"At the name of JESUS every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven, things on the Earth, and things under the Earth, and and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER."

We as Christians all know that JESUS is the way to the paradise we long for. I however, have this question for the saints: What about those that never heard of the name of JESUS before? I'm not talking about those that heard and rejected HIM, I'm talking about those that LITERALLY never heard the GOSPEL or the name of JESUS CHRIST. I want to see exactly where the saints stand on this issue, for it has been a controversial one for a long time.

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Mr. Pierce, I object to your statement that the bible is not perfect. It is the perfect law of liberty.

The law of liberty has nothing to do with Textual Criticism of the bible
The creation itself and how it operates is a ministry tool of the Gospel itself
Jerome do you have a Bible in the language that you can understand? Or would you rather on the earth to teach you the name of the one who came to die and resurrect for you? Are you better than those in the world who are living in the more primal areas of the world? Do you believe that God loves you more than most of your African brothers and sisters in areas and countries in Africa where Jesus the Christ is not yet known and very few bibles in their heart language so that they can understand the holy scriptures in their own languages? How many bibles do you own? Should we have a full course dinner of God'sWord while others can't even get a crumb? Are you ok with that? Do you rely on creation to gain knowledge of Jesus the Christ and what He did for you in your life?

(what arrogance)
You're right it's been a question nobody could defendenly answer.This is what I receive from,going to the good book with just that question at hand.Reading [rev5:13&14]&[rev20:13,14,15] The final judgement day,even those who haven't heard the word of God will have THAT DAY,to choose eternal life or death, in the pit that will be before them.Because that day everyone will be able to understand what is going on,and if those who never heard the word of God,see four beast,and twentyfour elders fall to thier knees,and bow down to HE that sits on the throne, saying blessing,and honor and glory and don't follow through,then the pits of hell awaits themTHIS IS ONLY MY OPINION!!
Why are we using our opinions when the word clearly says...Just read John 3:16

Joh 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life."

Again, how are they going to believe in Him as Romans 10 states, unless a preacher is sent? Just look at what the real Apostles did after witnessing the resurrected Christ. Did they just go to the "safe" places where they lived and created masuleums and waited for folx to come by, through prayer to accept Jesus as their Lord, or did they go on journeys and pilgrimmages to spread the GoodNews of Christ as they were commanded too, to further the Gospel and to impact the Kingdom of God? Its right in front of you, what is the book of Acts all about? You have the Bible and the knowledge of Christ through the work and sacrifice of those first 12 Apostles who suffered greatly so that we could have the fullness of God's Word. What about us? I guess the slave is greater than the Master...
If you RE-READ the question,he asked about,those that NEVER HEARD OF THE NAME JESUS,OR LITERALLY NEVER HEARD THE GOSPEL! So knowing John 3:16 they wouldn't know,or they wouldn't know about the apostles either!
And since this is a question of FAITH,this is what I believe!.I don't mind being corrected but the question is what it is!!!!
And at the day of JUDEGEMENT, As fair as I believe our Father is on that day He will let them who HAVEN"T HEARD of Him choose life or death!!
I believe that is what I was speaking of and I wasn't giving any opinion, who cares about opinions, we should always go by what is written and thus sayeth the Lord. My opinion may lead to drunkenness, adultery and smoking a blunt and justifiying it with opinions. The question is a biblical one, what happens to those who never heard of the Gospel of Christ and they die? Where do you get from God'sWord that He will show them another way out to eternal life with Him? If that's the case why send out the many missionaries to foreign lands to preach the Good News of Jesus the Christ as witnesses to HIs resurrection? Did you read Christs mandate to us to "Go Ye Therefore and make Disciples and teach and preach and baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Why would Jesus command us to do that if God will do it for them spiritually after our eyes permanently close? Come on now....This is Christianity 101
Man as deep as you get,it doesn't matter,he posed a question that was to us as individuals and I answered.As far as what it might lead you to do that on you.This was just a spiritual obsivation he asked man.If offense is what you felt by MY,opinion ,you'll get over it.Why don't you ask him what he meant,he said again THE PEOPLE WHO NEVER HEARD OR KNEW ABOUT CHRIST!!As far as challengeing my knowlegde of Christ,the bible or anything biblical,thats not your duty READ YOUR BIBLE,about judgement .
These are only spiritual conversations,not quizes,competition,or judgement calls,he ask an opinion!
peace Brother.
he never asked the "saints" for an opinion. If you ask a "saint" a biblical question concerning anything about God, the "saint" should refer only to the Word of God, that is if he's a true "saint"....How ridiculous but atypical and the reason why our people are so confused, to many opinions and as we all know, opinions are like A-holes, everybody got one....LOL

Yeah peace out to you too.....

Scott, whats unbelievable is the fact that you are STILL actin' the fool here! I remember first speaking to you a few months back and your missionary mouth was foul. It is STILL foul to this day.

Save the strife and garbage for the 'hood, not here!
Trevor you thnk I care what you think? nothing trash mouth as to what I said. I was the one attacked for replying to ignorance. What are you the fashion police? I'll say what I need to say, how I choose to say it. Ain't noone greasing my pockets up in here. I'll put my work up to yours any day. And yest I'm a fool. He will use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.....and I don't live in the "hood", I can see you are into self-hatred as well.


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