The term "Born Again" is one of the most used phrases among
present day religious people. Yet, if asked what the term "Born
Again" means, ninety percent of the world's church members could
not give a clear explanation.

The vital importance of this study is shown in that Jesus said,
"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"
(John 3:3). Here Jesus is saying that TO BE BORN AGAIN IS TO
BE SAVED. Being born again is the plan of salvation that Jesus
authored at Calvary. It is imperative that we understand what is
required for us to be born again!

All agree that when Jesus went to the cross, he brought in the means
of salvation for everyone who will accept it. But what really
happened at Calvary? What can it do for me? How do I accept what
was done there in my own personal life?!

Let us first consider what really happened at Calvary. There were
three steps to the work of Christ to see that these three steps make
up the act of being born again spoken of by Jesus. To die, to be
buried, and to rise again So we see that Jesus through his death,
burial, and resurrection bought for us the plan of being born again
spoken of in John 3:3, whereby we receive salvation.

The fact that Jesus purchased a plan of salvation for us is the
greatest news the world has ever received. The thing we must
understand is that not only was it necessary for Jesus to do
something, but also it is absolutely essential for us to act upon what
he did. Jesus told Nicodemus, "Ye MUST be born again" (John

Now the astonishing thing is that Nicodemus was a religious leader
of his day; yet, he had no conception of what it meant to be born
again! We find that the very same thing is true in the day in which
we live. Many men who fill positions of spiritual leadership in our
world have no real understanding of the "Born Again" experience.
Nicodemus inquired of Jesus in John 3:4, "How can a man be born
when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's
womb, and be born?" Jesus answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto
thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot
enter into the kingdom of God." Nicodemus, you can't be born
again of a woman. The second birth is a spiritual birth.

Notice that Jesus said without being born again we cannot see or
enter the kingdom of God. In other words, we cannot be saved. On

the day of Pentecost when Peter preached the first message after
Calvary, the men cried out, "What must we do?" "Then Peter said
unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of
Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of
the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:38). Here Peter was giving to them the plan
of salvation repentance,baptism and the infilling of the Holy Ghost.
If being born again is to be saved, Peter was evidently talking to
them about being born again.

Remember, there were three steps to Calvary The way to accept
Calvary in our individual life is to accept the death,burial, and
resurrection of Christ.

We don't have to literally die,literally be buried, and literally rise
again. Jesus was our substitute and did this for us. All we must do is
accept what he did by spiritually dying, symbolically being buried,
and spiritually rising again.

We take on his death by repentance which is spiritual death. When a
person truly repents, he dies out to his own will, renounces it
forever, and vows to live from that time on according to the will of
Jesus Christ.

We take on his burial by baptism in water, by immersion into His

Romans 6:4 says, "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism".
Baptism MUST be done by immersion; for something cannot be
buried by sprinkling a little dirt on the top of it. That burial after a
few days would certainly prove to be insufficient! Furthermore,
EVERY baptism of which we have Biblical record was
administered by immersion. That alone should determine our course
of action on this matter.

Finally, we partake of the resurrection of Jesus Christ by the
infilling of the Holy Ghost. This is the new life that enables us to
live as a Christian should.

We see then that being born again means to spiritually die
symbolically be buried. Thus, in plain language an individual must
repent of his sins, be baptized into the name of Jesus Christ by
immersion, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. IJohn 5:8 tells
us, "And there are three that bear witness in the earth, the Spirit, and
the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." What is the
one thing in which the spirit, water, and blood agree? Is it not the
new birth? Blood covers our sins at repentance; the waters of
baptism wash them away, thus making us clean for the spirit to
come into our lives to dwell. When the Roman soldiers thrust the
spear into Jesus' side after he died, the scripture tells us that there
came forth blood and water (John 19:34). This was for cleansing of
the nations. It takes blood and water to eradicate sin. Blood is the
cleansing agent, and water is the flushing agent. When a jar is

washed for canning, soap AND water are necessary to cleanse that
jar so that it might be filled with good fruit. Likewise, blood and
water are necessary to cleanse the human soul so that it may receive
the spirit of Christ which is the Holy Ghost. This teaching was
verified by Peter when he said, "Repent and be baptized FOR the
REMISSION of SINS" (Acts 2:38). Repentance and baptism are
both absolutely essential for the remission of sins!

