"God, Who is the best, must be served with the best we have." - Matthew Henry

"The good man will give his best things to God."
"Of all we have we should give the Lord His portion, and that should be the choicest we can select."
"Reader, never attempt to come before God without Jesus, the divinely promised, given, and accepted burnt offering." - All three quotes from Charles Spurgeon

Proverbs 15:8 says - "The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD..."

Now contrast Solomon's statement with that of David's in Psalm 66:13 and 15 - "I will go into Thy house with burnt offerings...I will offer unto Thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings, with the incense of rams; I will offer bullocks with goats. Selah."

Both portions of Scripture deal with offering "sacrifices" unto the Lord. In other words, they deal with acts of worship. However, the "wicked" man's offering is distinguished from the godly man's by these words - "is an abomination to the LORD."

Why is his particular "sacrifice" referred to as such?

First of all, His "sacrifice" doesn't represent Jesus - the Ultimate Sacrifice. On the contrary, it represents self - self-will, self-confidence, and self-pride. The second reason is because his heart is not in it. Thirdly, his observance of the "sacrifices" doesn't flow from a principle of pure devotion to God. It is done hypocritically - not according to His word and will...not done in faith...not springing from love to Him... and not directed to His glory.

It is "an abomination to the LORD."

Just how many "sacrifices" of this sort are offered every time a worship service is conducted? And just how many "wicked" people are there - impersonating as Christians - who approach God without faith and with no sense of sin or repentance for it?

The truth of the matter is - our churches are full of such people and the stench of such offerings before the Lord - each time that the doors are opened.

David said - "I will go into Thy house with burnt offerings..."

He made up his mind that he was going to the place of worship to acknowledge God's goodness and render Him His due praise. He had been delivered out of many troubles and brought into a "wealthy" or prosperous place (Psalm 66:12). Hence, he would bring the best for the King of kings. He wouldn't dare to appear before Him empty. His "sacrifice" would surely cost him something.

"I will go into Thy house with burnt offerings..."

Would to God that every worshipper would come before the Lord with such "offerings."


Because of what the "burnt offering" represents.

The words in the Hebrew mean - "to go, ascend." It applied to the sacrifice that was wholly consumed by fire on an altar or made to ascend in smoke before the Lord. It was a voluntary offering of which the offerers had no share and where all parts were entirely burned - except for the blood which was sprinkled round about the altar. It was offered in honor of God.

In Psalm 66:15, David went on to say - "I will offer unto Thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings, with the incense of rams; I will offer bullocks with goats. Selah."

He was determined to give God his very best. This is implied in his words - "burnt sacrifices of fatlings." These "fatlings" were just as they sound - the fattest of the flock - the best of the herd and fold. He would not dare to offer God any "sacrifice" that was lame or lean.

He burnt the fattest of rams on the altar - which produced a smoke which ascended before the Lord and was just as acceptable and aromatic as sweet incense - "with the incense of rams."

"I will offer bullocks with goats" - This type of offering cost him a great deal for he was very liberal in expressing his gratitude for all that the Lord had done for him.

The "whole burnt offering" was the highest of the gifts given to God. Every part was burnt in the sacred fire - which symbolized God's Holy Presence. It represented the offerer's unreserved dedication of his body, soul, spirit, and will to the Lord. It also represented the most perfect surrender of the human will to the divine. It symbolized the true meaning of worship.

It was that which the Apostle Paul referred to in his exhortation to the Christians in Romans 12:1 where he said - "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."

"Present" is a technical term used in the language of offerings or sacrifice. It means to offer or bring.

What were the believers required to offer before God?

Their "bodies" - which included their personality as well as their faculties and rational powers - were to be placed at the disposal of God - dedicated and consecrated for His service and use. Their greatest desires would be - to live a life of holiness ... live for God ... worship and obey Him ... hate evil ... stand for righteousness... follow and serve Christ ... be filled with the Spirit ... and imitate Christ in all their relationships.

In other words, they would be that "whole burnt offering" that was placed on the altar and figuratively burnt with the Holy Fire of God's Presence - sending forth a sweet aroma from the complete dedication and commitment of their lives unto Him.

"The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD..."

When we read this, we think of the gross sinner who uses religion as "a cloak for sin." And that understanding of the Scripture can easily apply here.

But what about the believer who tries to enter into the Holy of Holies with his life so totally consumed with His own fleshly ideas, plans, agenda, ways, and confidences? What kind of stench - do you suppose - comes from the smoke of his worship?

What would happen if every believer would go to church as a "living sacrifice" - as a "whole burnt offering" - one whose carnal flesh is so totally consumed by the fires of God's Holiness? The Lord would surely come down in our midst in His Power and Glory. Miracles would be "the order of the day. "

David said - "I will go into Thy house with burnt offerings..."

After reading this message, how will you go?

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org .

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