Would You As Pastor allow Homosexuals To Frolic In Your Church?

Vermont has just okayed what they call "same sex mariages". It is very sad that we humans who are supposed to be the most intelligent creatures on earth, dont even understand or appreciate the sacred purpose of marriage. The reason why God instituted marriage is for reproduction, plus nothing, minus nothing. The sole reason why we are created male and female, or exibit some form of sexuality is to reproduce. If we didnt have to reproduce after our kind, we wont have any devices for sex. Angels dont reproduce and as such are sexless beings. Everything else God put on earth comes in pairs of male and female. Even birds know this. Have you ever gone bird-watching and seen two male birds weaving a nest and trying to raise a family?
You dont have to be a rocket scientist in order to understand that another man's behind was neither designed by God nor evolution for sex. The anus is not a sexul organ, period. So that if you want to use a body feature designed to accomplish one task for a completely senseless one then there is something wrong with your perception. You are like the man who sees a deer and calls it an elephant. Something is wrong upstairs!! What is the purpose of a so called same sex marriage. Sexual pleasure so they speak. But pleasure is not the purpose for sex.The pleasure part is secondary. God made sex pleasurable, why? Because if it had felt like surgery, you would have to hold a gun to your partner's head to have children. Homosexuals have taken the "purpose" out and are going gang-ho after the "pleasure".WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT PLEASURE-SEEKING IN THE LAST DAYS?
As A pastor the only way I would allow a homosexual in my congregation if they understand that homosexuality, just all other deviations , is wrong and they came to church to seek help like all of us do. But if a homosexual shows up in church all cocky and full of gay pride and trying to peddle his ware in the church, I will chase him out with a baseball bat!!! lol!
You just said "wow, he hates homosexuals!", right? Wrong. As a pastor you cant hate anybody because of their sin.It will be like a Doctor hating a patient because the latter has a form of cancer the Doctor dreads.But if the patient tells the Doc, "Leave my cancer a lone. I was born with it, and I am proud of it." Well, then get out of the hospital! I dont hate homosexuals, I hate homosexuality. You dont hate the sinner, you hate the sin. You have to hate the sin enough to be able to help the sinner. On the other hand if you love the sin, you yourself might just get caught up in it.I consider it a disgrace to the human race that we allow behavior that even some animals shy away from.

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We as Christians don't have to degrade one another when communicating. We all say the same thing and that is something is wrong and something is right because God says so. I'm saying what is the ungodly fashion at which we communicate to one another even if there is disagreements. If God is love and if that is the two commandments Jesus gave us then why should we not show love towards one another even in disagreements?