Paul taught that the three steps of Calvary was the gospel that we
should preach. In I Corinthians 15:1-4 he tells us, "Moreover,
brethren, I declare unto you the GOSPEL which I preached unto
you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which
also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I have preached unto
you, unless ye have BELIEVED IN VAIN. For I delivered unto you
first of all that which I also received, how that Christ DIED for our
sins according to the scriptures; And that he was BURIED, and that
he ROSE AGAIN the third day according to the scriptures:". Paul
went on the say in II Thessalonians 1:7-8, "And to you who are
troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from
heaven with his mighty angels. In flaming fire taking vengeance on
them that know not God, and that OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL of
our Lord Jesus Christ." Paul told us that the gospel is the death,
burial, and resurrection of Christ. How can we OBEY the death,
burial, and resurrection as we have previously explained? Notice
that the Lord Jesus is to appear "in flaming fire taking vengeance on
them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel." It is
absolutely necessary for every human being to obey the gospel by
being BORN AGAIN. Jesus told Nicodemus, "Ye MUST be BORN
AGAIN" (John 3:7).

Old Testament Speaks Of Born Again Plan.

Let us consider another Biblical lesson given to us concerning this

The Bible teaches us that the things of the Old Testament were
types and shadows of the things to come. When the priests of the
law ministered by offering sacrifices, there were three major steps
to their duties.

First they slew the animal to be offered on the brazen altar. The
blood here was shed and caught in a container for use in the Holy
Place. The flesh of the animal was to be consumed by fire. This
teaches us of the first step of salvation sacrifice, and our sins are
covered by the blood of Jesus.

After the shedding of blood, the priests were ordered to wash at the
laver and to cleanse themselves with water in preparation for
entering the Holy Place. The laver, a round fountain-like structure,
was overlaid in the bottom with a looking glass. When the priests
bent over to wash, he was able to see himself so that he could be
sure that he was clean. When an individual is baptized, he should

examine himself to be sure that he is leaving the world behind once
and for all. We see then that the second step of the tabernacle
ministration plainly teaches us of water baptism. Blood and water
cleansed them to prepare them for entry into the Holy Place, even as
blood and water cleanses us in preparation of receiving the Holy
One into our lives! After cleansing, the priest would then take the
fire from off of the brazen altar and would enter through the veil
into the Holy Place. The Holy Place had no doors or windows
through which light could come. The only light to be provided here
was to come from the golden candlesticks. These candlesticks
consisted of seven wicks fed by oil from seven bowls. The wicks
had to be lit with the fire brought by the priest from the brazen altar.
The uniting at the candlesticks of the oil and fire to produce light is
a perfect type of the Holy Ghost and fire promised to New
Testament believers (Matthew 3:11). Without the light of the Holy
Ghost, we could not see to live in the Holy Place which is where
every Christian should live. God spoke of His great plan of
redemption in the Old Testament in types and shadows; and then in
the New Testament He spoke plainly to us so that we would have
no doubt of His will! Once again we recall the words of 1 John 5:8,
"There are three that bear witness in the earth, the SPIRIT, the
WATER, and the BLOOD; and these three agree in one". This Old
Testament lesson beautifully reaffirms to us the absolute necessity
of the full Born Again plan in each life for salvation!

Some Common Misconceptions.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

Acts 16:30-31 reads this way, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
And they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be
saved, and thy house." Many have taken this scripture to teach that
all that is required for salvation is to believe that Jesus Christ is the
Savior of the world; and from that point on, the individual is saved.
It is definitely true that an individual must believe that Jesus is the
Savior in order to be saved.

