Documentary on the New World Order

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Megiddo II The New Age

The Lie of the Serpent is the second part of the controversial Megiddo series, which next focuses on the highly influential New Age movement. But is the New Age really new? Or does it represent the ancient doctrine taught by the serpent to Eve in the Garden of Eden? The answer will startle and amaze you as you learn the influence of the serpent's teaching through the spiritual explosion of occult activity in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Some of the greatest and most recognized people of the modern era (including Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Adolf Hitler and Hilary Clinton) have been influenced by the movement that has re-awakened mankind's communication with the spirit realm, and re-shaped the Western view of God and His relationship to mankind. What are the implications of this "paradigm shift" that seeks to introduce a new global consciousness? Will this new consciousness really bring mankind into the dawning of a golden era? Or the awakening of another dark age?

Full of highly detailed research and exhaustive documentation, Megiddo II challenges even the most skeptical viewer to consider the consequence of the global awakening taking place before our very eyes.
Yes we are well on our way to that final battle at the coming of the Lord. In the Valley of Decision.
almost missed this thread (((mandatory 7-7 shifts)))) been kickin my but,but this is a subject of great interest to me and i hav gathered great info on this 'ill post after work

2 the Ncrease---BruthaPharoah
Chaplain, you done started somethin' here!!!!!

Keep it up!!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, . . .
People are scared to touch this topic!

I actually purchased both series on DVD - this is a lot of meat to chew on and I need to chew on it slowly as I allow the Holy Spirit to confirm and minister to me, one step at a time and one day at a time.
This aint hot dogs and hamburger either!! Forget your Ketchup, BREAK OUT THE A1 Sauce!
definitly a steak plate here Bru trevor,again 7-7 kickin my kabootal so here is a link to some of my research pray it edifies

the kings of the east & the kings of the west(((????)))

eyes on the kings of the east "Gods Army"
and this is why we must know who is who of the familes of the earth,more info later


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