What Dances Does One Do and What Drinks Does One Drink At A Christian Night Club?

I was reading about Christian Night Clubs throught out our country...

I understand that people do dances such as:
The "Sanctified Electric Slide", the "Gospel Cha Cha" and sometimes a 'booty' dance here and there.

And the drinks are:
"Pearly Gates Pina Colada," "First Lady Fizzle," "Power Packin' Preacher Punch" and "Missionary Margarita"

All of those things are sort of funny.
Theres a little dancing and laughing and the dress code is the same at most churches anyway - what could be wrong with it? Is there something wrong with the idea of Christian night clubs?
Lets just say there is to be NO cursing and the only alcohol served is wine :-) Like at the Cana wedding.

Can there be a night club in the name of Jesus?
How many Christian picnics and concerts and weddings can you go to and not become stale?
If the world has a place to let off some steam and dance with the opposite sex - would that be wrong? ----> Especially if you need a husband or a wife in a really bad way. You can go online Christian websites to find mates, you can drink at a wedding, you break it down and cha cha at church or give lap dances if you get slain in the spirit (as we know).
Wouldnt be a help to unite denominations that would otherwise never come together?
Even Black Hebrew Israelites could come get their dance on in the name of the Messiah.
Athiest could come and get saved because uhh uhh uhh...the rhythm of the reggae beat.

Any thoughts?

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Most would have a problem with any alcohol being served; some could care less, and in fact would want a drink. To each is own. Thats a touchy subject..........

As for the music songs like "God in Me" and some stuff from Kirk Franklin, Da Truth, and others would work for me. Anything else would be instrumentals......

Personally for me, I enjoy Gospel music be it R&B style or traditional; I am also a big fan of Jazz music.

As for the dancing, I can see no harm as long as there is no booty shaking.

Alcohol? Definitely not for me under any circumstances. I prefer and enjoy the natural high.
"Alcohol? Definitely not for me under any circumstances. I prefer and enjoy the natural high."

Like I said, a touchy subject...........
"...As for the dancing, I can see no harm as long as there is no booty shaking..."

Hahahaha! Sis Pat, now if it was your club how would you control that ?
Would there be muscle bound bouncers or ushers to block/stop the booty dancers?
Sis. Newview,

Hahahaha! Sis Pat, now if it was your club how would you control that ?
Would there be muscle bound bouncers or ushers to block/stop the booty dancers?

This answer is real easy . . .I will not venture into owning a nigh club; so I won't have to deal with that problem.
It is not a sin to dance and drink. You should not be drunken because there is a chance you can sin from that point. There is no problem with "shaking your booty" every once in a while. It is not forbidden.
Hezekiah . . .

It is not a sin to dance and drink. You should not be drunken because there is a chance you can sin from that point. There is no problem with "shaking your booty" every once in a while. It is not forbidden.

A person is capable of sinning if he/she gets drunk but they are not capable of sinning if they shake their booty.

Y'all must be joking right? A "Christian" Night Club? Wait a minute, I don't think God would approve of this. Did it say in the Bible to "come out among them"?
My days of clubbin' are so done! I couldn't believe it when I read this discussion and saw the video for it.
Christians are so to be respresenting Jesus Christ not Satan by their actions and deeds.

Show me in the scriptures where God says it is wrong.
Hez you never cease to amaze me. God's holy saints can go out and drop it like its hot but they cant eat pork....Hahahahahahahaaha!
That's right. Sin is transgression of the law. There is nothing wrong with droppin it like it's hot as you said, and having a few drinks. Now if you don't go straight home after that, then you may have some issues. If you can maintain keeping the commandments in that environment, then there is nothing wrong with it. But if you get drunk, then there is a problem because you could sin in that drunken state.
Your wife can drop it like its hot in front of a full room of people?
Ahh Hahh!
So thats how it goes amongst you Hebrews....

"And the people rose up to play"


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