However, Paul, who spoke these words in Acts 16, has some further
teaching on the subject in Romans 10:13-15. Let's consider the text:
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
How then shall they call on him OF WHOM they have not heard?
and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they
preach, except they be sent?" If we wanted to be absurd, we could
take this thirteenth verse to teach that all an individual must do for
salvation is to call out the name of Jesus one time and he has
received salvation. Paul tells us they can't call on him in whom they
have not believed. Furthermore, he said that they can't believe in
him OF WHOM they have not heard. We cannot merely believe.
We must believe SOMETHING about Christ. When Paul told the
jailer in Acts 16 to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, he went on to
speak unto him the word of the Lord (verse 32). The word which
Paul spake was apparently the GOSPEL; for the result in verse 33

was that the jailer and all his house were baptized at midnight.
That's how essential baptism is for salvation. Paul took all these
people out AT MIDNIGHT and baptized them!

Some would object here by saying that we are saved by faith alone.
It is true that we are saved by faith, but it is also true that true faith
always produces action on the part of the believer. Let's study from
James 2:14-22 to verify this point.

"What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith,
and have not works? can faith save him? If a brother or a sister be
naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them,
Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give
them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it
profit? Even so faith if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea,
a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works; shew me thy
faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also
believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith
without works IS DEAD? Was not Abraham our father justified by
works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thus
how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made

When an individual believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, what do they
believe about him? They believe the gospel, which is the death,
burial, and resurrection (I Corinthians 15:1-4). James teaches us that
faith without action is dead, or it is not really faith at all. When a
sinner hears the true gospel and truly believes, he will obey the
gospel. An individual obeys the death, burial, and resurrection of
Christ by repentance, baptism, in Jesus' name, and the infilling of
the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking with other tongues. (Write
for our free booklet "Tongues - Devilish or Divine"). This is the
salvation of Calvary! "Seest thou how faith wrought with his works,
and by works was faith made perfect?" (or complete).

If you are still having trouble conceding to this teaching because of
the element of works involved, let's reason concerning one more
point. Being born again is not considered by God to be a work. In
Titus 3:5 we are taught, "Not by works of righteousness which we
have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing
of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost;". This
scripture tells us that regeneration which is being born again is NOT
a work of righteousness.

Concluding this matter, we will cite a familiar Biblical example. In
the great revival at Samaria in Acts 8:5-23, a sorcerer named Simon
heard the preaching of Philip. He believed and was baptized and
continued with Philip beholding the signs and miracles which were
done. Many people would say that because Simon believed, he was
saved. Yet the Apostle Peter said of him in Acts 8:23, "For I
perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of


It is impossible for anyone in the bond of iniquity to be saved; for
the scriptures tell us, "if the Son therefore shall make you free, ye
shall be free indeed" (John 8:36). Simon believed and was baptized,
but he had not received the Holy Ghost; therefore, he was not born
again. We cannot be half-born and survive. The entire work of
Calvary is necessary for our salvation.

The thief on the cross.

Many have asked, "If an individual must repent, be baptized, and
receive the Holy Ghost for salvation, how was the thief on the cross
with Jesus saved?"

(Luke 23:38-43). First of all, it was impossible for anyone to be
born again at this time, for the born again plan was not yet
complete. Jesus had not died, been buried, and risen again. God has
always had a plan of salvation for each dispensation of time. In
Noah's day the only way of salvation was to get in the ark. In
Moses' day the only plan was the law. In the church dispensation,
the only way to be saved is to be born again. Jesus told Nicodemus,
"Ye MUST be Born Again."


May we point out as we conclude this study that we have been
given the first church and the Apostles after which to pattern our
teaching and practices.

In each recorded account of conversions under the Apostles'
ministries, the three steps of being born again are evident. In Acts
2:38, it was repentance, baptism, and the Holy Ghost. In Acts 8:12,
Acts 10:44-48, and Acts 19:1-6, we find the born again experience
taught and received. Why should we vary from this practice when
we are to be built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone?

Do not allow anything to turn you aside from this truth AGAIN. If
you haven't as yet, you should do so TODAY!

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Jesus Said One MUST Be Born-Again. in Jn.3:3-5 NOT an option. So What does it really mean To Be Born-again? A must see Video about 8 min.of your time! Find out What does the bible say concerning this Topic? God Bless you for Viewing.

Find more videos like this on Jesus Loves You!

