Charles E Holmes (MOG)'s Blog (46)

Your Dreams And Your Desires

We all have dreams, desires, hopes and plans for the future. But they all can be wreaked and put a side,especially when you have a mate that doubts your ability. Obama, could have never made it to the White House with out the support of his wife. If she had once doubted that he could , his vision and his dream probably would not have come true. That why in everybody's corner they need a strong man or a strong woman believing they can. So if your man or woman has a desire to make something out… Continue

Added by Charles E Holmes (MOG) on January 24, 2009 at 8:57pm — No Comments

Is Not What You Say, Its How You Say It

With so much, anger, depression. stress and suffering ,that is when most of us have been guilty of saying some very harsh words. Words spoken out of anger can leave a lasting impression, that could hurt feelings, cause mental stress; break up friendships, relationships and marriages. These words we speak when feeling all these emotions are not very thought out and are said when we are not thinking correctly or with a sound mind. After the damage has been done and we realize what we have done,… Continue

Added by Charles E Holmes (MOG) on January 24, 2009 at 8:55pm — No Comments

Everybody Needs Someone And Everbody Needs Someone To Love

Today, we live in a world where everyone is in it for themselves and no one cares about anyone as long as they are alright. People feel that they do not need anyone for anything and can make it alone. Some people think that they can get high places, succeed in life, progress and be perfectly happy by themselves. These people also have fooled themselves at thinking everything that they have accomplished in life, they did by themselves with no help. Their are others who have had bad relationships… Continue

Added by Charles E Holmes (MOG) on January 24, 2009 at 6:28pm — No Comments


Now its 2009 and it seems like every year it is getting worse and worse. People are getting divorced, separated, loosing their jobs and homes. A lot of people wonder is this a blessing or a curse. Well if God has his hand in it, then it can only be a blessing. Sometimes God removes us from certain situations, when we are too afraid to do it ourselves. That is when fear seems to take over, because we are afraid to loose something we love. We often wonder to ourselves and say; What are we going… Continue

Added by Charles E Holmes (MOG) on January 24, 2009 at 6:25pm — No Comments

You Can Not Handle The Truth

Since the beginning, of time there has always been a battle between the truth and a lie. That's because we all know that Jesus is the truth and the light. The devil, is a liar and the darkness. The devil has always played tricks on man, because he know our weakness and he also know about our lack of faith in our Father. The only way to combat this is by exercising your faith. What do I mean by this? Well everyday, is a challenge and everyday, there are things that will test us as christians to… Continue

Added by Charles E Holmes (MOG) on January 24, 2009 at 6:24pm — No Comments

Have Faith In Jesus

You know ,one of the things that puzzle me the most is that most people would like to be told a lie than the truth or most people enjoy bad new instead of good news. Some people seem to enjoy pain, drama and love being around negative people. I have had one of my Tagged friends tell me , "Charles I need your prayers, because the enemy is telling me that no one wants me and no will love me'. Another has said to me that there are no good men out there, they are either in jail, married or gay.… Continue

Added by Charles E Holmes (MOG) on January 24, 2009 at 6:20pm — No Comments

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