Questions for the Hebrew Israelite Brethren and Sisteren...

Why are you guys of the Hebrew Israelite denomination so caught up in the flesh - OT, OT, OT. Have you guys ever been effected by that which is spiritual?

Do miracles ever happen amongst your congregants - like other wordly happenings - things that you can't explain and yet don't contradict the word of God?

Do you guys ever speak in tongues under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost? and if so Have they been interpretated and if so - what were a few of the messages?

Does the Lord ever give y'all visions? Daytime visions?

When there is sick among you - has your elders been called to anoint the sick with oil and pray for them and you see them miraculously healed?

Are there any-any-any white people in any of your congregations? or have there ever been any at one time but are now gone?

Do you guys believe in the resurrection of the dead?

Do you sing songs? If so - name at least 5.

Do you dance for joy in the Lord?

Are there any in your congregations who prophesy on things to come? - if so - please share a few.

When I read yall posts I often wonder if there is any joy and anything spiritual going on in your assemblies. It does not seem so, but there could be alot going on and you guys are just not sharing it with us.
And if your goal is to convert - you really need to step out and say something that the board can know or at least surmise that the God of Heaven steps out of Eternity and deals with your group(s).
I dont want it to seem that I am asking for a sign but I guess I am because the early church brought with their doctrine power and demonstration.

Otherwise - to me at least - it seems that what you brothers are sharing is stagnant.
And I say that out of love. I really enjoy scrapping with you guys over many of the subjects but when it gets down to business - outside of the OT - there is a dead pool effect going on.

Besides striving about the Law - share with the board how God deals with you guys mightily.

In Peace

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Your comment is duly noted, as well as the attitude.

So, are you implying that what Jesus said in John 15:12-14 should be taken into account more than what He said in Matthew 22:35-40? Or, are you saying that when it comes to you personally, you would prefer that we follow John 15:12-14 rather than Matthew 22:35-40?

Don't love me like you love yourself, because you don't know how to really love yourselves; love me like Christ loves me.

I am also aware that tithing was first revealed in Genesis; but was it not also included in the Ceremonial Laws (Lev. 14:20)? If so, then tithing was also nailed to the cross - true?

Peace in Jesus

Tithing was giving to the Priesthood, and being that we have no temple, or a Priesthood, the tithing is impossible.
Tithing was given to GOD. It always has, and always will. The Levitical Priesthood was graced with receiving from the tithe at one time, but before they ever existed, Priests like King Melchizedek collected the tithe.
by your logic one could also say that murder was always wrong. It always has been wrong and it always will be wrong. Care to go down a list of other commandments and see if we cannot say the same thing?


I believe I see a contradiction. You're saying that we are not under the 10 commandments, yet you say that we adhere to the 10 commandments. Is the Sabbath included in this? You mentioned the "don't do" commandments. Well, what about the "do commandments?" Such as keep the Sabbath, and such commandments?

If we are not under the 10 commands, then we are free to murder, steal, etc etc. We are either under the commandment, and obey it, or we are not under it, and we do not obey it. We are to keep it all.
Hez, James, Pharoah:

I guess what I am saying is - you guys are more representative of the Law than to the God who made it and fulfilled it.

Jesus is the Word and the Word Became Flesh. He dwelled among us and was killed for us because He lived the Law perfectly - we needed a perfect sacrifice to be saved from our sins. And glory be to God - He was raised from the dead as proof that He did it perfectly and now our hope is in Him.
That is our gospel wrapped up in a nut shell.

If you were to take your religion on the road - it would seem - I am not saying that this is the case - but it would seem that your gospel is Torah....

Our religion - it would be about Jesus. Is every Christians doctrine correct - No - but we do have the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Something tells me - that Hebrew Israelits preach more Torah than you do Messiah.
You preach more Torah than you do Messiah
You preach more Torah than you do Messiah
You preach more Torah than you do Messiah
You preach more Torah than you do Messiah

You dont lift up Jesus you lift up Torah
You dont lift up Jesus you lift up Torah
You dont lift up Jesus you lift up Torah
You dont lift up Jesus you lift up Torah

When Paul went out amongst the Jews - he did not bring Torah - because if he did - he would not have been persecuted.
Paul and James and Peter and Stephen and all of the saints that were abused by the Jews were spreading salvation through the Messiah that had come.

When the early church was spreading the gospel among the gentiles - they did not lift the Law over Jesus - because if they had - all they had to do was send the gentiles to the Jews for instruction and salvation.

Jesus Christ said: " If I be lifted up - I will draw all men to me."
You guys dont bring that - you bring Torah...
You dont bring the spirit of Christ because you dont lift Him up - you lift up Torah

It truly is about preaching Yeshua and His resurrection, and what that means for our salvation. Once that is established, then we can give them Torah. Yeshua rebuke faith in Him without obedience!
Sista NewVeiw,
honestly i could take scripture and blow screen door hole in this(your) whole post, again i am sorry!!! you have developed this(((()))) it is truely a veil to understanding what is being said.Hez has post countless NT scripture saying keep the commandments "you normally ignore the scripture, and go to something that has nothing to do with that which was posed against your , contraditing your doctrine , I conceed that your problem is not with me or jame nor hez, but obeying the lord, i clearly see that ,that which you oppose is the first 5 books of your bible (lets stop saying torah because it give you the chance to take it away from your bible as if it is different or separate from all the other scriptureNO!!!) inwhich torah means instructions,so then it is the instruction of the lord that you contest,

now stop in your attemps because your fighting with scripture not TheEvilCommandmentKeepers"
this is where your contesting will lead youy well sista newviewpoint blank lies.......
You said---When Paul went out amongst the Jews - he did not bring Torah - because if he did - he would not have been persecuted.((((PLease read more Bible before posting none sence///sorry bold but true))))

Acts 28:23
And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.

do you see how in effort to up hold your (we don't have to obey the lord) doctrine you've detoured the scripture to follow your own thoughts,again i'm sorry because your argument is with theLORD,not the israelites and this(((()))) is a grand henderance ,

I dont think that I said that Paul never brought up the OT. He used the OT to prove that the promises in the OT had come to fruition in the Messiah. And of course the OT is good for instructing us on a whole host of issues but you guys speak more about the Torah than you do the Risen Christ.
From the scriptures Paul spoke of Jesus a whole lot more than the Old Covenant laws

If I'm lying I'm flying - just count the threads that you started and what are they about most or exclusively?
You can't tell that your doctrines lift up Torah MORE than the Saviour and His sacrifice?

When you go back to your assemblies - take a private internal poll - does the preacher talk about the Messiah more or even as much - as he does Old Covenant Laws?
I think I know what you will see...if you are honest with yourselves.
Then you should ask yourselves 'why'.

I see why Paul had to step in and put the saints' heads back on when the Judaizers would spread their teachings. And the funny thing about it is - you guys arent even natural Jews.

I agree with you guys on more than a few topics and I agree that living for God has to have some substance and seriousness and less of the entertainment, money, gracey, do what you want and be saved kind of salvation but when I step back and look at what you guys espouse - its is not very much Jesus and how glorious He is - its about the Torah.

Judaizers were different than we are. We teach that salvation is through Yeshua, and obedience to the Torah afterwards. Judaizers taught that salvation is through the Torah, and that is what Paul refuted in his letter to the Galatian group of Torah keepers.
Hahahahah!..."in his letter to the Galatian group of Torah keepers."

James make sure you do an internal poll when you get to your church and start singing to the Torah.

It is no need for such, because not all Torah keepers agree. Thats historical background information.


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