Over the years, I have heard many men and women in the holiness denominations say that women shouldn't wear pants in the church.

Were is the scripture to support the ideology that women shouldn't wear pants? If it is in scripture then I would have to ask why are men wearing pants? Did men wear pants in biblical times or did their wear something that covered their loins and then long robe like attire? I mean isn't that what you depict in your biblical plays? So why aren't the men being asked to wear similar apparel in the church to maintain a outward appearance of holiness? Why aren't they asked to not cut their hair (both facial and head)

What are the clothing designations for men in the holiness denominations.

After all, without holiness NO man/woman shall see God.....

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Good Afternoon Hope.  You have made a very valid point and my answer is "Who Cares!!!"  I think that the Body of Christ concentrates on so many things that don't matter and miss what does matter!  I think there are bigger fish to fry like teenage pregnancy in many ministries; the increase of the HIV/AIDS rate increasing in the "Black Church': pastors sleeping with the congregants; the divorce rate among the Christian community; and so much more!  If wearing pants keeps me from going to heaven, I can't imagine what me drinking a margarita will do!

Former First Lady





This is one of The Most Devastating, and Powerful New Christian E-Books Online.  Every single Pastor or Minister of The Gospel should read this. It's Biblical and very sound in nature. Visit www.theblackwomanisjudas.us    You will not be disappointed.

Dear Sister Hope,


The real question should be, should God care if you serve him while wearing pants or dress? God's love is unconditional,and the issues in this world are so much more important than pants versus dress in church. I have worn both pants and dresses in church, and the love that I have for God is the same. God bless and continue to minister to the world.


-Christian Author LaSheka L. Hollingsworth



god said come as we r who is us to judge that why i stayed out of church for the longest i used to love it when i was little girl but then i felt out with going cause you had to wear dresses if u was a girl r a woman i love the lord but i don't love dresses i will wear one every now and then but now wild horses can't keep me from church if i don't want to wear a dress then i want  wear one i wear my pants cause i am going for the word and not for  what people want me to wear r what they think about what i wear

I agree with you whole heartedly. I have heard this same stigma put on woman, some of the older generation tried to explain it to ne this way. That a woman shouldn't show her shape as so not to tempt men and take their focus. To me personally , a woman can have skirt down to her feet and still be just as desirable as one wearing pants or a shorter skirt, so really their is no need for churches to keep this rule in place. It has no biblical significants.

I totally agree with you.Lets not make petty issues issues,but preach the Gospel as it is commanded

Thanks for the quiz... but do you think is right for a woman like you to expose your nakedness even in the sanctuaries... Have you seen strippers at night ... is that what you want women to be... don't your instinct tell you is wrong...unethical to expose your nakedness howly

Alex--I think you are gay.  Why question god on sexy woman's body soooo delicious and tasty--but obviously you would rather have sausages and balls.


reeting dear,

I feel with honour to write you after reading through

your page on BPN. I'm Liza, I am nice, friendly, Honest,

reliable and optimistic. I want to have you as a spiritual

friend and one family in the lord. Also, i have something

to tell you as a top secret. feel free to In box me @

( lizajacob777@yahoo.com )I look forward to heared from you soon.

Have a wonderful week! Thank You,and God bless you.

Please let me hear from you soon!

Best Regards,


God is not attracted by the physical appearance, but at the heart.

I invite you to listen to sermon # 60 (WOMEN WEARING PANTS) on www.apostolichop.org.

Hello sister i read your posting and all i will say at this point is let the church be the church. I could break down the information you are seeking but it would take more room then this little box allow. It would require several points and a good king James bible. 



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