"At the name of JESUS every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven, things on the Earth, and things under the Earth, and and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER."

We as Christians all know that JESUS is the way to the paradise we long for. I however, have this question for the saints: What about those that never heard of the name of JESUS before? I'm not talking about those that heard and rejected HIM, I'm talking about those that LITERALLY never heard the GOSPEL or the name of JESUS CHRIST. I want to see exactly where the saints stand on this issue, for it has been a controversial one for a long time.

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Man you went from religous to foolish nobody cares what I think and definitely not you, your spirituallity have been shown i don't know you,and these childest assumptions are what causes so much strife,on here.If you need someone to argue with,just say I,a lot of your conversation has I in it,like who!
Do you bruh'..I asked and answered you, don't like my answer, please don't ask me a question. I'm not a girly man like most. There is no "I" in what I had posted. You refuse to answer the question posed, and I kept you on point when you strayed and squirmed like most of these. So continue to fellowship with lukewarmness and allow the real soldiers take action and just sit back and watch what real men of faith look like......*soft*
Man this wasn't even your post,far as you being whatever you say you are,you are.trying to bring all that male crap into a conversation is weak.and if posting comments on this site are any other site makes you a soildier,have at it man,the world is yours.
You funny....you one of those funny brothers I see.... but I'll digress. Peace, love and chicken wangs...LOL
At long last I have broken my silence! LOL!!

I placed this up here because overly zealous saints sit on both ends of the argument. One said screams "They didn't accept JESUS, so they're on their way to Hell!!" The other side screams "They didn't reject Him, so GOD is merciful!"

The Bible shows us something concerning sin: you are only guilty of committing the sin that you are conscious of a law against. In the land of Eden, GOD gave Adam and Eve many "do's" and one "don't". They are as followed:

-be fruitful & multiply
-subdue the Earth
-have dominion over all creation
-do not eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

There was no "don't bare false witness", or "do not take GOD's name in vain", or even "honor the Sabbath and keep it holy". With the laws that they were aware of, they would have been found guilty of only breaking those laws. A lot of Sabbath keepers say "it was in GOD's plan from the start", but they miss the fact that the Sabbath wasn't installed until Moses met up with GOD on Mt. Sinai. how can you accuse someone of being guilty of committing a "sin" if they were never conscious of a sin in the first place? Take special note of GOD asking them a key question: "Who told you that you were naked?" You are only responsible for what GOD brings to light within your world.
First of all I'd like to apologize for using your posting to deal with anger.As matt.7:22&23,saids God will handle those people who know so much,and show no fruit,I don't know whats up with that,I had the same experience back on April 25th,in a posting,enough with that!So to your question,since they are unaware,would'nt thier judgement be,how they react at that time.Because in the beginning there was the word,and the word was from God and the word was God,so if the first time these people mentioned,gets thier first experience on judgement day,about God from God,seems like Matt.7:7 would apply!
At least you recognize your anger issues, and I pray God delivers you from this evil and your inability to make God's Word your standard instead of usurping God'sWord for your personal opinions. And with that you were angry with me for keeping you focused on What "thus sayeth the Lord" says..... And my fruit is tasty, what bout yours? Why don't you come with me to the ends of the earth to witness first hand....Oh yeah forgot, its better to be monks and stay in monasteries in the disney land of American Christianity.
Man you're a person lost nothing to do but monitor who's saying what so you can bombard people with your non-sense,you need to work on that issue,about feeling somebody thinking you're a girly girl,people are really discussing that fact about you.God would never let a fool guide my thoughts are i would be in the same PIT,you're in do people think i'm a girly girl do they know why i'm afraid,can they tell i have issues as a black man
Next time do "spell check" before posting bruh'..I didn't understand a word you said...LOL
Yeah you understand,check yourself .Your ebonics are great kinda soft but we all understand why it comes through clearly.You've must have spent a little time up around SNEADS florida huh,someone pointed that out.Keep speaking you're showing your spirit.
I will continue to speak, I fear no man or half a man such as you bruh'. The day of the geechie is over. Your just angry cause you couldn't keep on point and used opinion instead of what is written. Your being exposed as your spirit is weak and soft like most. Nuffin' new.
One thing I noticed from our mighty Missionary is that an apology was humbly sent his way, and all he could do was bite at the hand that sent it. No "apology accepted", no "I apologize as well", no "seek peace and pursue it". Nothing of the sort. Scott, you'll learn young man. You'll learn that peace is primary. You'll learn that foreign missions is but ONE aspect of the Great Commission. You'll learn that you are not the only one that is doing things for the Kingdom. You'll learn that when trying to compare ministries, you may not size up well against others.

Now, back to the subject please. Any more arguments here after just proves to be rebellion working within that person............


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