"At the name of JESUS every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven, things on the Earth, and things under the Earth, and and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER."

We as Christians all know that JESUS is the way to the paradise we long for. I however, have this question for the saints: What about those that never heard of the name of JESUS before? I'm not talking about those that heard and rejected HIM, I'm talking about those that LITERALLY never heard the GOSPEL or the name of JESUS CHRIST. I want to see exactly where the saints stand on this issue, for it has been a controversial one for a long time.

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Who's comparing?? When have I compared anything.......Are you high Trev? I'm not speaking about missions you are,maybe your just convicted because I have no idea what your referring too.....Get delivered and I will seek peace through the truths that peace brings about. I'm not going to seek evil and pretend its peace. Sometimes through war comes peace. Isn't that what your tax dollars are being spent on to send black boys and girls to go to Iraq with guns to kill and steal and destroy? I know you and your ilk are kewl with that 'eh... So again if your going to quote me, quote me correctly...Unlike most I wouldn't want to be charged with being a false witness.
Mr. Newman, I could have sworn that you were the one who wrote this statement:
"And my fruit is tasty, what bout yours? Why don't you come with me to the ends of the earth to witness first hand....Oh yeah forgot, its better to be monks and stay in monasteries in the disney land of American Christianity."

Let us truly be clear on some things: we are neither friends, or enemies. They both would get a certain level of respect from me. I already see you as a false witness, because no missionary I know is this argumentative without true cause and a need to seek peace. The Evangelist in you would search for a way NOT to argue. If you want to be a success at what you do in this Kingdom, you better care about people as a whole, and not a select few. Love & unity are the keys to the power in the Kingdom, not your revelations, or scriptural accuracy, or anything like that.

I believe Christianity, and even Messianic Judaism, needs to get serious about studying the word of Yehwah. Most evangelist cannot truthfully handle Yehwahs word with truth. They get their college degrees, and after that, that is the end of their studies. They need to be serious, and have the spirit of Ezra, for which he said Study, Do, Teach!
Bro. James, you have a strong point here! Evangelism deals with much study, but more LOVE!

You are so right bro! With love, it will season everything else.
I always teach this thing to my ministers: "Love is the solar battery that empowers this machine we call Ministry".

Its no coincidence that Prophet Malachi said that "the Sun of Righteousness would come with healing in His wings", and that Apostle John said "GOD is love".

The saying "Elohim is love," is quite an interesting saying. You see, from the Greek perspective, Elohim being love wouldn't make sense, because Greek language and thought is more abstract than concrete. The Hebrew would read,"God gives love." In actuality, from a Hebraic perspective, Elohim cannot be what is abstract, rather, he can give it!
Bro. James, you're so deep that you actually dig PAST what you are searching for at times! When Apostle John spoke and said GOD is love in the Greek (note: ORIGINALLY written in the Greek, not the Hebrew), it was MEANT to be abstract! It was said to teach us this thing: if we truly search for love, we are sure to find GOD. GOD can give love, true, but so man can give love also. The difference here by saying GOD is love is saying GOD is the very origin and substance that love is made of.

It was meant to be abstract because love itself is an art. It was poetically stated, not theologically. Therefore, it transcends your Hebraic, Greek, English, or whatever language, and digs to the very core of the desires of men, which is to be loved and never to feel alone. If you sit on the linguistics or or the culture all day long, you'll miss it.

Rev. Luckett, you lost me on that one: love is love. A female said she loved me, and even though she did to her own understanding, it wasn't love for me. Whats love for you may be lust for me.

It cannot transcend its language, especially if you hold to the fact that its supposed to be abstract! Hebrew thought is different than Greek, and im quite sure that IF the letter of John was written originally in Greek, he already explained its Hebraic concept to them.
MY POINT HAS BEEN PROVEN!!! Again I say Bro. James, you're so deep that you actually dig PAST what you are searching for at times! Love is not complicated, it is a simplistic art designed by GOD. It cannot be understood with Greek Lexicons and Hebraic understanding. It transcends that. It can only be revealed and understood by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. That is the trap of sticking to the letter of the law and not the Spirit of it: you'll forever be a bookworm of "Love-speaking 101", and never speak its language fluently.

Thats the beauty of Evangelism: it bypasses all the rhetoric of arguing doctrine for hours and demonstrates CHRIST right before your eyes starting with love, next with the power of the HOLY GHOST. Evangelism then sends you to the Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, & Teachers for the rest. Love causes an Evangelist to not focus on biblical debates, but to stay the course which is "win more souls for CHRIST".

The power of GOD transcends any theologian by far, so you won't find true Evangelists standing there debating for hours, and that power is generated by GOD's love.

Your point has not been proven, because you are so stuck on Greek perspectives!
My point has been proven because 1) I'm not stuck on Greek perspectives, I clearly said "love transcends both Greek and Hebraic perspectives", and 2) you are stuck on Hebraic perspectives, operating as a race horse with blinders on. The world is BIGGER than the Hebraic thought. GOD's Word even shows you this by showing that Egyptian and Babylonian Kings were called HIS servants. GOD word even shows that in the Book of Daniel is was a Babylonian king that wrote scripture for all to read and adhere to. No he did not turn Jewish. No he was not circumcised. HE understood GOD in a way that transcended far beyond flesh and blood, far beyond one's culture; he understood the Kingdom of Heaven and its Sovereign Ruler.

Was it not Apostle Paul that said "though I have the tongues of MEN and of Angels, but have not love, I am like a sounding brass"? Wasn't it Apostle Paul, the member of the Tribe of Benjamin that said "Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ"? Was it not Apostle Paul the Pharisee that said "For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; to them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law." This is not a Greek or Hebraic perspective. If you look at GOD the way you look at Hebrews only, then you are keeping the Almighty in a racists box, for you can see a little bit of YWHW in all cultures.


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