In the course of life, between our advent and our inevitable departure, we encounter, and are a part of all manmer of situations with numerical significance, relevance or impact,either on us, or some dimension of the environment around us. Numbers have alaways been influential, relevant , and decisive and they even decide the fate between one's success or victory, and life and death, for still others. As it stands, it takes NINE lunar months for a child to mature to term from the time of conception, as a minuscule "embryo", into the colicky, Pamper wearing bundle of life you get to bring home and feed, burp, and wipe it's smelly, little, expensive bottom! By contrast, it takes only ONE MOMENT in time for a full grown man or woman to be BORN--AGAIN!, in God When David found himself "in the ring" with the "big steroid crazy, and muscle bound man" with the glandular dysfunction, ordinarily it would've taken an army to bring such a behemoth of a man down, but by divine parallell, and divine intervention, it only required ONE young shepherd boy,without any military training, or violent predispositon, and even more phenomenal,was the fact that he didn't require a "stun gun", grenade, or a rapid firing 9mm with a banana clip of 40-50 rounds, but rather, he accomplished this great historical feat by launching ONE precisely aimed ordinary stone! When Gideon was going up against the Midianites,his enemies, who were a well disciplined, and elite trained army of tens of thousands, he made the mistake of measuring God, by the number of mere men he had with him. the Lord,being the God that He is, entered this mathematical equation of ENEMY+ TENS OF THOUSANDS:GIDEON + THREE HUNDRED = "0" AND CERTAIN DEATH FOR THE MULTITUDES! Instead of the Lord ADDING to Gideon's numbers to make the battle more even, He did the exact opposite and SUBTRACTED AND REDUCED Gideon's army not once, but twice (this is how miracles are created) ,but at the end of the battle, when all the bodies were counted,Gideon was still standing strong, with the same 300 he started with. When Meshach,Shadrach, and Abednego were in that industrial sized bar-b-que pit,from the outside, 1+1+1=3,but when the God of Israel stepped in, 1+1+1=4! It requires a MAJORITY of votes to win an election to some offices, but ONE vote can decide a win in other situations. It was Christ's ONE VOTE,as our Mediator, that compelled the Father, to allow Him to come to earth as our Passover, and provide a Way of escape for us! In the natural realm, in any language, country, or situation 1+1+1==3, but not int he realm of the Spirit,because ONE+ONE+ONE=ONE, the Holy Trinity! Logically, and scientfically, it takes truck loads of "care packages" and food donations to meet the nutritional needs of war torn, or hurricane ravaged cities, but in the Bible, in those instances where Christ's presence was recognized over the dilemmas, it only took 2 loaves of whole wheat or barley bread, and FIVE nice sized catfish, or salmon to feed THOUSANDS! It usually requires all kinds of meetings, consultations, and assemblies to get a "bill" passed politically.or to even have it even put on the table, no matter how desperately the people need to have the issue resolved, but in the Kingdom of God it only takes TWOor THREE gathered together in prayer, in Jesus' name, and God will handle the matter in an instant!! We have been deceived into believing that all of hell is assaulting our lives when we are really under attack, but the Bible says, when the ENEMY (one), comes in like a FLOOD (appears to be hosts of demons), the Spirit of the Lord raises up a"standard" against "him (singular). In the present Church age, it has required Thousands upon THOUSANDS to evangeliaze foreign countries, but Christ did the same work, with more astounding results, with the TWELVE and a few stray proselytes and itenerant followers, and made a far greater impact, and they didn't have the luxury of 747's , Hummers, or all terrain vehicles. They didn't even have "sun screen", to protect their skin from the cancer causing,, brutal ultraviolet rays of the the daily three digit weather they had to contend with! ( the "ozone layer did not just begin to deteriorate, contrary to what men teach and believe!) It is absurd to even consider going up against a THOUSAND "hostiles" without enlisting the help of the National Guard,but in Christ's kingdom the RATIO is 1:1000, and 2:10,000! One would tend to think that it would take the death of MILLIONS to save the world, when in fact, it only required the death of "ONE" Man, Who was the only accetable sacrifice, and our Advocate ,Who came in the form of a "man", to destroy the works of the enemy! Sometimes our lives are so complex and weighted down by multitudes of problems and circumstances, and it appears that it would or should take YEARS,if not forever, to sort through the mess and despair that we are forced to contend with, when the truth is that God can still "make a THREE day's journey in ONE DAY"! We often lose all sight of hope, in our journey through salvation, and we wait, and expect for so long, until we remember that even though it may have taken 20 years for our lives to become the tangled mass of disaster that it is, ONE DAY is as a THOUSAND YEARS unto the Lord,and a THOUSAND YEARS as ONE day! By the words of ONE man (Hitler) a whole nation was extinguished,and by the power of ONE GOD, the world was spoken into existence. ONE single solitary devil can wreak havoc in your life, but thanks be unto God, that ONE AWESOME GOD can defeat and has defeated him, and given you, A FORMER MISERABLE, HELL BOUND WRETCH, the power of THREE!

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