If Jesus Would Appear, What Would Be Our Reaction

2 John 2:28} And now, little children, abide (live, remain permanently) in Him, so that when He is made visible, we may have and enjoy perfect confidence (boldness, assurance) and not be ashamed and shrink from Him at His coming.

If Jesus would appear today would He be pleased with how we lived our lives? What would He find us doing at that moment? Would He be pleased with how our attitudes have been with other people? Would He find us to be doers of the word? Would He see that we have been obedient in all things? Would He see that we have been quick to repent and to forgive? I don't know about you, but I want to be ready. Would we proudly stand before Him or is there something we would be ashamed of?

We need to remember that Christ knows everything that goes on with us. He knows our hearts, our thoughts and everything we say and do on a daily basis. He hears our conversations with one another. He sees the motivations of our hearts when we do something for someone. Are we givers or are we takers? Especially in this season we should be looking to see who we can bless. There are so many people who become very suicidal and depressed. We are here to encourage and bless them, to shine the light and love of Christ. What will it take us to realize that we are to be a church without walls? The harvest is great but the laborers are few. It's time to stop playing church and get out into the harvest folks.

We are here not only to be a witness and walking testimony of who Christ is, but we are to pursue a life of holiness and love without condition in order to honor and glorify our God. We all have the Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us, and yes, even to convict us if we are doing or saying something wrong or to hurt another individual. Sadly enough tho, many of us grieve the Holy Spirit by not listening and obeying. Many of us have allowed mean, hurtful, prideful, jealous and selfish spirits to enter into a door that we have opened through not being open to be corrected, not being open to ask forgiveness, and there are so many other reasons. One day every single event that took place in our lives will be played back to us. We will have no excuses then! We need to stop putting the blame on others, or God for that matter, when something goes wrong and look within ourselves. Too many times we put the blame on others and point out their faults and shortcomings, or accuse them of doing the very things we are doing. That's a copout as far as God is concerned. If we are defensive in any way, we need to look at what is operating in us. If we were more concerned with our walk we wouldn't be so concerned with someone else's walk. Amen? Amen!

Most of us are not even connected to churches and never go to church for that matter. We can find all kinds of excuses for not going, yet we forget that we are in disobedience to God's word of not forsaking the ''assembling'' together of ourselves. The corporate anointing is powerful and God is moving like never before. Too many Christians are sitting on the side line watching the parade pass them by. Or sitting on the fence with one foot in the world and the other in God's Kingdom. We all know what God's word says about those who have become lukewarm or cold when it comes to the things of God. If you don't the word says that He will spit us out of His mouth! In this season it would be a good time to start getting our hearts, our minds and our walk right with God. That is the greatest gift we can give Him....our obedience and true humility and surrender. God gave us the Body of Christ, the Holy Spirit and His Word to train us up and to protect us against anything that can come against us. We are united as one to protect, build up, encourage and strengthen one another. We are to be a blessing to one another.

So, my question to you is, how would you react if Jesus were to appear this very moment? Would you shrink back in shame from the things you have said and done? Or would you have confidence in how you have led your life and run into His arms? We can't hide anything from God. That alone should push us forward into being a mirror image of Christ. If we truly loved one another, everything would fall into place. There would be no division or strife of any kind. When we truly love someone we don't want to hurt them in any way. We desire to bless them in every way. Amen?

I sense in my spirit that Jesus' coming is very soon. We don't know the day or the time but there is an urgency in some of us to be prepared. We also don't know the time or day when God will call one of us home. We need to consider this before we make any kind of decision as to what we will say to someone or how we will behave towards them. Personally, I pray that when it's my time to leave this world that people will remember me by saying that they saw Jesus in all I said and did. Let us begin this wonderful season of the birth of our Lord to walk together truly as one in love and obedience. What a great gift to give our God. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could! Have a wonderful and blessed Merry Christmas and also may the New Year give you mor
e intimacy with our Lord and Savior and may He open up the floodgates of heaven and pour out so many blessings that you have no room to hold them all in Jesus name!

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