"At the name of JESUS every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven, things on the Earth, and things under the Earth, and and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER."

We as Christians all know that JESUS is the way to the paradise we long for. I however, have this question for the saints: What about those that never heard of the name of JESUS before? I'm not talking about those that heard and rejected HIM, I'm talking about those that LITERALLY never heard the GOSPEL or the name of JESUS CHRIST. I want to see exactly where the saints stand on this issue, for it has been a controversial one for a long time.

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Trevor I asked that question myself.....I'll wait for others to answer, this is what got me on this journey as a global missionary where there are still over 1.8 billion in the world who never heard of Jesus the Christ and over 42,000 or more people die per day without every hearing of the name Jesus. So are they in heaven or hell?
The scriptures does not neccessarily state it, but there is a scripture in Acts that I want to quote.

Acts 17:26-28:

And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, 28 for

“‘In him we live and move and have our being’; [3]

as even some of your own poets have said,

“‘For we are indeed his offspring.’ [4]
Romans 2:14

For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves

I believed ones that fall in this catagory are the ones you speak of and they will be saved.

Roman 2:14 was added to the scriptures to promote lawless Christianity.
James, in all honesty I am surprised at your answer here! That scripture was written by Apostle Paul, and you you say its to energize rebellion!??! A shame indeed!
Not true.....those who die without ever knowing the name of Christ will perish. How can they believe on Him whom they have not known and how can they know unless one is sent? In that case bring every missionary back home if they can be saved by another way outside the knowledge of Christ. This is the first question I ask before I speak about the need of Global Missions and the mandate of Christ to involve ourselves in the Great Commission.

It is true. Romans 2:14 was added. It does not make any sense when you consider that the Torah must be TAUGHT to us. One does not naturally keep the Sabbath, food laws, clothing laws, etc. These things must be taught. Romans 2:14 is there to promote lawless Christianity. The bible isn't perfect bro.
James, is there another way to be saved other than through Yeshua (Jesus)??? Is there another way one can come to salvation? Yes the whole Word of God must be taught, that's part of the Great Commission. And the Word of God is perfect, cause it says it is.....Its the innerant Word of God and spirit breathed instruction.

So I ask you, what happens to that AFrican woman who is in sub-sahara Africa who is suffering greatly, walking miles for tainted water to give to her 4 children to drink to stay alive, and she dies without ever hearing about the only name that can save her soul? Heaven or Hell?
James, is there another way to be saved other than through Yeshua (Jesus)???

Yeshuah is the only way.

Is there another way one can come to salvation?

Only by repentance of torah breaking, and placing faith in Yeshuah, then after those, add works of the Torah.

And the Word of God is perfect, cause it says it is.....Its the innerant Word of God and spirit breathed instruction.

Yehwah's word is perfect, but the translations are not perfect. There's no such thing as an innerant bible. This is why we have hundreds of translations!

So I ask you, what happens to that AFrican woman who is in sub-sahara Africa who is suffering greatly, walking miles for tainted water to give to her 4 children to drink to stay alive, and she dies without ever hearing about the only name that can save her soul? Heaven or Hell?

Only Yehwah knows. We can only assume. Its my personal belief that if she calls out to Yehwah, then he will hear her.
This is a tricky point here Bro Scott, and I disagree with your point.....
Paul is talking about the animal sacrifice laws
This is from Matthew Henry

The light of nature. This the Gentiles have, and by this they shall be judged: As many as have sinned without law shall perish without law; that is, the unbelieving Gentiles, who had no other guide but natural conscience, no other motive but common mercies, and had not the law of Moses nor any supernatural revelation, shall not be reckoned with for the transgression of the law they never had, nor come under the aggravation of the Jews’ sin against and judgment by the written law; but they shall be judged by, as they sin against, the law of nature, not only as it is in their hearts, corrupted, defaced, and imprisoned in unrighteousness, but as in the uncorrupt original the Judge keeps by him. Further to clear this (v. 14, 15), in a parenthesis, he evinces that the light of nature was to the Gentiles instead of a written law. He had said (v. 12) they had sinned without law, which looks like a contradiction; for where there is no law there is no transgression. But, says he, though they had not the written law (Ps. 147:20), they had that which was equivalent, not to the ceremonial, but to the moral law.

They had that which directed them what to do by the light of nature: by the force and tendency of their natural notions and dictates they apprehended a clear and vast difference between good and evil. They did by nature the things contained in the law. They had a sense of justice and equity, honour and purity, love and charity; the light of nature taught obedience to parents, pity to the miserable, conservation of public peace and order, forbade murder, stealing, lying, perjury, etc. Thus they were a law unto themselves.


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