Can someone please show me in the Bible where this is permitted and explain the text?
Truly, I have been inspired by all of the comments and insight that have come from many of you!! I wanted to open a discussion that would stir the hearts and minds of many and I did. I can see that it is man vs woman and should not be. My question still remains,,,about Women Bishops!!!! The Bible does not co-sign this. I really believe we all are hung on titles. Whatever you do,,,do it all in the name of Jesus. I wanted to make some points and say some things, so that it would stir your knowledge up and cause you to proclaim what you believe. I can say,,,I have walked into many churches,,,and without sayiing a word or opening my mouth,,,,how can these men detect, discern, or sense that God has a call on my life. AND,,,WHAT, call is that? Glory be to God,,,you see many of us should make sure that our scripture references that we are using to back up your point,,,is not contextual customed to fit in your box of beliefs. My statement to this was about,,,women Bishops,,,and I for one don't agree with the TITLE,,,but I believe that a woman can teach the Gospel,,,and if the HOOP is naturally in her when she delievers,,,then hoop. Whether you want to call it style,,,whatever,,,,we all have our style. So,,if I come to some of your churches,,,I can get turned off by even the way some you hoop or TEACH. Everyone is voicing their beliefs. This is a very sensitive topic,,,and women we must make sure we are wise virtuous women,,,one thing is for sure,,,we are MASTERs at multitasking. If God,,,called you to Sunday School, Evangelist,Prophet, then you must remain a help at home. Men,,,i believe if your wife works, has to take care of kids,,,and does servant service to her local Ministry,,,it just WONT kill you to assist her at home. This is one statement that needs constant understanding and research. Our prayer should be that the LORD will enlighten and reveal to us his truth,,,NOT YOUR OPINION or CONVINCING. You see,,he that wins a soul is wise. We must make sure we ALL speak wisely. God Bless You All And thanks for the replies and the most of all THE WORD!!

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Ok Evangelist,

for a new discussion, please let's keep that on someone else's page. As we can see this one is getting pretty long. I am more than welcome to respond on a different page. But lets keep the topic as listed.
Actually the Pharisees did not add to or change a thing. In fact, you are more of the Pharisee for feeling that the blood of JESUS is not enough, but you have to still upkeep the commandments of Moses. NOT ONCE have I ever read where you quoted JESUS commandment to the Church.....NOT ONCE!

And you STILL have never answer for Deborah's position as leader over Israel.

The Pharisees Yeshua dealt with sinned against Yahweh by breaking the commandment of not adding or taking away from Torah.
No they did NOT! They were hypocrites, but they did not add to or take away from the Law of Moses.

Yes they did. Have you not read the Gospels? The washing of hands, picking grain on the sabbath, healing on the sabbath, etc. The Pharisees taught and preached these as if they were written in the Torah. They condemned all who did not practice the traditions of the fathers.

Yeshua corrected them, for they were following traditions of man, rather than the commandment of Yahweh. The above commands, the Pharisees added to Torah, making them law. Sure they were hypocrites, but this did not stop them from adding to, and taking away from Torah.
Deborah's position and Barak's honor of it speaks for itself!
AMEN! This is something many NEVER want to acknowledge....
I agree!! Men have a hard time accepting that the woman was strong and a leader!
We don't have a hard time accepting that women are strong and are capable of being great leaders... the problem arises when women operate out of their role function that God (Yah) ordained... we could go back and forth... God (Yah) is clear in His Word... only false teachers look to question what's said... do you remember Satan questioned Eve?
Mr Moreh,

please, we are not trying to write a book. Most of your comments are TOO LONG!
He's using Scripture to back up his arugment... something that many fail to use... if you're afraid of Scripture... then why are you posting questions?


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