They used to brag about how they have satellites that can see a man's face while he's going about his business throughout the day.

If that is the case - Why can't they point it at the 'insurgents/Al Quaeda operatives' in Afganistan to see where they are placing IED's and when they are placing them and who is placing them and where do they scamper off to when they finish placing them?

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WOW!! Hatred of blackness? Are you serious!??! You have a problem that I regard GOD higher than me regarding my black heritage? You have a problem with me loving all races instead of singling out my own above another? You actually think because I'm not Afro-centric, I hate it???? That is just about as twisted as a KKK member! Your mentality is "You're either for us, or against us!", and my answer to you is the same that was given to Joshua: I'm here representing the LORD's army. I love studying black history as a whole, not just African-American. I love hearing about the many black achievements, and hearing about the many black influences. Many don't pay attention to the Ethiopian Eunuch in the Book of Acts, or the Egyptian Pharaohs that served GOD Almighty more than most Israeli kings. Many don't even know that Tertullian, an Apostolic Father in Church History was African; many don't pay enough attention to the fact that Azuza was led mainly by an African-American man by the name of William Seymour.

With all that said however, as Afro-centric as you or anyone one else may be, it won't do any good when you enter into the Kingdom of GOD. You will see whites, black, and all sorts of people there. Afro-centric thought goes only but so far, Sis. Johnson. However, thoughts like what the Apostles said go as far as Heaven itself: "there is neither bond nor free, Jew nor Greek, male nor female, for all are one in Christ". Apostle Paul, a lover of Israel and a proud Pharisee, said that when it came to his own heritage, he counted it as DUNG for the knowledge of CHRIST.

The challenging question here today for you is this: would you right now count your blackness as dung for the knowledge of CHRIST? I supported women in Ministry because they support the Mission that CHRIST sent us for FIRST, and women's equality a DISTANT second. Nothing else matters when it comes to the saving Hebrew blood of Yeshua Ben YHWH of Nazareth (JESUS the Son of YHWH, from Nazareth). It wasn't race that saved me, but grace.
You've once again twisted the facts...remarkable. I just explained to you that I rejoiced that GOD whose WORD speaks of the black nations raised up righteous men and women to reveal the truth that Satan used whites to hide. I just told you that now didn't I?

Therefore, I rejoice exceeding that THIS BLACK TRUTH is also hurled via God crushing Satan's evil that wrought such ignorance and low-self esteem among black humanity. I rejoiced therein just as I rejoice therein when God raised up righteous women and men to finally tell the truth with regard to the 'WOMAN'S TRUE WORTH.

Those are mighty spiritual victories that brought down the demonic principalities, wicked spirits in high places. Yes, Trevor dear, listen and understand. As we are in the world we must fight the world's system to destroy the works of the devil just like Yahshua did.

He destroyed the works of the devil via lifting up TRUTH which set the captive free. In like manner, God used righteous blacks to 'destroy the works of the devil' via lifting up the BLACK TRUTH. That is something to celebrate and does not negate our 'salvation' walk in Yahshua.

Again, you have played judge and jury as you 'ass-u-med' that one was putting 'black racial truths' over our ultimate 'salvation' and that, is just downright evil of you to do. Just downright, sickening especially in light of the fact that you yourself just proclaimed that 'you are edified and enjoy learning of black historical truths'! Whoa! You're a piece of work, truly you are.

You spoke of many not knowing of the Azuza black man and Tertullian the African. Well, how will they know if YOU who know won't teach them but rather quote the 'there is niether Jew nor Greek' Scripture eh?

If you know it, they should too. freely YOU have received freely YOU should give out the information that as you more or less said, 'so delights your little old soul.' It can delight your soul but not ours' eh?

To us, you rebuke and proclaim 'salvation isn't about black heritage' as if we said it were. Yes, there will be all types in heaven but that doesn't negate the truth about God's word with regard to black racial truths that GOD WANTS TO BE ONCE AGAIN EXALTED. In other words, you're mixing apples with oranges and coming out with all this squishy/squashy, oh so emotional, nonsensical babblings.

Or, as the Bible would put it, 'you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel' full of self-righteous deception. Truly you do Trevor....again, shameful!
As for the clip, just because she (Newview) rejected it, doesn't mean its not true. See it for yourself when you get the chance, and don't just reject it simply because I posted it. That would be just as stupid as being racist.
"As for the clip, just because she (Newview) rejected it, doesn't mean its not true."

