Over the years, I have heard many men and women in the holiness denominations say that women shouldn't wear pants in the church.

Were is the scripture to support the ideology that women shouldn't wear pants? If it is in scripture then I would have to ask why are men wearing pants? Did men wear pants in biblical times or did their wear something that covered their loins and then long robe like attire? I mean isn't that what you depict in your biblical plays? So why aren't the men being asked to wear similar apparel in the church to maintain a outward appearance of holiness? Why aren't they asked to not cut their hair (both facial and head)

What are the clothing designations for men in the holiness denominations.

After all, without holiness NO man/woman shall see God.....

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Its stuff like this that cause me to fall in LOVE with my Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek Interlinear Bible!
come on now sis preach it preach it all religion and not relationship the new covenant is the regarding the heart!! As my pastor used to say jesus is coming back for souls and not for clothes we should have a liberty in the new church but so many bondages in the church today! scriptrues that are being misinterpetated its a sad truth!! But we coming out in jesus name!!!
Who... lil old me???? (smile)
Very Awesome Topic....

I for one has been wearing skirts and dresses all my life....because My mother...especially my Grandmother grew up not wearing in pants.... because from the begining.or back in the day.....Women didn't wear pants...in society ......the Man wore the pants in the House....... you can go back and check the record... .... but that is beside the Point......

I love my skirts and dresses.......and yes my daughters also wear them.......it's all about what you been taught as a child growning up................ I don't condem no one to Hell about it because God is the one that can deal and reveal to a person about this situation.... Many Arugments has occurred over this topic and the scripture.... and still nothing has been settle.... and it's not going to get settle.. that why I say let the Lord Deal with a person......!!!

to be honest..... it was customary for women not to wear pants in any church..... and right today many denomination NOT ONLY.......Pentecostal/ Apostolic........ are still wanting the women not to wear their pants in the church........ My husband co-worker goes to a Baptist church.... we were invited to go to a wedding.... and on the invitation it stated.... women because of the church rules please refrain from wearing Pants in the sanctuary.......not only that it was a sign on the door of the church stating the same thing........I know a person that Goes to a Presbyterian church... the women that's in her church.... don't wear pants either in the santuary.

It just depends on what church you attend...

My final point on this..

If the church rules states women don't wear pants in the santuary....then so be it.. no one should kick aganist.. You have have the right to Go or not to Go... and if your Church allows it then so be it..no one should kick againist it either.......... You still have a right to Go or not to Go.
............SIDE BAR...............lets flip this .....

Would it be alright if a Man comes in YOUR church with a dress/ skirt outfit on everytime the service.. not saying he's Gay or transgender....But if a couple men in YOUR church decides to start wearing Dresses/ skirts to church....

Would it be alright

How would you Feel

Will it look right
I'm answering my ...........SIDE BAR ...question...

My honest answer...

it will vex my spirit to see a Man attending my church in a Dress/Skirt because of the scripture.

Deut 22:5 "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." ..

yes we know in the bible days... their clothing were different and we are not going to kick againist what they wore.. but still there were a difference in clothing to distinguish the two.....................

and as years went by and as we journey in to our century...... do we put away the teachings ....from the old testament....I know some say well it didn't say it in the new testament...My question still stand do we do away with the teaching in the old testament......

A Man garment IN THE USA......I'm just dealing with the USA..... has been pants/trouser/shorts..two leg, zipper, or button. if you please............. their garments never change....

as for a Women wear that which pertaineth unto a man

pertained... to belong as a part, member, accessory, or product...to belong as an attribute, feature, or function

what garments does a Man wear pertaineth to him.?????.. " Pants" in the USA

ok we know when Grandmothers...and great..great Grandmother back in the day.....Women Garments was dresses.. My Grandmother stated when they went to field...they put there husband pants on under there long dress so they wouldn't cut there legs...as a covering so bugs wouldn't bite them.....Pants weren't never made for the women.... until later on down in the years..... They copy the pattern of what the Man wore...

I beleive that why some churches are talking about per said the scripture ...pertaineth unto a man
I understand what you are saying...that's fine..some one just starting coming to church and don't know the word......or course you don't jump all over them....

i'm talking about... a brother that's been in your church a long time.. Like a deacon...minister or even your Pastor... and all of the sudden they start wearing a Dress/ skirt to Church..to every....service..........my honest answer... oh it will vex my spirit...

some one may say.. I'm talking silly talk..But no i'm not... I'm just hitting both ways.. because as this world get worse and worse.... Oh it's going to start happenning...
right there... you said something....

If my Bishop start wearing a Dress/ Skirtout fit ... or.... Even my husband..... to church...... oh my Lord...........

ok we know that is abomination to the Lord...because we....know that is a Women's Garment in the USA

I'm still going to turn this thing... like I stated before....

.....pertained... to belong as a part, member, accessory, or product...to belong as an attribute, feature, or function

what garments does a Man wear pertaineth to him.?????.. " Pants" in the USA

Now what about the Women.............

it all about being obedient to the word of God....Yes it may not take your anointing away.(some say)...... if a women wore the pants to church.. or vice verse if a Man wore a dress/skirt.....But are you obedient to the Word of God...

Obedience is the Key..!!!
I wonder.. was there ever a time in the USA when men wore... nightgowns??? And now that is unexceptable.... hmmm

In the USA were t-shirts created for men or women?
I agree there are garments that has ????? about... It make you wonder....we can go down the line and listed them just a few more to add





Tennis shoe
Hmmm.. what if the man was Scottish or Irish and he wore a kilt? Would you kick him out of your church?

What if the man were African and wore a dashiki? Would he be banned from worship?

Let's flip it another way... what if you were worshipping OUTSIDE the church... would these people be banned?

I am talking about the heart. The example you gave is a good example of a two people with an issue of their hearts more than what they are wearing. Is there some rebellion going on? Is there some perversion in their marriage.

Peeps, you gotta see past clothing.

If you really want to flip it... could you worship in a culture where the people were barely clothed but were sincere in their worship to the Most High God??? Would their lack of clothing hinder your worship?
tracy... you made some vaild points.....and I think everyone has..

First I'm speaking on what is going on here in the USA. So I can't fully give you an honest answer
I can't speak what hasn't happen in the church I attends or even the churches I visited.... like a African came in the church wore a Dashiki or even a Scottish person wearing.....the kilt...Because we are not custom to seeing that Here(USA)..I havent seen it nor expeirience it..but only watching the youtube clips.... But I know for sure.. no one wouldn't be turn away from Worshipping in the Church that I atttends..

God is universal of course each Culture, worshipped and praise him in there own native languages..etc..etc..

as for the question could you worship in a culture where the people were barely clothed but were sincere in their worship to the Most High God??? Would their lack of clothing hinder your worship? hmmmmmmmm what about you

Yes I can when the anointing of God is flowing who care... even a drunk man can give him praise if the anointing of God is in the builidng...

Yes the scritpure hold true!! Samuel 16:7

7.But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

God judges Heart... and in that ....being Obedience of his Word must be found there!!!


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