What is the 'CHURCH' role in the financial uproar of this country.

What do you feel if any is the church role in the life of its members. Over the past eight years i've seen church members lose faith especially in the are of finances. It's extremely esay for a church to ask for tithes and offering but does the responsibility of the church stops once they get their part.

There was on case where a church member had 5 children and paid her tithes even when her utilities were off. When her case was presented to the church, they elected to re-model the foyer instead of helping their member and her family. Needless to say that this church lost it building worth millions, and their desire to improve the building instead of improving the people.

Give me your insight, i'm looking for members and leaders to give their input.

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Tithing. Teaching the country to tithe.
Can you explain teaching the whole country to tithe?
"...There was on case where a church member had 5 children and paid her tithes even when her utilities were off. When her case was presented to the church, they elected to re-model the foyer instead of helping their member and her family. Needless to say that this church lost it building worth millions, and their desire to improve the building instead of improving the people..."

Surely that was not of God.
I think if the saints have enough faith to pay a tenth of their income - then the elders should have enough faith to help the saints with those very tithes.

The things that these so called people of God are doing to the Body of Christ in the name of Christ are going to get their just rewards. Jesus said they would say on that day but Lord did we not prophesy in your name and He is going to say that He never knew them.
I thank you for your input. I feel that everyone has an agenda of doing things for God but those thing are not of God. So tell me your opinion of a saint so deep in debt they can't pay tithes and offering. If you noticed tithes and offerings are together.
If they dont have it to give, then they dont give it. You cant get blood from a turnip.
But if they are NEEDING to give and they dont have the money then maybe they can give in some other way. Maybe they can give some kind of service.
Cook clean feed those in the Body that cannot pay back in kind.
You always have something to give - it may not be obvious but it is there.

You know, there was a little ol preacher that was teaching on giving to God (gosh I love little ol preachers - they are packed full of wisdom that young guys just have not lived life long enough to have their whitehaired wisdom).
This preacher would have people write him and request his sermon tapes - which were free but hopefully they'd give a donation because he did have to pay for the cassette tapes and mail them out all over the country. So people would send in what they could or more and some would not send in anything because they just did not have it. There were little ol ladies on pensions, the disabled, the desperately poor, you name it. Some would and some would not, but he would send the tapes out.
So he was explaining that the saints should not be so quick to say we have nothing to give - even if one is in jail. He said: Did you ever think that maybe you could send me 'stamps' to defray the cost of mailing? do you know that everybody has something to give back to God and God sees and knows about it.
When I heard that - I was like 'Wow'.
What he said was not a 'big' thing but it was profound for me.
It opened my eyes...it said
"A little thing is just a little thing - but a little thing done unto God is Huge"
If they dont have it to give then they dont give it. You cant get blood from a turnip.
But if they are NEEDING to give and they dont have the money then maybe they can give in some other way.
Maybe they can give some kind of service. Cook clean feed those in the Body that cannot pay back in kind.
You always have something to give - it may not be obvious but it is there.
You know, there was a little ol preacher that was teaching on giving to God (gosh I love little ol preachers - they are packed full of wisdom that young guys just have not lived life long enough to have that the whitehaired are able to share).
This preacher was saying that people write him and request his sermon tapes - which were free but hopefully get some kind of donation because he did have to pay for the little cassette tape and mail them out all over the country. So people would send in what they could or more and some would not send in any because they jsut did not have it. Little ol ladies, the disabled, the desperately poor you name it - but some would and some would not, but he would send them out.
So he was explaining that we should not be so quick to say we have nothing to give - even if you were in jail. He said you know - did you ever think that maybe you could send me 'stamps' to defray the cost of mailing?
When I heard that - I was like 'Wow'.
What he said was not a 'big' thing but it was profound for me.
It opened my eyes...A little thing is just a little thing but a little thing done unto God is Huge.

And yet - there are those that instead of paying their bills they will get those tithes up.
Be it unto your faith, I guess
I understand but would you agree in parts that one question should be...why are the people (joint heirs) in such a poor financial state? I remember a lady bringing a check to the church and the "Apostle" gave it back to her in front of everyone. I prayed that God will give her grace and have mercy on him for his actions. Jesus said that if you had 100 sheeps and one go astray leave the 99 and go find the 1....but because we are so heavenly minded that we're no earthly .........., we take God's people for granted. I think that it's the leaders job to do what God said like God said. The biggest problem the whole country is facing is in the area of finances and while we've not got a glimpse of what's to come it's the beginnig of an end.
Is it not profound that our plan of salvation was about a debt, one that God was willing to sacrifice His only son for.
What do you mean he gave it back?
You mean he knew that she was having it hard and did not want to take her money?
I mean she gave her check, the receivers of the money saw it was a chech and he gave it back to her. It was not because of her need, it was an awful display of leadership
But WHY did he give it back? He had a reason.
He did have a reason.....and i think you have an idea, but do man have the riights to not accept whats for God?
The tithes and offerein s are not for beautifying multi-million dollar projects and 20,000+ facilities. Mega-Church mentalities have soiled the minds and hearts of the leaders, because they have forgotten the TRUE purpose of the funds:

-spread the Gospel
-feed the widow
-take care of the orphans
-clothe the naked
-fund the Ministers

I for one am all for a "home church model". What I mean is this: Ministers living within the Church itself. This may sound strange, but its far from it. In the old days, Priests lived within the very Churches they watched over. This saves on alot of funds.


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