Is The Trinity Biblical?
From the Christian Research Institute
The Trinity is a basic doctrine of orthodox Christianity. Yet the word "Trinity" is not found anywhere in the Bible. Is the doctrine of the Trinity really biblical?
The doctrine of the Trinity says that there is one All Mighty One (God) who exists eternally as three distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I can assure you that the elements of this doctrine are all taken directly from the Bible.
The first plank of the Trinitarian platform is that there is only one All Mighty One (God). The Bible could not be more explicit on this point, which it states explicitly about two dozen times. In Isaiah 44:8 Yahweh (The LORD) says that even He does not know of any other (mighty ones)gods!
Yahshua (Jesus) often spoke of the All Mighty One (God) as His Father, and the apostles frequently spoke of "the Almighty One (God) the Father." But the New Testament also insists that Yahshua (Jesus) is The Almighty One (God). For example, Thomas acknowledged Yahshua (Jesus) as, "My Lord(master) and my Almighty One (God)" (John 20:28), and both Peter and Paul spoke of Yahshua (Jesus) as "our All Mighty One (God) and Savior" (2 Pet. 1:1; Tit. 2:13). Yet the New Testament also makes the distinction between the Father and the Son as two very different persons. In fact they tell us that they love one another, speak to each other, and seek to glorify each other (e.g., John 17: 1-26).
The Old Testament refers often to the Holy Spirit as The Almighty One (God) at work in the world, without distinction from the Father. But Yahshua (Jesus) in John 14 to 16 explained that this Holy Spirit would be sent by the Father at the Messiah’s (Christ's) request. The Holy Spirit would teach and guide the disciples, not speaking on His own initiative, but speaking on the Messiah’s 9Christ's) behalf and glorifying The messiah (Christ). Thus, the Holy Spirit is revealed by The Messiah (Christ) to be a third person distinct from the Father and distinct from the Son.
In short, the doctrine of the Trinity is completely and totally biblical, and it is essential that all the Followers of the Messiah Yahshua (Christians) give assent to this doctrine.

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I agree EW. It helps sharpen the sword a bit.
Amen Trevor. (smile)
Is (The Son)in The Godhead? (trinitarian's View)Or is the Godhead in the Son (oneness view)? Trinitarians have it all mixed up! My Bible (KJV) Tells me in Colossians 2:8-9 (King James Version)

8Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

9For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

In Jesus Christ You Have The Fullness of the Godhead!
You don't need to look anywhere else! Some Commentaries don't hold the full revelation the Holy Spirit Gives.
Man is limited in defining the bible if he hasn't been Born-again.He may be a scholar(Watson) But Does HE KNOW MORE THAN JESUS To Say there is a Trinity? So MEN AND WOMEN I encourage you to seek God and STUDY His Word For The Truth. I left many scripture references on the page before this one concerning the Trinity and is it in Fact Biblical? You Will Find A Shocking No! (see Scriptures.)

I wasn't trying to get you to post all this stuff, you said that a person could be baptized either way which suggest 2 baptisms and the scriptures says there is only one. Which way is correct? the baptism in the name of Jesus or Father Son Holy Ghost?
Truth be told, the other baptisms (1-4, 6) point towards the two that actually make a difference (7). The former were forerunners for the latter two which usher a believer into the body of Christ. #5 is actually the same thing as #7, because the baptism of the HOLY GHOST is what saves and seals a believer, not water baptism. The evidence of such is found in Matt. 3; Luke 3; Acts 1:5; John 1:31-34, Ephesians 1:13, and Ephesians 4:30. JESUS came not to give, do nor install water baptism, but the baptism of the HOLY GHOST, just as Prophet John said.
Jesus said Except a man be born of water and of Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God, also according to history, the teaching that water baptism is not necessary for salvation started between 1300-1500AD. Even Constantine requested to be baptized before his death.

There are also other scriptures that support this fact.
When JESUS said all of that, if you look at the scriptures closely, HE was referring to child birth. He never indicated anything about water baptism in His whole entire ministry whatsoever! This proves Prophet John the Baptist's words to be true that "He shall baptize you with the HOLY GHOST and with fire". If this were so important, then why did Apostle Paul say that it was the Word that washed you clean and that he said he didn't come to baptize?

Answer this for me:

What does water add to your salvation that the blood of JESUS, the HOLY SPIRIT, and the Word of GOD doesn't already provide?
Read Della's response

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: Off the top of my head I will provide in the scriptures on Why Water baptism is important! Please Read Just 40 to name a few ...

1. Because Jesus commanded it. He commanded His disciples to baptize those whom they had taught. (Matt. 28:19)

2. Because Jesus modeled it. He was baptized by John in the river Jordan in order to fulfill all righteousness. (Matt 3:13-15) If it was righteousness thing for Him to do, then how much more is it vital for sinners.

3. Because baptism is coupled with faith and linked to salvation in the teachings of Jesus. 'He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.' (Mark 16:16)

4. Because baptism is linked with repentance and the forgiveness of sins in the teachings of the apostles. 'Repent and be baptized for the remission (forgiveness) of sins...' (Acts 2:38)

5. Because baptism in essential in receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38; see also Acts 19:3-5)

6. Because in baptism our sins are washed away. (Acts 22:16)

7. Because in baptism we call on the name of the Lord. "Arise and be baptized, calling on the name of the Lord" (Acts 22:16) Baptism is like an action of prayer. In this action we call upon God to fulfill all promises which He has made to us through Christ. Such calling upon the Lord is essential to our salvation.

8. Because in baptism we are brought into spiritual contact with the blood of Jesus. We are 'baptized into his death' where His precious blood was shed. (Romans 6:3)

9. Because in baptism we act out the burial of Jesus. (Romans 6:4) We are 'buried' with Him.

10. Because in baptism we act out the resurrection of Jesus. (Romans 6:4) We are raised with Him.

11. Because in baptism we mark the formal beginning of a new life in Christ. (Romans 6:4) After our baptism we walk in 'newness of life'.

