
Daily Devotionals

Start and end your day with an inspiring word of encouragement based on God's timeless Word. The Daily Devotional is designed to boost your faith and help you maintain a positive mindset every day of the week. Have a bless day! Deacon Mitcham

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Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 29, 2010 at 7:13am
We have come to the beginning of Advent.

Yesterday was the first Sunday. What is Advent? Advent means ‘coming’ on Latin. It is a period of four Sundays and the weeks before Christmas. Advent is a time of preparation for all Christians for the coming of Jesus into the world.
The greatest story ever told and it is a true story. It seems fitting that we stop and pray as we walk this Holy ground of this Advent season.

Let us pray:

Loving Father, This Christmas season, help us to slow down,
to remember the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds, and
the worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate and open the door of love
all over the world, and in our hearts.
Let kindness come with every gift, and
good desires with every greeting.

Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Jesus Christ
brings, and teach us to be joyful Christians
with overflowing hearts Of Love And Thanksgiving.

May the Christmas season make us happy to be your children, and this evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven,
For Jesus’ sake and in Jesus name we pray. Amen
Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 26, 2010 at 7:07am
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1

Psalm 136 calls believers to give thanks for many reasons, the main one being that God's gracious love -- His forgiveness and mercy in Jesus Christ -- endures forever. Similarly, Saint Paul admonishes us to "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1st Thessalonians 5:18

How can we give thanks when we are sick, lose our job or a loved one, or find ourselves in other sad circumstances? The answer is that God still loves us. In bad times He will draw us to Himself in a special show of love and reveals Himself as a mighty and merciful helper. He is there when we sorely need Him, and our problems often make us appreciate His love more.

An uplifting experience for us Christians is to begin our daily prayers with thanksgiving -- with thanks to God for His Word, for our Savior and the Spirit-created faith in Him, for our church, our family and friends, our health, hope, money, home, automobile, and other blessings. Not all Christians will have the same list of blessings, but all will have a long list.

Praying with thankful hearts comes from the conviction that The Lord is good and that His love and mercy for us in Jesus endures forever.
Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 25, 2010 at 6:59am
Today is Thanksgiving

I am thankful today that I don't already have everything I desire.
If I did, what would there be to look forward to?

I am thankful that I don’t know everything

For it gives me the opportunity to learn.

I am thankful for the difficult times.
Because it is during these times that I have grown.

I am thankful for my limitations,
Because they give me opportunities for improvement.

I am thankful for each new challenge,
Because each one is a chance to strengthen my faith and trust.

I am thankful for my mistakes.
Because from them the LORD has taught valuable lessons.

I am thankful when I am tired and weary,
Because it means I have made a difference.

It's easy for me to be thankful for the good things.
But I know from experience that my life has been richer and blessed when I have been thankful in all things, not just the good things

I am thankful in all things
Because even when I don’t see it
I know that the Lord is working all things for good
When I am thankful negatives turn into positives.

I am thankful to Jesus for what he did for me
Because when I am, all else falls into perspective.

This Thanksgiving and from now on
I will be thankful even for my troubles,
Because I know that my Lord will make them my blessings
Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 22, 2010 at 7:11am
"Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her." Matthew 26:13

As you read the New Testament, you can’t help but notice how little it says about the major events of world history. You might think Scripture would mention Rome and all its mighty conquests. But it doesn’t.

Instead, God brings out nuances that are entirely different.

Here in Matthew 26, for example, we find a unique story that God wants us never to forget. It was the incredible sacrifice that a woman made for Jesus. What was it that she did that so impressed the Lord? Was it a miracle or some great teaching? No. It was a heartfelt act.

There in the home of a man named Simon, this woman took a jar of expensive perfume and anointed Jesus with it. Why is this so significant? Her actions are memorable because she seemed to recognize that Jesus needed to be anointed for His burial. So with complete abandon, she gave Him everything she had.

Mark’s Gospel tells us her perfume cost more than 300 denarii. In these times, 300 denarii was the equivalent of nearly a year’s wages.

But it wasn’t the gift that mattered. It was her heart behind the gift. It was her motives that touched Jesus, because He knew she sacrificed nearly everything for Him.

