What is the one cry of mankind today? Is it not for good to come their way? Is there not a "mad" search for happiness in things like wealth, honor, achievement, pleasure, sensuality, etc.?

Yes, man is looking for good in anything and everything but God. But, wait a minute, there is a group who are yearning for the chief good in life. They will go to whatever measures necessary in order to get it. These people are the godly, and what they are desiring is the Favor of God.

There is a general feeling of anxiety that pervades mankind. Man is inquiring after that which will promote his happiness. He calls this something that he is searching for - "good." Various questions obsess his mind and drive his steps as he explores selfishly and desperately, asking - "Who will show us any good?"

It is in Psalm 4:6 where we are first introduced to this broad question. David informs us that it is the cry of the multitudes - "There be many that say, Who will show us any good?..."

The answer to this question reveals much about mankind. It reveals much about the Church and you and me in particular.

Oh! Christian! What is your response to this question? Or should we ask - What specific argument does your lifestyle prove? If we were to examine and scrutinize your manners and habits, what conclusions would we make? Where are you looking for "good"? What is your true source of happiness?

Without hesitation, David quickly responded with his answer - "..LORD, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us" (Psalm 4:6). That was a very odd way to answer a question, yet he responded with a request directed to God.

Once again, in Psalm 4:6, we read - "...Who will show us any good? LORD, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us."

What was David implying here? What did he mean by this particular response? What does it mean for the Lord to lift up the light of His countenance?

This is a very common expression found throughout the Psalms. In each instance, it is referring to the godly's desire for the supreme good which they consider to be God's approval on their lives - His acceptance, favor, and friendship.

It refers to the allusion of the sun rising with no storm clouds to obstruct its rays. It is as if this "ball of fire" is smiling upon the world -desiring for all to enjoy its warm and inviting rays.

It can also be illustrated by a pleased expression on one's face -denoting a desire for benevolence and kindness - as opposed to an angry or displeased one - denoting the desire for punishment or chastisement.

Hence, when the Psalmist responded with this request, he was saying - Lord, manifest Your Great Grace, Love, and Mercy for us and cause us to know them personally and experientially.

Throughout the Psalms, we see variations of this same prayer. They are as follows -

Psalm 31:16 says - "Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant..."
Psalm 67:1 says - "God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us."

David was asking for the Lord to show forth His Mercy and Lovingkindness toward him. He desired to see a manifestation of His Love for him as His servant. He knew that without God's Favor upon his life, he could not succeed in any of his ventures.

This concept is further confirmed in the words of Psalm 44:3 when speaking about the Children of Israel - "For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but Thy right hand, and Thine arm, and the light of Thy countenance, because Thou hadst a favour unto them."

God's Favor played a major role in their acquisition of the Promised Land. It wasn't by their own valor, might, strength, cunning, or merit that they were able to possess the land. It was through God's "right hand," "arm," and His Favor - "the light of Thy countenance" - that they were able to conquer their enemies and procure the land.

It is absolutely remarkable to note that the Favor of God - His delight and pleasure in His people - is just as important, powerful, and instrumental as His "right hand" and "arm" in getting the Victory.

Can we now see why David approached God in Psalm 4:6 with such a request - "...Who will show us any good? LORD, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us."

He knew that without the Favor of the Lord - "the light of His countenance" or His "face" shining upon his ventures, he would never taste success.

No one ever wants to face failure. Everyone loves the sweetness of success. But there is a price to pay in order to receive God's Favor. One has to be holy and in right standing with God.

In Psalm 80, Asaph addressed the need for Israel to come back to God. He prayed for a National Conversion. He prayed that God's people would once again turn to Him from their sin and the ungodly influences of the world, the flesh, and the devil. He cried out at three separate times - asking the Lord to restore the Israelites to their own land as well as to their former state of prosperity - which they forfeited through their own rebellion and disobedience.

Psalm 80:3 says - "Turn us again, O God, and cause Thy face to shine; and we shall be saved."
Psalm 80:7 says - "Turn us again, O God of hosts, and cause Thy face to shine; and we shall be saved."
Psalm 80:19 says - "Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause Thy face to shine; and we shall be saved."

"Cause Thy face to shine..." "...Cause Thy face to shine..." "...Cause Thy face to shine..."

In other words, he pleaded with God for His love, light, and approval once again to be on Israel.

But, all the pleadings would be in vain if they did not initially turn from their sin.

That is why - from the start - he petitioned the Lord three times to - "Turn us again...Turn us again... Turn us again..." He understood that God's Favor would never come until there was true repentance from all sin.

The Psalmist - in Psalm 119:135 - added another crucial request - "Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant; and teach me Thy statutes." In addition to his plea for God's approbation on his life, he asked the Lord for instruction, guidance, and teaching concerning His Word. He knew that disobedience to the Scriptures caused an individual, people, or nation to lose the Favor of God. Therefore, he pleaded to the Almighty for wisdom and understanding of His Word so that he could perfectly perform his duty.

As we have seen, the entire world is crying out for "good" to come their way. They are looking everywhere for answers to the crucial question - "Who will show us any good?" They are obsessed with themselves and their ungodly pursuits. Even after aiming at their many worldly and sensual pursuits, they still find themselves miserable, empty, dissatisfied, and full of death.

Proverbs 16:15 tells us why - "In the light of the king's countenance is life; and His favour is as a cloud of the latter rain."

It is only in having the Favor or approval of the King of kings on one's life when an individual will ever find "life" or true happiness and fulfillment - it is only in God's "Favour" where countless blessings are known. This is typified by the "latter rain" which fell in March and April - bringing great plenty.

Mankind is crying out for help - "Who will show us any good?" Nonetheless, they will never know real, lasting "good" until they first of all cry out to God to "Turn..." them from all sin.

One final thought - It is very sad to observe the present-day Church being more concerned with the accumulation of "silver and gold" than possessing the Favor or approval of God on their lives. So many are looking for "good" in the same places as the world. What does this portray about their priorities in life? Is it any wonder that many are dried up, fruitless, and devoid of any spiritual life and power? For it is "In the light of the king's countenance" where there "...is life..."

Oh! How we need for God to pour out the "latter rain" - typifying His Favor on His people.

But before He does, they will have to turn back once again to holiness and righteousness of living - the only kind of living on which God places His stamp of approval.

Just how important is the Favor of God in your life?
What value do you place on knowing that your life carries His approval on it?

"Who will show us any good?"

How will you respond?

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

Subscribe to Daily Bibl;e Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org .

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