12. Because in baptism we come 'into Jesus Christ' where there is salvation and blessing. (Romans 6:3, Galatians 3:27)

13. Because in baptism we demonstrate our hope in the resurrection of the righteous. (Romans 6:5)

14. Because in baptism we 'put on Christ'. (Galatians 3:27)

15. Because in baptism we complete the process of new birth -which began when the Holy Spirit -inspired word was implanted into our hearts. (John 3-5)

16. Because being born of the water and the Spirit is essential to entering Christ's kingdom of salvation, "except a man be of the water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." (John 3:5)

17. Because in baptism we experience the circumcision of Christ in which the sins of the flesh are removed in the sight of God. (Colossians 2:11-12)

18. Because in baptism we are raised with Him through faith in the operation of God,: baptism demonstrates in the physical realm our faith about what God is doing in the spiritual realm when we are baptized. (Colossians 2:12)

19. Because baptism is a necessary to be counted among the followers of Christ. 'Those who received his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day." (Acts 2:41)

20. Because even Holy Spirit baptism was no substitute for obedience to Christ in Christian baptism. After Cornelius and his household were baptized in the Holy Spirit, Peter 'ordered' that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. (Acts 10:48)

21. Because even the baptism of John the baptist was no substitute for Christian baptism. (Acts 19:3-5)

22. Because when people in the first century believed the gospel they were baptized immediately. (Acts 8:36; 19:5) The action must have been considered very important.

23. Because baptism is a prominent part of the preaching about Jesus. Philip preached Jesus to the eunuch. As part of his message he must have spoken of the importance of baptism. At the first opportunity the eunuch asked, "See here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized." (Acts 8:35-36)

24. Because if one believes that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, there is nothing to hinder his/her baptism. (Acts 8:36-37) While teaching about the significance of baptism is important, one need not know all there is to know on the subject because he submits to the Lord in this act.

25. Because baptism leads to a realization that one has obeyed the Lord, hence to joy. (Acts 8:39) The newly baptized eunuch went on his way 'rejoicing'.

26. Because baptism, being the final act in a series of initial responses to the gospel, saves us. The Apostle Peter declared, "baptism now saves us..." (I Peter 3:21)

27. Because in baptism one is following the prompting of a good conscience. It is evidence that one is sincerely trying to do exactly what the Lord commanded. (I Peter 3:21)

28. Because we are baptized in the NAME of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The NAME is Jesus Christ. (Acts 2:38)

29. Baptism is the natural result of having believed the preaching the things concerning about the kingdom of God, they were baptized..." (Acts 8:12)

30. Because baptism is required of all believers, "they were baptized, both men and women." (Acts 8:12). "We were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, bond or free. (1 Corinthians 12:13)

31. Because we are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. (Acts 8:16) Jesus is Lord!

32. Because healing happens when we are baptism. (Acts 9:18)

33. Because baptism is the natural response of a heart opened by the Lord. (Acts 16:14-15) Through the gospel the Lord opened Lydia's heart to respond to Paul's message. She responded by being baptized.

34. Because baptism is coupled with faith in the reports of salvation in the book of Acts. Many of the Corinthians heard him [Paul], believed, and were baptized.

35. Because baptism is the antetype of the crossing of the Red Sea. (I Corinthians 10:12) Just as Israel left the bondage of Egypt by passing through the sea, so we also leave the bondage of sin to enter into a new relationship with God in baptism.

36. Because baptism is the antetype of the waters of Noah's flood. (1 Peter 3:20-21). Just as the waters removed Noah from a sinful world, so in baptism we pass from a sinful state to a forgiven state.

37. Because baptism is the result of the work of the Spirit on the heart and mind through the word. "We were all baptized by one Spirit into one body" (I Corinthians 12:13)

38. Because there is one baptism which has been required since the first century and shall be required until the Lord returns. "One Lord, one faith, one baptism." (Ephesians 4:5)

39. Because we draw near to God with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience , and our bodies washed with pure water. (Hebrews 10:22)

40. Because baptism is one of three witnesses. "For there are three who bear witness, the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree in one" (I John 5:8).

I am going say loud and clear AMEN and AMEN to the above.
Hi Anthony

I agree with what you are saying. Jesus personally forgave them their sins, but as you said at the beginning of the post, without the shredding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

However, I believe the people mentioned in your post, were all Jews. Our Lord's ministry was to the Jews, first and foremost, (however, we do see examples in the gospels of Him extending His wonderous grace to others). Therefore, although the Jews mentioned, their sins were forgiven and they were saved, as they believed. Yet they would have had/will have to (depending on your eschatology) wait to be ressurrected on the last day.

I do not believe that it was/is the same as Christians whom, after the shedding of our Lord's blood and buried in baptism (Rom 6:4) are resurrected as a new creation (2 Cor 5:17) They joined as one spirit with the Lord.

My reasoning is because now they/we are one with the Lord (1 Cor 6:17) they do not have the wait until the last day, as those that believe although they die, will have eternal life, but those that live in Him, will never die, they are one in Him and therefore their/our resurrected spirits go straight to the Lord, at death of the body. This is how we have the full communion of the Christian's saints, be them in the body or out of the body, they are not dead but alive.

This could not happen for anyone, until after the ascension and sending of the Spirit.

So Anthony You are Saying You believe What Jesus did for people Before his death burial and resurrection to be saved As You Stated In YOUR ARTICLE ABOVE. Rather than The Original New Testament Plan Of Salvation. Found In Acts 2:38 and it's continuance? Please correct me if I am Wrong?


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