Uhh.. 'scuse you!?!
If I rejected it - it's gospel !!!!! Go cash that check ;-)
Sorry, I don't do Monopoly money. Your words aren't exactly Gospel to me right about now......
Brother. Trevor. Calm. Down....It was a jokey joke.

Of course what I say is NOT the 'end all - be all'.

I thought you would catch that it was a joke right away.
Naw, I didn't. Honestly on other nights I may have, but not tonight. Tonight is a little different. Tonight is a little personal for me. Normally I don't take things personal, but not tonight......

Sorry about that
Well, if as you say, 'just because Newview rejected it doesn't mean it's true' then it also stands to reason that 'just because YOU accepted it, it also doesn't mean it's true' now does it?

Fact is, I just reduced the unseen outcome to a 'consider the source' review and ofcourse, YOU LOST.
Bro. Trevor, I fully understand where you are coming from and I can appreciate your strength and courage to stand, even in hard places.
Its hard, but necessary, Chaplain........

I just want to say that I find it interesting that barely any of you will respond to the major points of what I say, but will pick and choose your battles. Very shrewd of you both! I applaud it, seriously! If there were points that I wasn't truly prepared to take on at the moment, I too would speak evasively around certain subjects. Newview, you said:

Slow you roll. Remember I told you if I commented on this issue - I think it was another discussion - I would probably indict myself so I wasnt going to comment. Well here it is. You speaking as if it is so holy to vote for Huckaman - well I feel even voting for the Huckaman was looking for grace from God just like voting for Barack. Why? I think PERFECTION is to NOT vote AT ALL. Thats my faith. If I sinned - it was the fact that I voted at all. Thats my faith. Barack, McCain, Huckabee, Biden, Paul, Giuliani, Clinton, Romney, Kucinich...
They are just worldlings, running a world full of wordlings. And I would have prayed for any one of them that had of won the election. But not with the passion I have for my Barack who I pray for like he's my long lost cousin or brother or uncle or son or father or neighbor. I think Barack for me is what Dr. King would have been to my mother's generation. I am over joyed. :-)

You said alot of things and as you alluded - I was not up in NY when you were visiting synagogues nor was I in prison with you but even at that - I wish you would've been able to enjoy this historical time - longer than a minute. You cant steal my joy. And I wish you were not so miserable.

I had to laugh at the fact that Obama was not on your list of "just worldlings, running a world full of wordlings." See, when it comes to such issues, political, and Biblical, I pay close attention to detail. No I'm not perfect, but I do pay honest attention, and consult GOD for HIS wise counsel on all matters, including the areas that I'm almost sure HE won't validate me for or allow me to do. So when it comes to political leadership, I don't just pick and choose who I want simply because of the "Black American Dream". No ma'am, I go with the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT. So when you say that your words would be incriminating, you are right, they are. They are not for what you said, however, but for what you DIDN'T say. See, its not always who you pray for, but what you pray about also. You can pray for the right person, with the wrong subject, or the wrong person for the right subject, or wrong on both. I asked you and all who would dare to answer it a SPECIFIC question, a question to which I mostly know the answer to, but need for others to be truthful and open-minded about: "I prayed for who would GOD want me to choose and support, and who to shun, looking for the will of GOD. Did you pray such a prayer? or did you just pray for who you wanted to win?" Choose your words carefully, because it is this that will be an indictment against you. I aint mad at you for saying that your faith wasn't to vote! No crime in that at all.

You call Barak Obama the Dr. King of your time because he ascended to the Presidency? I made mention of something interesting that was SEVERELY OVERLOOKED: Two blacks were also running for President along with Obama, and their names are Alan Keyes, and Cynthia McKinney. Why didn't you lift them up as candidates? Why didn't you push their issues? Di you even recognize them as legitimate candidates? Such black history supporters should not focus only on Dr. King alone, but Jesse Jackson, Huie P. Newton, Maclom X, George Washington Carver, the Littlerock Nine, and many others. Likewise, if you are so proud of the black movement, then why did you not throw support or even mention at least ONCE the other black names on the Presidential candidacy ballots?
...I had to laugh at the fact that Obama was not on your list of "just worldlings, running a world full of wordlings.See, when it comes to such issues, political, and Biblical, I pay close attention to detail. "...

Bro Trevor you pay attention to detail? Close attention?
Read my post again. Our president's name was the very first I posted.

None of us are perfect. And that was my point. :-)


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