Are Christians to love their enemies or shoot them?
If you are to shoot them because the government told you to - do you run over and share the gospel with them first?...or do you just shoot them or drop a bomb on a house from 1000 feet in the air and do it by the authority of Jesus? Which you know the scriptures say - in word or deed, do it all in the name of Jesus?
Does one bless the bombs that are to kill people down on the ground?

I mean how is an earthly war fought in the name of the Prince of Peace?
Somebody help me out.

Or at least help a soldier rationalize killing their enemy instead of feeding and clothing them as Jesus taught.

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God's word, will, and way superceeds law and comandments
God's word, will, and way superceeds law and comandments
law and comandments are also the word of god
Good point, Pharaoh Ramses...

Does that mean, Pastor Valentine, that because He's GOD He can contradict Himself, all relying upon the power of "I can do that because I can"??
People get too religious and spiritual for me when it comes to war. It is nothing wrong with being a Navy Seal, Greek Beret, or people of their liking. Those guys are professional assassins... taking out the bad guy. Yah told Israel to go and wipe out ALL the Amalekites. Go into the land of Caanan, and kill every one of them. Moses trained his men before they entered Caanan to fight. The Torah is not against war.
"...Those guys are professional assassins... taking out the bad guy..."

Well if I am a Christian living in Iraq or Afghanistand and I sign up to fight any invaders - would I be wrong to assassinate American Christians that happen to shoot at my relatives?

When is it OK for Christians to shoot at each other because they happen to live in opposing countries?


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