Psalm 41:1-3} Blessed (happy, fortunate to be envied) is he who considers the weak and the poor; the Lord will deliver him in the time of evil and trouble. The Lord will protect him and keep him alive; he shall be called blessed in the land; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. The Lord will sustain, refresh and strengthen him on his bed of languishing; all his bed You O Lord will turn, change and transform in his illness.

What awesome promises God gives us in His word for those of us who are not selfish or self-centered and will look for ways to bless those who are less fortunate. We can't consider the weak and the poor if we are always focused on ourselves and our own problems. That's why God had me phrase it the way I did. Not only in this season, but every season our eyes should be searching to see whose life we can touch in some way. There is always someone worse off than we are. It's also good to have ears and a heart that is very sensitive to the Spirit of God. I know there are days when I am in lack that God has me do this. Why does He do this? Because in our giving, He will bless us! When we bless another human being that opens up the floodgates of heaven for God to turn around and bless us. He is an overtaker when it comes to giving to us. We need to follow His example.

God is love and He has a huge giving heart. This is Who we should be reflecting. The love and generosity of God. Just really meditate on today's Scripture and its promises: He will protect us in times of trouble and evil. Which is the times we are in by the way. But God will see to it that when the world is lacking we will be prospering. That is, of course, if we are about doing what we're supposed to be doing. That is why being obedient to all things is so important. A humbled heart will always be exalted and honored by God. The problem today is many Christians have joined the "Me, Myself and I" club and are looking to see what they get for themselves. Let's face it many go to God with their hands held out and seeking the Giver rather than the Deliverer. We need to stop focusing on money and materialism and focus on doing whatever God tells us to do. It's time for change folks, it's time to be immediately obedient to God and stop procrastinating. Especially if we long to be blessed and prosper in all our ways.

The second promise is that God will protect us and keep us alive. We shall be called blessed in the land. If we are doers of the word as well as hearers then God will keep us here to keep on doing His work because He has seen our faithfulness. Now doing His work isn't just teaching and preaching. It's reaching out to those in need in any way. If they need food, we feed them. If they need a place to sleep, we supply that. If they need to be held, we supply the arms of Jesus through us. If they need to be loved, then we love on them with the love of Jesus. Whatever the need is, we are to supply. If they are lonely, we visit them. If they are sick, we lay hands and believe for God to heal them. We have a lot of work to do and it doesn't stop on Sunday mornings in church. We are to be a church without walls and reach out to the masses who need to experience Jesus Christ and the fullness of Him. If you study God's word you will find that orphans and widows are on top of His list. Since I've become a widow I have a lot more compassion for widows. I've experienced, just as they have, what forgotten bunch we are at times. No one thinks of the widow in snow storms and if they might need help of some kind, or holidays when they are at their loneliest and probably thinking of their loved one they lost, they don't think of calling them or including them in their plans, they don't think of how little they have to live on and the list goes on. Not enough is being taught about the widows in our churches. To me, orphans are not just anyone who does not have a mom and dad, but those who are without someone to love them. The are love deprived. Something to think on folks. I put a study on the widows and orphans on my God has given me so many things...manna from on high, yet few people go there to see what God has to say. I guess we are just not hungry enough yet for the things of God. We need to remember that God speaks to us through people and through circumstances too.

He shall not deliver us to our ennemies. In other words, any plans that Satan may have against you, God will deliver us out of them all! But again, that has to do with our faithfulness and obedience. We are accountable to obey God and do what He calls us to do. Some of us have become so religious and legalistic that we are no earthly good to God. We are so good at spitting out the Word of God to someone but when it comes to charity or someone's need we look the other way and just plain ignore it. Sad statement for the Body of Christ. We are to give out what God gives us. The more we give, the more God will bless us. That is His plan all along. The sowing we do is what we will reap. We really need to get a hold of this. We can't outgive the Giver. When we do things out of our hearts, our generosity and our love, God sees that and will bless that. But we also have to have the right motivation for what we do. It can't be to get something. It has to be the love of God pouring out of us to others. That wonderful unconditional love. We are to be a blessing to one another. If you have trouble with that, then ask God to fill you with His love and His compassion. I guarantee you that you will never look at others the same way again. Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. That's His promise to you today and every day.
The last promise is awesome too. He will sustain you, refresh you and strengthen you in you bed of languishing. So next time you get hit with any kind of illness, start praising God in the midst of it. Praise and worship bring down His power. We are so good at having pity parties when things go wrong, we murmur and complain. Since when has that kind of attitude brought us anything good? Never! Some of us get so busy with worldly things that we run down our bodies. We take no time to be with the Lord so that He can heal and touch and then we wonder why we get sick and spend so much time on our backs! God can and will allow things to come into our lives to get our attention back to Him. But we don't have to go through this if we will only get our acts straight to begin with! God does His best work in us when we are sick or sleeping. Why? Because those are the only times we are not fighting Him! We're too weak to fight Him. He also promises that He will transform us. Who wouldn't want that? I sure do! We all need it. It's time for change and it's time for us to step it up. Be very sensitive to the Spirit and be quick to obey His leading. God will bless you over and above what you even expect. Take it from one who knows! God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

God wants to bring an awesome change into the Body of Christ, but we have to cooperate. He is coming back soon and He wants His Bride to be without spot or wrinkle. It's time to cooperate and do our part folks. God is moving mightily in the Body of Christ and if we are not participating we will miss it totally. The presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit was so pregnant in our church this past Sunday that noone wanted to go home. We just wanted to keep praising and dancing before the Lord. It all started with us giving Him thanks and honor. The corporate anointing when we gather together is very powerful. Don't miss it, get connected! It's time to stop making excuses for not going to church, for not spending time with God. He is in the process of transforming us and bringing us to greater heights than we've ever been with Him. If you don't like the way your churches are operating, then pray for them! Ask God to overtake them and the services. He will honor your prayer. This is the season of loving and giving. Let's do something to reach out to someone who is lonely and hurting. But most of all let's reach out to the lost and unsaved. Not only in this season, but every season. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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