You are in the wrong church, under the wrong pastor and in rebellion.

I know some of you read the title and said what in the heck is he talking about...LOL. Well, it is simple. Many people join churches for the wrong reason. Many join churches because it's a "FAMILY CHURCH". (Our family always went to this church. Other people join churches because of the preaching or teaching style of the pastor, (this doesn't mean he or she is teaching substantive the truth. Still others join because a friend goes to that church or they are chasing a man or woman, some join because its the big church in town.

There is a problem with all of these. Proverbs 3 reminds me to acknowledge the Lord in all your ways and He will direct our paths. I understand an immature person or christian joining a church with one of the above reasons in mind but not growing or maturer christians.

Once a person comes into understanding, he or she should automatically ask God the question, Father is this church you want me to be in or the pastor you want me to sit under? God knows exactly where we should be. To often people join large churches and never get the opportuntiy to use their gifts, talents or ability. Some never walk in their calling, whereas many would have an opportuntiy to grow in smaller churches, be trained and grow into a place of maturity in God because they are challanged.
I could go on... What do you all think?

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Comment by Pastor Michael Samuels on August 4, 2009 at 7:28am
Good morning Sister Linda,woman of God. I agree that some are led by God to particular churches by God, however many choose to go to churches of their own choosing. Concerning gifts making room for you...I agree, nut many Christians are lazy and will not move and walk in their gift. As a pastor I see it all the time even when people have been given confirmation by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes people, if they are in a smaller church can not hide, be fed and then leave without being noticed. The increased visibility promotes more opportunity to converse with people in positionsm of leadership in the church, therefore opening opportunities to discuss involvement...
Comment by Linda F. Smith on August 3, 2009 at 9:25pm
I am agree and disagree. I believe God will direct our paths according to His Word and what if God directs one to a mega church? The Word states that our gift will make room for us. So no matter the church God sends us, we will be used in some manner or another. Getting up into the pulpit is only one facet of ministry. One may be called to be an intercessor for that season or just simply be an encouragement to the pastor or someone else. Some are sent to bless the church with thier finances etc. I find in smaller churches, especially those who establish themselves and are a church in accontability only to themselves are controlling and if they cannot use you for what they want, you are not faithful to God. They do not care about the flock. If you have needs they're not interested in your concerns. They do not ask you if you have a need. They want you to give them everything not ever asking if you are alright. If you have health concerns they tell you that just believe God and everything will be alright. They label you and don't even know you. They pray against you and fight you talking about you in your face indirectly. This is not Jesus! Many people are being held captive by guilt for their problems, shortcomings[according to the leaders], etc. "If you are dead, get resurrected and get on your post! If you are sick, get well and get on your post"! They do not know people have come sick and worked. That was overlooked. I find that some small chueches have a damnation relegion and sinners are not welcomed in their midst. If you come there a year or two and have not changed they want to put you out of the church. I recalled Jesus saying, come unto me all who are weary and heavy ladened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light". Matt.11:29. I found this in small storfront ministries and that some of them do not last. They fold up. I believe in preaching the Gospelf Jesus Christ in its entirety; not just all sinners will go to hell alone. I believe in getting to know the sheep you shepherd and being able to try and accomodate their needs as they give you thier heart and soul for the will and purposes of God and God alone. I believe in teaching the whole role and have excerpts of the Truth to teach and to observe. Love is always the key. And many today lack the very thing they need. Mega Churches have their problems as well. In some of them Jesus is not welcomed; just their agenda. Money, and more money and more money. The flock is the cash cow. None of these things are good in either church; but, I look up and know my redeemer lives! And I know He's watching over me. God bless you my brethren.
Comment by A.W. Bowman on August 3, 2009 at 8:31am
Most excellent! One who recognizes that to be a "minister" is to be a "servant". Another point alluded to is the problem of "selecting a pastor to sit under", when in today’s churches pastors and other church elders are not appointed by an Apostle or his designee, such as Timothy the Evangelist (yes, Timothy was identified by Paul as an evangelist, and evangelists are listed above pastors in spiritual authority/responsibility). What we have today are families of ministers (mostly as pastors) and people who are appointed to ministerial positions by other men and women (or even self appointed) and who are not necessary called, ordained and established by God, opening the door to false ministers of every sort.

BTW, an interesting side comment: Except for the annual appointment of the Temple High Priest (and neither the Temple nor the human High Priest exists today), every single old and new covenant religious/spiritual office and position (calling and gifting) is always given as a life-time appointment.
Comment by Eric Hancock on August 3, 2009 at 6:42am
you just said the truth
Comment by Sista' Shawn on August 2, 2009 at 11:29pm
amen, this is true.....

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