To your suprise, John 3:3-5 has nothing to do with being immersed in the Mikvah(baptism). What does it really mean to be born again? It means to repent of your sins, and turn to HaShem. You are to be baptized, which symbolizes the cleansing that took place, place trust in Messiah, and you are to keep the Torah.
Hi Della

Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God".

Peter's reiterates this when he says in his Gospel
He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16

As does Paul in Romans 6:4 "Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life."
Be blessed
Mark 16:16 Naturally if nobody believes than nobody will get baptized. Caral You quoted Paul's words which is true but what about Acts 2:38? Was Peter wrong for preaching this to be saved?
That's sound doctrine right there! Thank God for His plan of salvation, and I also thank God for obeying Acts 2:38... God bless!
Hey brother Marshall I thank the Lord Jesus too for Acts 2:38! It changed My Life!
the organization that brother Elijah belongs to according to there website are trinitrians
How is that? I didn't see any trinitarian stuff on there. The website off of his page?
Baptism in the Name of Jesus

Why YOU need to know why.

OK. Most Christians were baptized in the titles of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Were you?

Why would this article dare suggest something different? Because the Bible really does make a very big deal out of using the name of Jesus in baptism. Please consider this subject with an open mind.

It focuses on the importance of the name of Jesus. Think about this.

Civilization has worshipped many gods throughout history.

People make gods out of anything. They imagine that anything that seems to be somewhat supernatural is a god. People imagine gods to be anything they need them to be for whatever purpose.

Take for example, the ancient Aztec Indians. They believed that fire and water were sacred to their very survival, so they imagined and worshipped gods of fire and water.

In the Far East, Hindus worshipped gods of wealth, health, and fertility, for similar reasons. The ancient Mediterraneans idolized sensuality and carnal pleasures, and mythological gods like Venus and Isis, Eros and Cupid were worshipped.

Orientals of India revere the Brahman sages, and hold cows to be sacred. Egyptians fearfully worship crocodiles, to appease the dangerous beasts dwelling along the banks of the Nile River. Many societies have deified their heroic dead, such as the ancient Nimrod and his wife, Simaramis.

In the modern Western world, we worship a menagerie of gods, like money and material possessions, or fame and fortune, pleasure and power. We hold over-achievers on a pedestal - the Olympians, the movie stars, the star athletes.

It is important to remember that man-made gods have no power to prepare us for eternity.

There may appear to be many gods, but we realize that many things are worshipped which are not worthy of worship. Many things that are perceived to be supernatural, or have supernatural powers are not indeed supernatural.

Jesus Christ is the only man who ever lived who had, and still has the power to save, heal and change lives. Most of the gods of ages past have long been forgotten. Even in modern society, we see that men's worship is usually short-lived, and popular gods and idols soon become unpopular, and men replace them with new, more attractive ones. There have been few gods that held the public attention for more than a short time.

Jesus Christ is God with us. He is the only true, living Savior.

There is only one God that has endured the test of time and continues forever the same. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And that is the God of the Bible.

Israel's King David observed, "The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not..." (Psalm 115:4-6a). He reminds us that the gods of this world are created by men, and are therefore lifeless.

"But," he boasts that, "our God is in the heavens, he hath done whatsoever he pleased" (verse 3).

Our God is the only eternal God.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians (I Corinthians 8:5 & 6) that "though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) but to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things."

This describes the sovereignty, or the singular entity of God.

Our God is not just A god, but He is THE God; the only true and living God. He stands alone, in a class all to Himself. He is Supreme and superior to every other power.

I should not have to prove to any thinking person that there truly is a Supreme God; a Holy One whose power supersedes, precludes and leaves powerless any other so-called god.

Only a fool would argue that there is not a higher power, specifically, one whose very existence is not confined to time or space. Some people ignorantly acknowledge a 'Force' with us; others perceive Him as 'Divine providence'.

But He is infinitely more than a force or a providence. He is our Creator. As such, He is our Father. He is the root and source of all life. Even though men perceive God in many contradictory terms, one thing is sure: He pre-existed us. He pre-existed the worlds. His existence reaches into the eternal past.

When Moses first wrote about the creation of heaven and earth, he did not even suggest a proper name for the Creator. He only said, "in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).

