Where in the word does it say that God is calling for Prophets and or Apostles? What about the scripture in Hebrews 11:1. God is all that we should need and want. I believe that as long as we have the Word of God then no one can tell us anything new or different. Jesus chose 12 and eleven became apostles, he then chose Paul to become the twelth. There are no more and can be no more. Let us stick to preaching and teaching Jesus and the Salvation that he shed his blood to bring.

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my brother the letter killeth but the Spirit maketh alive. JESUS IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY! DESPISE NOT PROPHESYING! PRAISE GOD FOR THE PROPHETIC
So now we resort to childish name calling, because someone does not agree with or believe in the same thing as you. "Pathetic" Wow, that is really Godly, and spiritual!!!! Not at anytime did I say anything bad toward about any of the comments or or those commenting. I would expect the same courtesy, and Godly love that Jesus showed toward all men. My beliefs may not be exactly the same as yours but I do have the right to believe them, and neither you or I can send anyone to heaven or hell.
You weren't called the Pathetic here. The "pathetic" is the doctrine that has been handed down from generation to generation to hold back GOD's Apostles & Prophets. Whats pathetic is that a sermon can come out and have a Prophetic utterance within it, and yet "prophecy is done". Whats pathetic is the notion of "powerless Christians" when JESUS spoke of the signs that follow believers and the Prophet Joel's prophecy being fulfilled today.
well said!!!
this is not a heaven or hell issue kind sir. I didn't call YOU anything. However I would advise this, go after GOD on this and trust Him to answer before you make a decision backed up by a religious mind set. Often God cant give us what He desires because of our belief system. The Kingdom of GOd is so much bigger and greater than you and I. Jesus said to the disciples there are many things I would share with you, but they were not ready to recieve! So he gives revelations to babes. Using the word pathetic is not childish at all. It is pathetic when RELIGION hinders us from BELIEVING GOD! Religion is a SPIRIT! It will kill a ministry. Jesus rebuked the RELIGIOUS FOLK IN HIS DAY AND HE'S STILL REBUKING THEM TODAY! No disrespect or hate here, but I call it as it is cause that is who I am in Christ! You gave me another reason to praise God on today. Thank you Jesus for revealing your glorious Kingdom to little ole me. GLORY~! peace out
My apologies for the misunderstanding and jumping to conclusions. I still don't agree with you, but I think that the one thing we all can agree on is that if we have the Love of God in us then we can agree to disagree and still be brothers and sisters in Christ.
Minister Christian, your Bible verse are true indeed. However there are some MAJOR errors to your statements:

-you gave only ONE scripture pertaining to real Prophets and none stating anything about real Apostles
-you gave no scriptures stating that those offices are done away with. Like you said, we must go by the Word and not feelings
-you mentioned people attaining these titles are not concentrating on GOD. WHY?? Did Agubus not concentrate on GOD?
-you said people attaining these titles are concentrated on building their personalities/egos. Why is it that the Apostle and Prophet gets attacked and yet if I say I'm an Evangelist and I do the same things they do, I'm free and in the clear and get an invite to your church? Why the prejudice?
-NO WHERE IN SCRIPTURE DID IT SAY PROPHECY HAS ENDED YET! 1st Thessalonians says however despise not prophecy and quench not the Spirit!
-to say that Prophecy is done is to say that JESUS has changed and GOD is silent. "JESUS CHRIST the SAME yesterday, today, and forever"!!
-you said prophecy is done with, however, you quoted a scripture that Paul used to set future prophets in order. "1st Cor 14:32, & 37 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord." If it is done, then why would he say such things, knowing that they will follow his words FOR ALL TIME if its the Word of the LORD? GOD's word is everlasting, so the way to properly prophesy is still established.
Apparently we will not agree on this issue. I believe that according to the scriptures there is a time and a place for everything, and the time for prophets has passed and that there were only twelve apostles chosen by Jesus. A thirteenth chosen by the apostles themselves. There is no scripture you can show me that will make me believe otherwise, just as there is no scripture that I could give you to make you change what you believe. Believing either way will not keep you or me out of heaven or make us lose our salvation. I just hope that no one is using these offices, positions, or titles for their own glory, and not to the glory of God!!!!
It is not fair that people will try to use such a saying as "I hope they are using their titles for GOD's glory and not man's" when it comes to the Apostle and the Prophet, and yet never say such things for the Bishop, Elder, Deacon, Missionary, Evangelist, Pastor, or Teacher. Does the term and job description of a true Apostle or Prophet describe one to chase man's glory? You know as well as I do that it doesn't.

The Word of GOD says clearly that there is a "time and a season" for everything. The Apostle and Prophet's "time and season" has not ended at all. On the contrary, it is needed in this time and season more than ever! I'm quite sure that you believe the Word of GOD. Have you ever seen and believed these verses?

-2nd Chronicles 20:20
-Amos 3:7-8
-Matthew 13:57
-1st Corinthians 4:8-16
-1st Corinthians 12
-1st Corinthians 14
-1st Thessalonians 5:19-20
-1st Timothy 4:14 (a verse used for ordinations, and still speaks of the prophetic)

In Titus 1:1-3 Paul speaks of the Apostleship which is not a "temporary office" as many such as yourself want to claim, but an office that is "according to the faith of GOD's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness......but in due time has manifested HIS word through preaching, which is committed to me according to the commandment of GOD our Savior". Do any of the commandments of GOD pass away? Has the faith or the knowledge of truth changed? If not then why would the call of an Apostle change from being needed to being obsolete? If the truth of GOD has changed, the the job of the Apostle would either altered or would no longer be needed. Again I ask, has the truth of GOD's word changed? I have given scripture after scripture as to why the Apostle and Prophet is still active, and yet after I have repeatedly requested, you have yet to provide any. PLEASE give me a few scriptures that says the Apostle or the Prophet is no longer needed, and not your opinion or church tradition, for the traditions of man make the Word of GOD of none effect......PLEASE!!!!!
Hebrews 1: 1-2 And I say the same thing to any preacher, teacher, elder, minister, missionary, or any one not to use a position of authority over God's people to find glory for himself and not God!!! Also I don't believe the scriptures you gave say what is your trying to prove they say, just as I gave the exact same scripture above and was told that my interpretation was wrong.


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