There has arisen an issue concerning the details of the New Covenant that our LORD and Savior YESHUA/JESUS has won for us by HIS blood and grace. Therefore, we are opening this discussion and starting it off for the edifying of the saints and the settling of the matter:

The subjects for this debate are along two lines:

-Jeremiah 31:31 and Hebrews 8: Do we still stand on the Torah?
-the Seal of the New Covenant: Is it still Sabbaths, Feasts, and Circumcision, or do we have a New Seal?

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It makes one a liar, I agree, I just don't agree that I have to assemble on Saturday, keep all them feasts and I'm not saying it's bad if you do, I'm saying that when I accepted Yeshua I'm saved
Since Yahshua taught and kept all of His Father's commandments, including the Sabbath and the Festivals, and your reject the lifestyle He lived and taught, refusing to observe these moedim that He did, who, which person in the Bible is your religious observances patterend after? Can you name one disciple that broke the Sabbath? If so show us where you discovered this by book chapter and verse.

We are the "servants" of whom we obey.
Who are you obeying in rejecting the Sabbath for Sunday?

You do that commandment by actually keeping Torah.
Refer to my answer above son, that is why I stated that I was leaving the discussion, because right now we all understand each other Praise YAH, and will have to choose to leave it at this point and pray. I know you guys think I'm lost but I don't and I don't think you all are either.
I think they are! I do because of one certain reason: they are apart from the new covenant. The new covenant seal is the baptism of the HOLLY SPIRIT. When the person says that they needs Sabbaths, circumcision, feasts, and all that other stuff from the old covenant, they are operating apart from the new covenant. They do not believe that the blood of JESUS is enough, but Sabbaths and circumcisions is needed also.

We are still waiting for you to tell us why you are excluding Torah from the NC when Jeremiah 31:31-34 states its there?
Because it is NOT! Just because the Bible says "my commandments", does not mean that it says the Law of Moses. There is actually a difference.

There's no difference, because Yeshuah kept His Father's Torah. You said that Torah is excluded from the NC when Yehwah refutes that through the Prophet Jeremiah. That's called blindess. 1 John 5:3 says the love is Yehwah is keeping HIS commandments.
There actually is a difference. The commandments of GOD are not ALL found within Torah. Are you saying that after GOD spoke to Moses that HE stopped decreeing to the people? HE stopped giving commandments after Sinai?

The Torah is our standard of holiness. They are the commandments that He gave to us to keep. What additional Torah's have Yehwah given us? Provide evidence.
Hold up!!!!!! Now you done made me mad, do not speak against the blood of my Lord, we are redeemed because of HIS blood.

The blood of Yeshua is the foundation of redemption. Yeshua died on the cross, shedding His blood, (and was then resurrected) as the only acceptable payment for our sins.

The disciple Peter wrote in 1 Peter 1:18-19, “For you know that YHWH paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver.

He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Yeshua, the sinless, spotless Lamb of YHWH" The Blood of Yeshua is absolutely the most precious thing YHWH has offered us.

To try to discredit this with Torah is blasphemy! step off

Who is discrediting Yeshuah's atonement with Torah? None of us believe that salvation comes through the Torah. If that is true, then Yeshuah died for nothing(Galatians 2:22). We are redeemned in the blood of Yeshuah, AND, we are OBEDIENT to Him. Being Obedient does not negate Yeshuah's atonement.


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