The following subject that I am about to discuss can be offensive to some, and yet a relief to others. I want to start by saying it is never my intention to personally attack or intentionally hurt anyone. The purpose of this forum is to bring light and safe passage to all who are in bondage of any type in the body of Christ. My Assignment in the body of Christ is to the Leaders, the Levites, the Priest. When the lord begin to deal with me about the struggles of the pulpit I new that this would be a controversial issue, that most would prefer not to touch, having a heart for leaders and understanding how easy it is to become Trapped in the Pulpit I have no choice but to elaborate on some of the issues that are preventing safe passage into the perfect will of God.. many times in life we are faced with problems that are easier to sweep under the Rug and deal with them later, as time goes on you will come to realize that even though the problem is not visible to everyone, it is still under the Rug and the longer it stay there the bigger it becomes. Day after Day we hear of the falls and failures of Men and Women of God throughout the body of Christ. from the Mainstream most popular to the small town unknown, (no one is exempt of becoming stuck in bondage.) one of the most seductive spirits that have been swept under the rug in the pulpit is the spirit of homosexuality and lesbianism, now before anyone take this in offense allow me to speak into the spirit realm.( Father in the name of Jesus I Bind and Rebuke any spirit that would attempt to deceive or manipulate the mind of any reader, preventing them from receiving deliverance through this word, for any reason other than for your glory. Amen.) (Once you come into the knowledge of the truth walk therein,) a passage of scripture that we all know very well. but is easier said that done. lets understand something about being trapped in any sin. first of all let me say this. It is not as easy to stop doing something that feel Good to the flesh, I don't care what it is. the spirit and the flesh are at war (daily) If it looks good, taste good, and feel good its not as easy as it sounds when you say to someone to stop doing whatever it is that you enjoy whether is sin or not.(In all thy getting get an understanding.) if you have never had a struggle with a sin then maybe your understanding in this area maybe limited. please allow me to attempt to explain.Having a struggle does not mean you are a bad person, Apostle Paul had a thorn in his Flesh...(Struggle) God can use our struggles as he did with Paul and many others in the bible. If we confess with our mouths and truly believe that he can truly save and deliver us. Being Trapped does not mean you can't be freed, you have to come clean to your own self and make an intelligent decision to go to God for Help and stay before him until you get what you want from him. the delay sometimes have to do with us really letting go, stay there......and deliverance will come!! Practiced homosexuality is not permitted in the pulpit!! a Delivered X Homosexual can Preach in the pulpit .!! we must raise the Bar back to holiness, we will not operate at full capacity if we don't get this right. Children are being molested. Our teenagers are being turned out (boys & girls) Preachers spreading HIV in their own congregation,Preachers having wives and boyfriends in the same church and moving their lovers in the house with them and their wives, Preachers that get married to innocent women knowing they are covering up their Gay lifestyles with men. Preachers that purchase male prostitutes for lewd sex acts, in public places, bath houses, adult toy stores and theaters.Preachers that fly their male lovers to cities to be with them in Hotels where they are preaching and attending conferences leaving their wives and children at home. All of this is in the news all over the Internet.. WE MUST PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS!!!!!

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Comment by brotha paydae on June 15, 2009 at 11:04pm
I Agree that there are a lot of Preachers,Pastors,Reverends,Elders and Bishops that Participate in these Acts and Try to Keep them Covered Up to those that are Un Aware or Don't know. Even though they do these Un Godly things,we Still Must Pray for them,I know there are many People that either Hate or Despise the People that Participate in these Acts,but Who are we to Hate Our Neighbor for their Acts or Actions,God said Forgive Our Neighbors of their Trespassing,and He Will Forgive Us of Ours to Him,but if Not,He Will Not Forgive Us?

If a Preacher is Truly Renewed of His Homosexual Acts and Transgressions,(and this is Known for a Fact),then he could be Forgiven and Accepted by the Congregation if they Chose to have him Preach,in some Cases,but in Most they would want him to Step Down from the Position at once. (I can't Judge this Call.)

When a Man Takes on the Position as a; Preacher,Pastor,or Bishop,they Should be in Full Compliance with God and His TRUE WORD and WILL,TIMOTHY 3: This is a Faithful Saying: If a man desires the Position of a Bishop,he desires a Good Work.-(2).-A Bishop then Must Be Blameless,the Husband of one wife,Temperate,Sober Minded,of Good Behavior,Hospitable and Able to Teach: (3).Not given to Wine,Not Violent,Not Greedy for Money,but Gentle,Not Quarrelsome,Not Covetous: (4).One who Rules His Own House Well,having his Children in Submission with All Reverence (5).(for if a man does not know how to Rule his Own House,How will he Take Care of the Church of God; (6).not a Novice,lest being puffed up with Pride he Fall into the Same Condemnation as the devil.

I have Met and Spoken with my Former Bishop About Preaching the Truth,because People go into Church Feeling Down and Lost,and They Leave Out the Same Way,then they Would go to Different Churches Searching for the Truth,which is Gods True Food for the Spirit.

I have Performed when Asked to do so,and Every Mouth was Closed and No Noise was Heard at All while I Delivered Gods Word through Song,the Way that I was Blessed to do,in Order to Help my Neighbors through Life's Situations and Problems,the Congregation wanted me to Perform Every Week,but I Declined because I Did Not want the Bishop to Think or Assume that I was Trying to Take Over in; his words:(HIS HOUSE),Mind you,not Gods House),Delivering the Truth to those Hungry and in Need of The Food For Life.

Now the Straw that Broke the Camels Back was when I Told the Bishop that the Churches Store House was Empty,and his Reply was; (yeah we gotta get More People in here),he was Talking about More Money,I was Talking About Food to Help those in Need,he then Told me that when they Give Food Boxes Away-(Thanksgiving & Christmas),Nobody Comes to Church after that,What Should that have to do with Helping Your Neighbors in Need? Then he Told me that he wanted to Preach the Truth,I was Speechless,and that was my Last Time Participating as a Member in that Church. (When the Truth is Not there and it's All about Money,Greed,and wanting to be Controlling over Lost Souls...God Said Get Away).

Neighbors; Always be Discerning and on Guard for the devil's Protege's,and Never Let Any Bishop,Pastor or Priest,Pray Over you,or Lay Hands on you Until you have Done Your Spiritual homework,Assigned by God!!
Comment by Carolyn E on June 11, 2009 at 10:05pm
Yes, Pastor you preached this by the Holy Spirit and we truly have to pray and intercede no matter what the sin is. According to the word of God homosexuality is an abomination unto God. God can't stand no kind of sin in His body.
Comment by Child of the Kingdom on June 11, 2009 at 8:41am
I believe we need the pray for the flock and not these wolves in sheep's clothing. So many are focused on these leaders when many of them were not sent or even called by God to lead his flock. Pray for the people that are being deceived by these In the closet Pastors as they are the ones in true danger. Even the bible says woe unto you pastors that scatter my sheep. God doesn't tolerate this mess but we as people try to explain it away.
Comment by Bishop H. Evan Smith on June 10, 2009 at 2:57pm
I bless God for you, Man of God. Let's keep interceding for Pastors and Leaders.
Comment by Mommy Dearest on June 10, 2009 at 1:24pm
"For many were in the assembly who had not santified themselves (become clean and free from all sin). So the Levites had to kill the Passover lambs for all who were not clean, in order to make them holy to the Lord." Chronicles 30:9
Comment by T.L. Hawkins on June 10, 2009 at 12:12pm

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