas MURDERS more people in the Union than any other state, and a quarter of those executed are INNOCENT!


Guys HE is on deathrow too, The death penalty is wrong, and no Christian should be in support of it.
To say that it is wrong and no Christian should be in support is a question of your understanding of the law of the land/Bible. Its not a moral issue, but a legal one. Morally, you can say its wrong all day wrong and win the argument; legally, you will LOSE with either the Bible or the laws of the Land. It may not be a deterrent, but it sure is a punishment for your actions.
What is most interesting is that Hell/the second death is not a deterrent for the devil and his angels that it was prepared for neither is it a deterrent for mankind.

Likewise neither jail nor the death penalty is a deterrent for those who would commit crimes that would result in such.

In either case (Hell/second death or jail/death penalty) whether I support the decision of those authorities to. have such as a penalty doesn't change thatboth are a penalties that many many will face.
For now, for the laws of the land can be changed!

and hell does bring deathas well everlasting punishment

Matt. 25:46

And these shall go away into everlasting punishment....
They will go away with all the sinners! Until they do Evangelist, the legal system will still stand!
In the meantime in between time while those who are against the death penalty do all they can to affect change in those laws...evangelist will never run out of work. Amen?
I would LOVE to see exactly what alternatives they offer for those who are just unwilling to change. Sorry Evangelist, but contrary to wishful thinking, or your Kingdom mission, there WILL be lost souls who simply will reject any/everything good. I have seen them up close.
For those you speak of there is the alternative of life without parole, it is cheaper than death penalty.

Trevor, let me tell you about up close. God took my husband's misery and gave him a ministry. He was once one of those heartless, men that you referred to in prison.

You know why I stand firmly against these post that judge young women, their motives,because of their clothes? because when I met my husband I was that rebellious young woman searching for love in all the wrong places, I'm that young woman that granny had to fast and pray for, if EW would have been old enough to see my wardrobe in my closet, she fall out for dead, I was fine and I knew it, to the point that people couldn't stand me, I got delivered from people when I was in the world.

The man I loved, the father of my child was a criminal, saved by God in prison, when God brought him back into my life, it was after I had given my life to Christ, and put the past behind me, for me that was easy to do, because I didn't care about what people had to say in the world and in Christ It was my desire to please him and him only. I worked for twelve years in law enforcement. I've seen them all Trevor.

However God answered a speciific prayer I prayed that the man he purposed to be my husband tell me three things, my husband wrote to me behind prison bars those three things. I questioned God, is this you? That still voice stated, who did you pray to?

The next day I started volunteering in a prison, I had to know what this jailhouse religion was about. The county I worked for thought I was just doing my Christian duty, (real nice)they didn't know what was personally going on with me. It would be two years before he got out, (over a decade) of flat time.

We had to meet each other again, we were two different people, God can change people Trevor, I live in a small community Peyton Place was buzzing louder than bees when we married one week after his release, 11 years ago, we married and God has been there for us every step of the way, through the good and the bad, we want for nothingand we are not unique, what God has done for us HE has done for others

those heartless men you seen up close?, YOU do not know their destiny, some will be lost, some out of prison will be lost, but our NOT knowing which ones is ONE good reason to not play God with their lives, God is not through with any of us yet. You be blessed


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