This modern tradition of telling people they are saved if they ACCEPT JESUS as their personal saviour is ridiculous.

Hahahahah! - now tell me WHY I am wrong.

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Once again Newview, you have just proven the point I made a few days ago:

This dialogue and others like it is becoming more fruitless by the minute because some people on this site are more interested in promoting their own point of view rather than making the effort to understand or explore someone else's view. This form of communication has become competitive and combative because while certain individuals are waiting for replies, they are already formulating their rebuttal and planning an attack with the intent to destroy the other person's comment to make themselves appear as the victor.

This type of behavior is definitely not of God, no matter how you twist it.

This ends my dialogue with you on this subject, and maybe others depending on your attitude.
"...This form of communication has become competitive and combative because while certain individuals are waiting for replies, they are already formulating their rebuttal and planning an attack with the intent to destroy the other person's comment to make themselves appear as the victor.
This type of behavior is definitely not of God, no matter how you twist it.
This ends my dialogue with you on this subject, and maybe others depending on your attitude."

Sister Pat,

You asked me a couple of questions then I answered them.
How could that be competitive? And how could my behavior not be of God when all I did was quote how people were saved according to the scriptures? Then the scriptures I quoted were clear and concise with no need to fine tune.
You say I did not explore others points of view - I have. Truely I have.
But the newly formulated prayer 'Sinners Prayer' (for wonderful purposes I am sure) is not what the elders did to have beleivers' sins remitted.
You say I had to quote that prayer and I said that following Jesus and the apostles was the way to go.
How could that be not of God when Jesus Himself said "believe on Me as the scriptures has said".

How is my attitude unGodly when all I did was answer your questions with what the scriptures said do - how?

But it is your right to opt out of this thread.

Good answer.


I wasn't asking the questions, you were asking me questions about salvation. As a matter of fact, they were specific in nature because you asked the same question twice pertaining to baptism and wanted me to be more specific in my response. The fact of the matter is, your mind was already made up to refute my explanation pertaining to salvation and baptism. It was, as I see it, a cheap mind game.

So, as I mentioned earlier, I stand by my statement. I don't mind being challenged in a respectful and constructive manner, and I don't mind if you disagree on every topic we discuss, but the spineless mind game you played is where I draw the line.

In His Service,
I couldnt find the 'SINNERS PRAYER' in the bible so I looked it up on wikipedia and found this:

...It is any prayer designed to make it SIMPLE for one wanting to become a Christian to confess sin, acknowledge the need for salvation or redemption through Jesus Christ, and make a commitment to "receive Christ as Savior." The prayer is typically very basic, short, simple and straight to the point...
Evangelists such as Billy Graham and evangelistic organizations such as Campus Crusade for Christ brought the concept to prominence in the 20th century...

Who the heck is Billy Graham to use this 'man-made' prayer to TRUMP the command of Jesus to go out and baptize people?

Well you guys keep telling people that they dont need to be baptized to have their sins remitted and instead tell them that Billy Graham's 'Sinner's Prayer' is all that's need to have their sins remitted.
To me its madness.
"...Billy Graham has brought more people to Christ than you ever will..."

Does Billy Graham's way trump Jesus' way of remitting sins.

Jesus demanded that his disciples go out into the world preaching the gospel and baptizing but Billy Graham came up with a prayer. Please consider these words of the God you serve:

6-***Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition***...

8-This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

9But ***in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.***
when you repent of your sins before GOD, who exactly are you talking to when you repent? The dog? The cat? Or GOD Himself? If so, then what you are doing is praying! Therefore, yes, prayer is in order, for it is an introductory conversation with your Maker.
What I want to know is, how do they expect to get through to God in prayer without Jesus?

I have yet to hear from anyone who lives by the Torah acknowledging Jesus' name when making their petitions to God.

And if they claim to be saved because they KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS, what proof do they have? Because those of us who have accepted Jesus into our hearts and mind have the seal of the Holy Spirit.

To those of you who live by the Torah, WHAT SEAL DO YOU HAVE?

We believe in Yahushua. What sets us apart from Christians is that we are OBEDIENT to Yahushua AND Yah our father. Christians only have simple belief, but no obedience. A famous European theologian said that the Christianity we know of is so distance from the practices of the bible.
You didn't answer a key question: WHAT SEAL DO YOU HAVE?
Again, as always . . .

You didn't answer a key question: WHAT SEAL DO YOU HAVE?

Here is your Billy Grahm


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