Are you, am I doing all that we can for the Lord? Some people, like many of the dutiful Pharisees, will only give what is required. They will try to get by with the bare minimum. In many ways, we can be like that too.

Today, won’t we commit to serving the Lord above and beyond what is required—like this woman did?
Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 19, 2010 at 7:02am
And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42

I once read about a life-sized granite sculpture of Jesus by a Danish artist named Thors Walden. Walden sculpted the body of Jesus in such a way that you can’t see His face from a standing position.

Next to the statute, however, is a sign that reads, “If you want to see the face of Jesus, you must sit at His feet.” Sure enough, if you get down at the foot of the statue, you can look up and clearly see the face of Jesus.

There is a great spiritual truth here. If you want to see the face of Jesus, you must sit at His feet.

Mary of Bethany illustrated this when the Lord visited Mary and her sister, Martha. While Martha was in the kitchen busily preparing a meal for Jesus, Mary wisely recognized that this was a unique opportunity.

Instead of helping her sister in the kitchen, she sat at Jesus’ feet to drink in His every word.

Meanwhile, Martha grew increasingly frustrated, because there was so much work to accomplish. She finally stormed out and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair. . . . Tell her to come and help me...” Luke 10:40

Jesus simply replied, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. "But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her."

The moral of the story is that we need to recognize there is a time to work and there is a time to worship. There is a time to be active for the Lord and there is a time to sit at His feet.

Have you become so involved with the tasks of daily life that you have forgotten to make time to sit at Jesus’ feet? Take the time, because if you want to see the face of Jesus, then you must sit at His feet
Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 18, 2010 at 6:59am
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Do you ever wonder if you can really know God’s will for your life each and every day? Well, let me reassure you: You absolutely can! It really is possible to be in sync with the Spirit every single day.

But being in sync with the Holy Spirit is more than responding to a gut feeling or heeding your own human intuition. It comes about as you “abide” or stay connected to Jesus every day. Let me ask you an honest question: How often do you think about the Lord Jesus throughout your day?

I think one of the biggest problems in the Church today is that there are a lot of Christians who “do the God thing” on Sunday morning, and then live the rest of the week without giving Jesus or His desires for their life a second thought!

But to live in step and in sync with God, and to know His will for our lives every day, you and I must learn to focus more on Him… every single day!

I know that life is busy, and that there are a thousand distractions each and every day. But I want to challenge you to start giving God more time throughout your week.

When your feet hit the floor in the morning, say a quick prayer, committing your day to Him. When you’re about to walk into a meeting at work, ask God to guide your speech. When you lay your head down on your pillow at night, thank God for another day of life!

And, as you begin to focus more and more on God every day, you’re going to see how He is leading you each step of the way!
Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 17, 2010 at 12:26pm
And a woman, who had an issue of blood twelve years, Mark 5:25

Most of us know this story of the woman with the issue of blood who was suffering for twelve years. She came up behind Jesus and touched his cloak because she thought, if I just touch his clothes, I will be healed. Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

This woman had an issue. There was something that was beyond her control. Money couldn’t solve this problem. The doctor couldn’t help her. I find in our lives that we all have issues. We all have an issue or issues that are bigger than us that we need the lord touch and his help.

No matter who you are. What title or position you have. No matter what you have done on this earth. No matter what impact you have impact in this world. We all have an issue that we battle with. An issue that we struggle with from day to day. We all have something that tried to destroy our lives. It is an issue that makes us weak.

Even Superman had kryptonite. Can you imagine having to deal with something for years? This woman dealt with this issue for 12 years. Let’s not forget about the man in Bethesda who was sick for 38 years.

Take a look at your life, what issue or issues do you need the lord help with? Let’s be real and honest. We have to be real if we want to be healed. What is the thing that is bothering you? What is the thing that you’re trying to break free from? What is the thing that you can’t shake off or get rid of?

Once again no matter who you are or what you have accomplish here on earth, there is something that you can’t solve and you have nobody else to turn to.

You have even turn to the wrong people for the answer. You have turn to the wrong thing for the answer. Your answer is in Jesus. Only he can help you with your issue. He wants to help you.

Will you put down your pride? Will you get off your high horse? Will you admit that you have an issue and you need help? The lord want to help you today, will you turn to Jesus the problem solver? He is just one prayer away.
Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 12, 2010 at 7:03am
But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2nd Corinthians 11:3

The devil tends to use the same tactics over and over again. I suppose he operates by the old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don't fix it.”

