There has arisen an issue concerning the details of the New Covenant that our LORD and Savior YESHUA/JESUS has won for us by HIS blood and grace. Therefore, we are opening this discussion and starting it off for the edifying of the saints and the settling of the matter:

The subjects for this debate are along two lines:

-Jeremiah 31:31 and Hebrews 8: Do we still stand on the Torah?
-the Seal of the New Covenant: Is it still Sabbaths, Feasts, and Circumcision, or do we have a New Seal?

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As for your comments on the greatest commandment, that is not the greatest. Allow me to explain. If you are going to love one another as JESUS loves you, you fist have to actually know that HE loves you. Second, you actually have to know the extent of HIS a love for you, not just by Bible study, but by experience and revelation of the HOLY SPIRIT. This takes intimacy with GOD. To match GOD's love you have first be a partaker of HIS love.

I cannot perform a martial arts throw on you with the same accuracy and perfection as my Master, unless he shows me by throwing me first. I have to know how and where he holds me, and how much power he puts into the throw. This comes by discipleship. Torah law does not promote discipleship, but the Law of Christ does. You aren't going to come close to doing it like Him unless you are His disciple. This is that word that you hate so much: CHRISTIAN, which mean's "Christ-like"

Therefore, what Christ said in the Gospel of John is actually the greatest commandment of the new covenant, because it not only calls for you to know and love GOD, but it calls for you to put that love into action. The commandment on Mt. Sinai does not call for this.

-"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another"- John 13:35
-"And this is his commandment That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another as he gave us commandment"- 1st John 3:23
-"If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?"- 1st John 4:20

Again, my question to you is.... If Yeshuah kept His father's commandments(John 15:10), and He loved His fellow man as Himself, then how is possible for His command to love one another as He loved us be completely opposite of what Yehwah commanded of us(Lev 19:18)?????
It is different because you quite frankly do not even understand how to properly love yourself! The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Why would I want you to love me like you love yourself when you are self-destructive?

Don't love me like you love yourself, love me like Christ loves me and you. Your love for yourself is NOT greater than Christ's love for anyone! THATS THE DIFFERENCE!
If Yeshuah kept His father's commandments(John 15:10), and He loved His fellow man as Himself, then how is possible for His command to love one another as He loved us be completely opposite of what Yehwah commanded of us(Lev 19:18)?????

Yeshuah told us the right way to carry out Lev 19:18. His love for us is the ultimate way to carry out Lev 19:18. That is why He said love each other as He loved us, because Yeshuah is the LIVING TORAH.
You really aren't getting it bro. Its deeper than that. Its a whole new covenant.
Sorry boys, but you have it all wrong. See when you are asked the question which is the greatest commandment, you have to actually respond back with this counter question: "Which covenant are you talking about, the old covenant, or the new covenant?" By old covenant standards, the greatest commandment was to love GOD. Old covenant actually had to command you to do this, whereas the new covenant needs not command you to do this because THIS IS AUTOMATIC! You aren't even apart of this covenant if you do not know and love Him to begin with! "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." This is the very beginning of the new covenant. You can enter into the old covenant without loving Him, but you cannot stay. Ruth entered the old covenant without loving GOD, but by loving Naomi. Entrance into the new covenant is not by Israeli circumcision, or Sabbaths, but by JESUS alone.

No one is apart of this covenant if they believe Torah is not there.... Again, my question to you is.... If Yeshuah kept His father's commandments(John 15:10), and He loved His fellow man as Himself, then how is possible for His command to love one another as He loved us be completely opposite of what Yehwah commanded of us(Lev 19:18)?????
I just noticed something here. We cannot go any further until we understand something:

James, where do you stand on the deity of the LORD JESUS? This is important to even get an understanding of your view of the new covenant, because this is foundational.

We are talking about the new covenant. Create a new room for the deity of Yeshuah. Right now, If Yeshuah kept His father's commandments(John 15:10), and He loved His fellow man as Himself, then how is possible for His command to love one another as He loved us be completely opposite of what Yehwah commanded of us(Lev 19:18)?????
No, sorry, but the buck stops here! Where do you stand on who JESUS is? No one can go any further than this revelation......and I do mean NO ONE!

We are talking about what Yehwah said through Jeremiah. You are trying to escape what you possibly cannot answer/stand up to, so, create another forum on the deity of Yeshuah. As for THIS forum, I am sticking to the new covenant talk. Again... If Yeshuah kept His father's commandments(John 15:10), and He loved His fellow man as Himself, then how is possible for His command to love one another as He loved us be completely opposite of what Yehwah commanded of us(Lev 19:18)?????


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