John 1:3 said that "All things were made by him; and without Him was not anything made that was made."

God has a specific identity - a specific name that He requires us to address Him by.

"God'? Is "God" His name?

Since Moses introduced us to the Creator without referring to Him by name, we have to look for whatever name significance we can find in this word "God".

The translators of the Hebrew language capitalized "God" when referring to the one true God. The Creator was not god, but God. The upper-case "G" subtly helps us to distinguish between the many gods and the one true God.

The ancient Hebrew language uses the word Elohiym in place of the English word God. Elohiym could be translated 'gods' as a common noun.

But in the Genesis story, elohiym is used as a proper noun, and indicates the Supreme God. In the so-called majestic plural, elohiym refers not to a plurality of gods or personages of god, but a plurality of virtues or attributes of the one true Spirit of God; at once manifesting the attributes of a multitude of lesser gods.

He is the Lord of lords.

In the Old Testament, God's names applied to particular attributes.

He came to be known by many names. In the days of Adam's son, Seth, "then began men to call upon the NAME of the LORD" (Genesis 4:26).

The English term, "lord" comes from the Hebrew term "Yehovah", and means "self-existent One."

When you combine Yehovah Elohiym, you say Lord God, or Self-existent One God.

Later, God told Moses in Exodus that He had appeared unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, "by the name of God ALMIGHTY, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them" (Exodus 6:3).

Five times in the book of Genesis, God (Elohiym) is used in conjunction with Almighty (Shaddai), (Genesis 17:1, 28:3, 35:11, 43:14, 48:3). So El Shaddai was God Almighty.

The scripture tells us that "Abram called upon the name of the LORD" (Genesis 12:8,21:33). In other words, Abraham was familiar with God by the name El Shaddai, but never knew the name Jehovah.

Eventually, all three names combined. Yehovah Elohiym Shadday, or the Self-existent One God Almighty.

It is critical to understand that the LORD is a single person

Moses said that Elohiym was "One Lord" in Deuteronomy 6:4.

He commanded the Hebrews, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One Lord".

That fact was held to be more important than all other facts of life. Every Jewish child had a monotheistic concept of God imposed upon his or her thinking so forcefully that absolutely no person but God the Father was allowed to be worshipped.

In the book of Job, Job asked, "Will ye accept His PERSON?", referring to God as one person.

In Genesis, Moses described a single person as creator when he said, "So God created man in His own image, in the image of GOD created He him" (Genesis 1:27).

What is the name of the ONE LORD?

It is unthinkable that the God of universal power and glory can be adequately named by merely capitalizing the common noun - god.

Even as human civilization multiplied and filled the earth, and men began to know God more fully, they still did not know how to properly address Him. His name was not given at first. It was a secret.

When Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord, he asked "Tell me, I pray thee, thy NAME" (Genesis 32:27). The Angel would not tell him, but responded: "Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name?"

Later, Samson's father, Manoah, was also visited by the Angel of the Lord. Manoah wanted to find out what His name was, but was forbidden: "Why askest thou thus after my NAME, seeing it is SECRET" (Judges 13:18).

It would seem that the Angel of the Lord would be able to declare the NAME of the Lord, but not so.

There were numerous names ascribed to God given to us, but the highest, all-encompassing name was mysteriously withheld for centuries.

Something in the plan and purpose God prevented ONE SPECIAL NAME from being revealed. But it became more apparent that the earlier names were incomplete.

From the beginning, the significance of each name of God was confined to a particular attribute of God.

Yehovah was compounded with specific adjective-like names, such as Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-nissi, and Jehovah-shalom.

Jireh implied Provider, and was introduced when God provided the ram in Isaac's stead on Mt. Moriah, (Genesis 22:14).

Nissi was introduced at an altar in the desert, when Moses declared the Lord to be his Banner of war against the Amelekites, (Exodus 17:15).

Shalom referred to the Peace that Gideon found in the presence of the Lord, (Judges 6:24).

Yehovah Rapha meant the Lord that Healeth, in Exodus 15:26.