He has used these techniques, plans, and strategies since the Garden of Eden, and they have worked with great effect to bring down countless people. Therefore, he just keeps bringing them back, generation after generation.

That is the bad news. The good news is that we know what they are, because they are clearly identified in the Bible.

The devil is a dangerous wolf that sometimes disguises himself as a sheep. Sometimes he roars like a lion. But more often he comes like a snake. Sometimes he comes to us in all of his depravity and horror. Other times he comes to us as an angel of light. This is why we always need to be on guard.

He will tempt you and whisper, “Trust me on this. Go ahead and sin. You will get away with it. No one will ever know.” So we take the bait and fall into sin.

Then the devil shouts, “What a hypocrite! Do you think God would ever hear your prayers? And don’t even bother going to church!” Sadly, some people will listen to this, believe it, and be driven away.

Just remember, no matter what you have done, no matter what sin you have committed, God will always be ready to forgive you if you will turn from that sin and return to Him. Don’t let the devil isolate you from God’s Word and God’s people, because that is exactly what he is trying to do.
Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 11, 2010 at 8:29am
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

The first thing that jumps out at me in this verse is the and. It is one thing to “confess with your mouth confess” and then the second part “believe in your heart.”

When you get to both parts I Think that there are three things that go hand-in-hand with becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. But these three things don’t add to your salvation as a believer in Christ. They accompany your decision to follow Jesus. Or to put it another way, they are three responsibilities you have that go along with your salvation.

The first responsibility you have as a believer is to make sure you have a profession that’s public.

There’s no such thing as a secret disciple of Jesus Christ! In fact, it was Jesus Himself who said in Luke 12:8-9, “Everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God.”

The second responsibility you have as a Jesus-follower is to make sure you have a baptism that is biblical. I think there’s a lot of confusion out there about the ordinance of baptism. Remember, baptism itself cannot save you. It expresses your faith in the Lord Jesus… and it’s an act of obedience that I believe God blesses!

Finally, the third responsibility you have as a Christian is to make sure you belong to a fellowship that is faithful. The reason we belong to and commit to a local church is because godly character isn’t only taught, it’s caught! The Scripture even reminds us in Proverbs 13:20 that “whoever walks with the wise becomes wise.”

It’s my prayer that all His disciples will follow Jesus in these areas!
Comment by Bishop Christopher Cate on November 10, 2010 at 7:17am
A man named Jackson was walking along a steep cliff one day when he accidentally got too close to the edge and fell. On the way down he grabbed a branch, which temporarily stopped his fall.

He looked down and to his horror saw that the canyon fell straight down for more than a thousand feet.

He couldn't hang onto the branch forever, and there was no way for him to climb up the steep wall of the cliff. So Jackson began yelling for help, hoping that somebody passing by would hear him and lower a rope or something. "HELP! HELP! Is anyone up there? Help!"

He yelled for hours, but no one heard him.

He was about to give up when he heard a voice.

"`Jackson. Jackson. Can you hear me?'

"`Yes, yes, I can hear you. I'm down here!'

"`I can see you, Jackson. Are you all right?'

"`Yes, but...who are you, and where are you?'

"`I am the Lord, Jackson. I'm everywhere.'

"`The Lord? You mean GOD?'

"`That's Me.'

"`God, please help me! I promise--If You'll get me down from here, I'll stop sinning. I'll be a really good person. I'll serve You for the rest of my life.'

"`Easy on the promises, Jackson. Let's just get you down from there, and then we can talk. Now, here's what I want you to do. Listen carefully.'

"`I'll do anything You say, Lord. Just tell me what to do.'

"`Okay. Let go of the branch.'


"`I said to let go of the branch. Just trust Me and let go.'

There was a long silence. Finally, Jack yelled, `HELP! HELP! Is there anyone else up there?'

Do we ever feel like Jackson? We say we want to know the will of God, But when we find out what it is, We can't handle it. It sounds to scary, too difficult. We decide to look elsewhere. A good part of our Christian walk is simply trusting God. Placing our faith in Him and living it out through our trusting Him.

Trusting that He knows what's best for us."

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