This is how you know THESE men are NOT men of God. The ONLY person here who has shown his true relationship with Christ and knowledge of the Word is Rev. Luckett. The rest of these homophobes are doing nothing but revealing their hatred and self-disgust. What they say about me does not even matter the more they talk the more they reveal whose they really are.
And you reveal who you really are as well
That is where I stand on the subject, I am TOTALLY against it. I will not tolerate a homosexual to do as he/she pleases in the Church, and get away with it, nor will a thief, liar, or anything like that get clear passage. Either stand for the Bible or stand against it. Talking down on people, making them feel like killing themselves, is wrong. However, when a person rebuked, who enjoys it? There have been times that clean and simple rebuke have set a person off and defensive. There have been simple corrections given that people have closed their ears and cried "you church folk make me sick!" and "they just hatin' on me!" Rebellion is a killer far worse than a Christian saying "you're wrong" in a harsh manner. "Open rebuke is better than love concealed", and the choice is simple: Repent or swim in the Lake of Fire. If the saints are more worried about "their feelings", then I'm sorry, but they have lost focus and forgot the JESUS is not coming back as a Lamb, but a Lion.
Well when the church can OPENLY REBUKE fornication, adultery, liars, thieves, men having children out of wedlock, drunks, abusers, etc. THEN I can take what you and the rest of these homophobes have to say UNTIL THEN you show yourselves to be hateful homophobes who see look down on homosexuals.
I can go on YouTube right now and find thousands of messages on homosexuality but how many will I find about the gospel singer who pleaded with his mistress to have an abortion?
When was this OPENLY REBUKED?
Where was the outrage about this?
See, I don't have an issue with homosexuality being sin THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED however my issue is with those that allow men like this to do as they please but if this same man was a homosexual it would be a totally different outcome- unless he has a name, title or related to someone with these things. I've sat in church (not for long though) and watched as men were elevated/ordained who DID NOT deserve it because they LIED and DECEIVED but God forbid they see a homosexual in the room somewhere!!!
I see the hypocrisy and I call it out everytime I see it because if God hates anything more its hypocrisy.
Jesus spoke more about hypocrisy than He did lying.
There is one thing to rebuke and another to ABUSE mentally and emotionally.
But as I have stated when you stand before God just hope you have clean hands!!!
This is a given! We all are to be against anything that is against what God is against. The issue I have is HOW WE COMMUNICATE TO ONE ANOTHER IN ANGER, SLANDER AND FINGER POINTING! We all know Jesus is coming with His army to war against Satan and those following him after the 1,000 year peace to preach to the non believing Jews and Gentiles. I think we all know His Word but when Christians talk to one another in non Christian fashion what is that about? I'm seeing Christian men and women belittling one another. That's wrong! Simple and plain in 1Corinthians 5:1 - 13 that we don't keep company with any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous,or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; withsujch an one no not to eat. IT's plain. Chapter 6:9 - 10 they shall not inherit the kingdom of God. This is a given! We also should watch our communication towards one another is ALL I'M SAYING PERIOD! God luck on your communicating with one another on this topic and how you communicate to one another. Bottom long all things agains the Spirit is wrong. Ephesians 4:29, Let no corrupt communications proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto hearers and 1Corinthians 15:33, Be not deceived: evil communications corrupts good manners. Means evil company corrupts good habits. God bless and take care. I'm out of this one.
1Corinthians 5:1 - 13 that we don't keep company with any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous,or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; withsujch an one no not to eat. IT's plain.

I'm glad you posted this scripture.
This scripture does PLAINLY say what the church should do when someone does not want to follow the spiritual authority of the church HOWEVER why is this scripture lost but found ONLY when in regards to homosexuality?
The church of today picks and chooses what it will call sin and what it will condone- especially if it means a big pay off.
If the homosexual can't "frolick" then the alcoholic, womanizer, adulterer, fornicator, etc. shoul not be "frolicking" either!!!
What goes for ONE goes for ALL!!!
Totally agree with you on that. The church today is truly the Laodicean church age and the worst church age, even worst than Sardis that was spiritually dead. Today the church is full of man's traditions and as you say what fits man's agendas. We probably have more false teachers, preachers and SO CALLED PROPHETS than anytime. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24. If those with tags of Prophets can't do what is in Mark 16:17 - 18 or use God's name in vain as in Deuteronomy 18:20 -22, Jeremiah 14:14 - 15 and Jeremiah 28:9 if it comes to pass then God sent them. We take on names without realizing what it means. LUKEWARM age to just give warm fuzzy feelings and please man and not God. Nothing good is going to happen in this Satan defiled world and that's a given. We just need to try to win those over to Christ as we can and that's it. This world is history. God bless.
Nice, very nice
We are to kick them out of the assembly if they "frolic" in the church among the brethren.
I have read al of the comments on this page, but at the sametime, if we are too place abomination on the homosexual, how about the Lesbian, drunkard, child-molestor.

You know for these so-called pastors too condemn them is not cool, because as we all know most of the accusations of homosexuality are against the pastors and deacons, they are the ones who takes advantage of the young boys(ie., recent news).

And for this man too say that he will not take their tithes, you must have one of those little storefront churches, where you are accountable to no-one, because you can take money from all others except this certain group, keep it real The deacons would swiftly have you removed.

Just because some are not flambuoyant, doesn't mean that they are not.

HYow do you identify, the homosexual??????
Some of them identify the homosexuals because like spirits KNOW each other!!!
It's just sad that instead of trying to get help instead they hate themselves and project that hate by spewing hate out of their mouths against other homosexuals that may need help.


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