Devotion: How much is this relationship costing you?


Dear Faithful One,

Have you ever found yourself in a place where protecting a certain relationship may cost you your business, your savings, or even your life? At the crossroads of life, how high a cost would you pay to save a relationship?

In John 13:37, we hear Peter willing to risk his life for Jesus. He said to Jesus, "Lord, why can't I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you." NIV. Though well intentioned, Peter did not have the courage to go through with his commitment. Sometimes what we promise sounds heroic in the hypothetical till we have to go through with the promise. When confronted with a choice, Peter chose to let go of Jesus and ran the other way to escape the Roman soldiers.

What situation is forcing you to assess the importance of a certain relationship? How much is that relationship worth to you? Is it worth a bank account, a house, a job? Would you risk your life to protect a relationship?

Did you know that some relationships represent God's purpose for your life? In Peter's case, when he let go of Jesus, he found himself with no other purpose. The reason is because we were created to fulfill God's plans and we don't have the authority to release or to reassign ourselves elsewhere. Peter may have felt some relief for a little while but he then had to face himself, his choices and the rest of his life. He desperately needed to be restored into God's original plans for his life.

Oh Faithful One, there are relationships we give up along the way because our seasons have changed. Or perhaps we discovered the relationship was not deep enough to warrant our sacrifice. But then there are relationships designed by God that define our lives. What relationship has God woven into your life that is part of your God-designed purpose? May you have the courage and discernment to hold on to your God-designed relationships in order to fulfill God's plans for you.

I pray this devotion encouraged you in a special way. When I pray for you, I hear a victory song. I believe in you because I believe in the power of God's Word in you as you put His Word into action.

Love, Anita

To write Anita Carman please address correspondence to:

Anita Carman
Inspire Women
1415 S. Voss, Suite 110-516
Houston, TX 77057

or email Anita at

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Comment by HOPE - Psalm 43:5 on April 27, 2009 at 4:23pm
When you find the one who is woven into your destiny and you are woven into theirs... DON'T FIGHT IT... No matter what your circumstances are, not matter what their situation my be... remember that both circumstance and situations CAN BE CHANGED. Don't wait until the your circumstances and their situation changes to align yourself with the "weaving" of God.

Allow Him to bring you two together IN SPITE OF the circumstances and IN THE MIDST of the situation.

So what if you don't have a job at the present
So what if you don't live in a palace
So what if you live in separate cities, states, or even countries.

What God has joined together let NO ONE .. not even yourself .. try to put it way. Don't form weapons against the blessing that God has for you.

Don't look back at your past, oh Lot's wife, and turn into bitter salt. Salt is good to preserve covers and protects and increases life endurance. But it is not meant for constant consumption in abundance. When you look back at your past relationships and consume those memories, meditating on past mistakes or failures. Wallowing in what could have or should have been will leave you bitter and resentful.

Not only that but getting salt in your eyes will cause you temporary blindness. Allow the healing water of God's word to wash that bitterness away. Allow the living waters that flow from our Lord and Savior to wash the salt mines in your heart.

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