Have you ever blown on a dandelion? First, you pick it from the grass and then you do as you have seen others do or as someone has told you to do and you BLOW on it. What happens? What was seemingly one unit separates. It breaks into pieces and some float far far away while some may float up and fall to the ground near us.

Offenses are like the dandelion. It forms a ball inside of us. The many offenses become one collective unit of pain inside of us. Sometimes we have to watch others go through something and we watch how they forgive. Other times we are told by people how to forgive when we are offended. You see, Forgiveness is the purposeful wind that is blown that separates that dandelion, that ball of offense. Forgiveness, separates that unit into manageable pieces and allows us to…Let it go.

A gentle blow is that purposeful decision from our mouths and the resolve within us to forgive all those who have offended us. The blowing causes the pain of those that we have forgiven to "float away". Each piece becomes a memory that stays near us while other memories float away never to be seen again. Where we go wrong is that once we "blow" forgiveness we closely watch each piece and try to control where they go. WE try to control which ones fall near us and which ones go far far away. It is soooo difficult to let things go when they are in your face every single day! Sometimes we wish the ones that fall close to us would just....go...far far ....away! That way we wouldn't have a constant reminder of the affect they had on our lives.

But God controls the wind my friends. Our job is to forgive and blow…but God controls the wind. He orchestrates who or what stays near us and who or what goes far far away. Accept who or what stays near you after you blow. And just like the ones that do depart…just let it go. Even if you have to let it go every time you see their face! Soon you will realize that there is no longer any pain associated with the memory of what happened. You can be in their presence and not relive the pain. You will know you have achieved that true state of forgiving someone when you no longer want revenge or you no longer want them to pay for their wrongs. It doesn't matter if they never said thank you for the things you did. It doesn't even matter that they acknowledge that you ever did anything for them. And it doesn't matter what they did to you or didn't do for you. You are at the level of true forgiveness when you no longer embrace that victim mentality, but instead, you begin to bless them not curse them (talking negatively about them). You can retell your story without malice and resentment.

You can share your testimony without ill-will. You can say this is what happened but this is how God was working in the midst of it and this is how God used it for my good and their good and His glory. You find yourself praying for them. You even find yourself….loving them like the Lord would want you to love them.

That my dear friend is how you let go of the dandelions!!!

Our heavenly Father has taught and continues to teach me how to forgive. He said to me, " Tracy , I can teach you how to forgive…just put your lips together and…blow."

So my friends…whenever you feel like you still haven't let go…close your eyes and "blow" these words "I forgive you". Whenever the enemy of our souls plants an idea in your head or tries to replay an event through your memories… put your lips together and "blow" "I have forgiven them". You will then become living epistles and the living word will be at work in you…. This is the love of God. This is loving like God.

Our days on this earth are short. So, when you are offended by someone, no matter how great or small and offense just put your lips together and… "BLOW"

Psalm 103:15-17 (NIV)

15 As for man, his days are like grass,
he flourishes like a flower of the field;

16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers i
t no more.

17 But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD's love is with those who fear Him,
and His righteousness with their children's children.

My brothers and sisters, allow the little girl and the little boy inside of you to just… "blow" and let it all go….

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your Holy Spirit that helps us in our infirmities and teaches us how to walk and live lives that are acceptable and pleasing to you. Give us wisdom Lord, above all else give us wisdom and an understanding of You and your holy Word. Daily we seek you. Daily we long for you. Teach us to continually take every thought captive and make it obey you. Because we know that you desire obedience over sacrifices. Help our unbelief Lord! Give us faith Father! And heal us from the inside….out! In Jesus perfect and powerful name, AMEN

Minister Tracy Curtis~

T.A.G. Ministries, International

Email: tagmin@yahoo.com

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Comment by HOPE - Psalm 43:5 on April 21, 2009 at 11:16am
Well praise the Lord Sis. I'm excited that God's word NEVER returns to Him void but accomplishes that which He sends it out to do.

As for your sister-in-law, remember this.. God NEVER holds you accountable for what others do, or say or think. But He does hold you accountable for what YOU do, what YOU say and what YOU think. So, no matter what she does... be mindful of your REACTION to her.
Comment by katini oiro on April 20, 2009 at 12:04am
Thank you Minister Tracy, i am going through a very rough time with my sister in law, an i needed to read this information. God made you write it for me. Bless you

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