There were no less than sixteen Jehovah names in all. NONE of them defined His name to be Salvation.

That fact is significant. God's SAVING name was not revealed in the Old Testament!

Isaiah did describe it, however, in an Old Testament prophecy. He said, "His NAME shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6).

God's highest and saving name was reserved for a very special time

Zechariah prophesied, "And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be ONE LORD, and His NAME ONE" (Zechariah 14:9).

ONE NAME FOR GOD! Think about it!

Consider all the great names ascribed to God through the ages. Then consider the implications of having them all reduced to one simple name, and you may begin to understand the importance of the name.

Elohiym had referred to the multifaceted nature of God, but it still sounded like a common noun, and had an almost generic meaning.

But a better name was going to come.

A Name was revealed by the Angel for the Incarnate Savior

It was not until the magnificent occasion of the Incarnation that God chose to unveil the highest name ever revealed.

It somehow had to be related to the fact that through all the ages, God had remained an invisible Spirit, showing Himself only on rare occasions in a variety of temporary forms, or Theophanies, (i.e., men, angels, apparitions, smoke, fire, clouds, whirlwinds, and in dreams and visions).

Since God had revealed Himself only partially, it was fitting that His name was also only partially revealed.

But when God finally became physically embodied in a human vessel, that is, when He was incarnated in the body of His infant human Son, God "made himself of no reputation, and took on him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:" (Philippians 4:7).

"And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him", (referring to the human son), "and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that JESUS Christ is LORD" (we have identified the Lord as Jehovah: the Self-Existent One), "to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:8-11).

So Jesus is the Self-existent one, whom the ancient fathers knew as the Father, or Lord. Now He is incarnate in the human body of His son.

The name Jesus brought salvation

Until that time, men had approached God through a wide variety of names, none of which related to salvation.

Earlier names had offered healing, peace, provision, et cetera, but the angel had instructed Mary and Joseph that the son of God was to have a very special name.

"And thou shalt call his name JESUS, for he shall SAVE his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).

JESUS' name meant SALVATION. The roots of the Greek word Jesus trace to the Hebrew Jehoshua which is a combination of Jehovah (Self- existent One) and Yasha (Savior,) forming the highest name of Jehovah ever known: Jehovah-Yasha (Savior)!

JESUS is the all-encompassing name of God

It was the Father's undisclosed name: JESUS!

It was the Holy Spirit's secret name: JESUS!

And it was given to and revealed in the human Son: JESUS!

The Spirit's name was revealed in a man. The Son (human) prayed to the Father (Eternal Spirit) and said: "I have DECLARED unto them thy name, and will declare it" (John 17:26). In Hebrews 2:12, the Son again says, "I will DECLARE thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee."

The name the Son declared was JESUS. And he plainly told them that it was His Father's name!

Jesus told the Jews, "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive" (John 5:43).

Since it was the Holy Ghost who conceived the infant in the womb of the virgin Mary, according to Luke 1:35, we must recognize the fact that the HOLY GHOST is the FATHER of Jesus Christ.

You can be sure that God the Father did not beget another deity.

There simply is no God the Son. That phrase is not to be found in the Bible, and for a reason.

Since the Holy Ghost was the Father, and the Father's name was Jehovah Savior (that is, JESUS), then the the name of the Holy Ghost is also Jehovah Savior (that is, JESUS).

If you have never realized or admitted it, now would be a good time to say it - 'The Father's name is Jesus. The Son's name is Jesus. And the Holy Ghost's name is Jesus.'

The only begotten son was a man, in which the Father was incarnate!

So the man, the Son, wore the name of the God who was in him. That name was Jesus.

He said, "I am come in my Father's name." We see then that the name Jesus belongs as much to the Father as it does to the Son.

Jehovah Savior is the Eternal Spirit and Jehovah Savior is embodied in the Son of Man.

When we speak the name Jesus we address the "fullness of God bodily" (Colossians 2:9).

Therefore we must conclude that Jesus' commandment in Matthew 28:19 to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" can only be fulfilled when the name Jesus is actually pronounced, because there is no other name given under Heaven that simultaneously addresses the Spirit of God and the Son of Man as SAVIOR, the name whereby we MUST BE SAVED!

The entire remainder of the New Testament is conspicuously void of any illustrations of the Apostles ever baptizing their converts while pronouncing the titles "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" over them, for the simple reason that salvation is not in the titles, but in the name!

Sins are remitted in His name.

In fact, Jesus' own commandment was that REMISSION of sins should be preached IN HIS NAME (Luke 24:47).

The Apostles' own ministries confirmed their conviction that EVERY CONVERT should be baptized in the NAME of JESUS Christ.

The Old Testament remained in effect until the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even the thief on the cross had to be saved under the Old Testament jurisdiction.

But New Testament guidelines changed everything.

No one was allowed to continue their ministry until first they "wait for the promise of the Father" (Acts 1:4), which Acts 1:5 identifies as the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.

One hundred twenty souls were "filled with the Holy Ghost, and spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:4) on the day of Pentecost.

Thousands of curious passersby hungrily desired the same experience. Peter preached to them the very first gospel message of the New Testament that day.

"Repent," he said, "and be baptized EVERY ONE OF YOU in the NAME of JESUS Christ for the remission of sins, and ye SHALL receive the GIFT of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:38), (the gift being the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues).

"Then they that gladly received his word WERE BAPTIZED" (Acts 2:41), we must assume in the NAME of JESUS Christ, and, we must also assume, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. This involved an additional 3,000 souls.

It is easy to see the mountain of evidence showing the importance of calling upon the name of Jesus in baptism.

Peter's requirement to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ was in direct obedience to Jesus' command in Luke 24:47.

In fact, Jesus himself instructed Saul of Tarsus to present himself before a man named Annanias, where it would be "told thee what thou must do" (Acts 9:6).

On arrival, Annanias directed Saul to "Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, CALLING on the NAME of the LORD", (Acts 22:16).

Paul obediently was baptized, (Acts 9:19) and also received the gift of the Holy Ghost, (Acts 9:17b), speaking in tongues (I Corinthians 14:18).

The very first converts to Christianity from outside the Jewish nation were members of a Roman centurion's family, the household of Cornelius.

An angel instructed Cornelius to call for Peter. "He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do", the angel said (Acts 10:6).

When Peter arrived, he preached JESUS to them. "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on ALL them which heard the word," (Acts 10:44).

This occasion was of the very same kind which had happened to the JEWS on the day of Pentecost, but this time it was "on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God" (Acts 10:45b).

Peter repeatedly commanded baptism in Jesus' name

Not to stop short of full obedience, Peter immediately responded, "Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?

And he COMMANDED them to be baptized in the NAME of the Lord" (Acts 10:47,48).

The emphasis is on the fact that the NAME of JESUS is the SAVING NAME of God. We call upon the SAVING NAME to be saved.

Peter said, "Whosoever shall CALL on the NAME of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21).

Believers were rebaptized correctly if they had not been baptized in the name of Jesus

Paul preached in Ephesus to some of John the Baptist's followers. "He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism" (Acts 19:2-3).

Paul taught them that they were to "believe on him who should come after John, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the NAME of the LORD JESUS.

And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came upon them; and they spake with tongues and prophesied" (verses 4-6).

Here we observe the fact that water baptism without having called on the name of the Lord Jesus was actually null and void.

These converts of John the Baptist had been baptized in water unto repentance, but they were required to be rebaptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

And they, too, received the same gift of the Holy Ghost. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).

The power in the NAME is such that the enemies of God will invariably demand the church "not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus" (Acts 4:18).

The Apostle Paul, however, commanded quite the opposite: "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the LORD JESUS" (Colossians 3:17).

"The NAME of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into IT, and are safe" (Proverbs 19:10).

"He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the NAME of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3:18).

"...in his name shall the Gentiles trust" (MATTHEW 12:21).

"Blessed is He that cometh in the NAME of the LORD" (Matthew 21:9).
If you ar baptized in Jesus name or baptiized in the name of the Father,Son, and Holy Ghost you are still baptized.
Do you want to just get wet? Or do you want to follow the apostles commandment to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ? There is a BIG difference. Did you see the video?


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