They used to brag about how they have satellites that can see a man's face while he's going about his business throughout the day.

If that is the case - Why can't they point it at the 'insurgents/Al Quaeda operatives' in Afganistan to see where they are placing IED's and when they are placing them and who is placing them and where do they scamper off to when they finish placing them?

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Yes I do. You mentioned him frst, but not on that particular list.
Aw Trevor, okay whatever. This conversation on your part is going nowhere, as it is so obvious that you are obstinate and refuse to admit 'you're wrong.' Rather, you would dare mutter all this 'ah, yes, you've analyzed our post and saw how we tricked you' stuff. Really it isn't.

Still, God bless you, God bless America and our BELOVED PRESIDENT OBAMA!

Oh, and God bless even those 'afrocentric' people who you so obviously detest. As for future reference when you are full of erroneous judgment with regard to me, 'I'm GOD-CENTRIC' first and foremost always, always, celebrating the many victories from Civil Rights to Women Rights to Union Rights and to Historical black 'afrocentric' rights!'

All of these victories glorify our Savior who raised up valiant men and women to bring them about. As such, you too, lift up your hands in praise to a Just God who has set the captives free.
You call Barak Obama the Dr. King of your time because he ascended to the Presidency? I made mention of something interesting that was SEVERELY OVERLOOKED: Two blacks were also running for President along with Obama, and their names are Alan Keyes, and Cynthia McKinney. Why didn't you lift them up as candidates? Why didn't you push their issues? Di you even recognize them as legitimate candidates? Such black history supporters should not focus only on Dr. King alone, but Jesse Jackson, Huie P. Newton, Maclom X, George Washington Carver, the Littlerock Nine, and many others. Likewise, if you are so proud of the black movement, then why did you not throw support or even mention at least ONCE the other black names on the Presidential candidacy ballots?

To be quite frank - they did not interest me. I did not vote for Obama just because he was black.
Alan Keyes he's black but I think he's kookie.
Cynthia McKinney - is kookier.

Pray for the success of this President to be wise, brave, good, kind and more importantly one who seeks our Father which art in heaven so that he and his lovely family can be saved.

Stop hatin on my boo.
Ms. Johnson, I'll respond to your statement here bit by bit. You said:

Oh Trevor, you've got nerves of steel...I do declare. Trevor it has been you and YOU alone who have done nothing but 'judge and condemn' we who support Barack Obama.

My response: Me have nervse of steel? Thanks! Now THATS a compliment! LOL! Let me say that I never judged no condemned anyone that supported Obama. I observed and spoke on my observation. Judgment and condemnation would be me saying you're all doomed to a Lake of Fire, or saying like "You're traitors to your own kind!!" Sound familiar? It should because you said it to me!

You said: You say, you prayed, and I told you I prayed for God's will and it was that Obama would be President. Now what? Millions of African/Americans voted for him. I think the quoted percentage was 93 % and quite frankly, I think it's higher or at least I used to until I realized how many of 'your' kind are out there roting Christian right rhetoric.

My response: I did pray, and I did seek GOD's will. I asked GOD which person should I and shouldn't I support? What about McCain? What about Obama? What about Huckabee? Did you ? No, you prayed that GOD would make Obama President, and many voted for him. Thats not exactly looking for GOD's will, that asking GOD to shine upon your choice. I'll be detailed with my question and I would like an equally detailed and simple answer: Did you ask GOD "IF" you were allowed to support Obama, or did you ask GOD "make him President"? The first one is seeking GOD's opinion, the other however can happen even if GOD says no! That is proven (once again) by the rise of the Anti-Christ who GOD will not set up, and Hosea 8:4. If you need MORE biblical proof that people can assume power even if GOD said no, , I'll be glad to show you! It doesn't mean that GOD isn't in control, it just means that people do what they want to do!

You said: You say, 'we don't know your experience' neither do you know ours' yet, you have been full of judgment with regard to our righteous disposition on the subject of Obama now haven't you?

My response: No I haven't. I haven't judged any of you a all. You however have judged, and deemed me a traitor to blacks. If I judged you, then what exactly was my verdict? Please tell me and the rest of the free world.

You said: The fact is, yes, I'm aware that all black people suffer injustice by whites like the so-called Republicans and Christian right types and all other types including the white Jewish type you mentioned.

My response: I'm glad that you know that, but did you know that it was the Republican party that pushed for your black freedom, it was the Republican Party that pushed for no abortions, and it was the Republican Party that Dr. King supported? I'm not saying that I'm a Republican, because I'm not. I'm not saying that I totally agree with ever single move they make, because I don't. I'm saying you need to stop bunching everyone into one box and see each individual as GOD sees them: as individuals (Ezekiel 18). There are racists whites within the Democratic party too. The worst I believe however, are racists blacks, hating upon whites due to past afflictions, especially if they themselves were never afflicted. You past afflictions should not dictate your view of people as a whole (Ms. Johnson, take that statement person, please, because I read a little testimony of yours).

You said: How long were you in prison anyway? And what were you in prison for in the first place?

My response: 3 1/2 years in prison for two counts of robbery in the 2nd degree, and criminal possession of stolen property in the 5th. I was a foolish young gang leader who actually was locked up for committing a crime that I was always personally against! It was in prison that I was saved and saw the risen LORD.

You said: Anyway, I prayed for Obama then and I pray God's will, mercy, favor, grace, skill on Obama now. I ask God to be with him, and I asked God 'if Obama was his' and he said YES! Now what?

My response: I have no problem for praying for him at all. And technically speaking, ALL are HIS, be it saint or sinner (Ezekiel 18), so that doesn't really say much!

You said: Also, you on the one hand proclaim, 'you were happy for a second' but on the other hand slander this man Obama via judging him as NOT A CHRISTIAN even though the man has repeatedly said, 'HE IS A CHRISTIAN.' How dare you judge his personal relationship with God! How dare you!

My response: How dare I? simple: you shall know them by their fruit. I have not once seen the fruit of the Spirit of GOD within his policies, nor the mind of CHRIST within his judgments. Do any of his policies match that of the Biblical standard of a Christian? If you can answer that truthfully, then you can see "how dare I".

You said: Just because he doesn't see everything the way YOU deem he should see it doesn't make him any less a Christian as he has professed to be. My God man, the man stood before an Arab nation and proclaimed his allegiance to Jesus Christ. What more do you want?

My response: Oh I seen the speech. It was a nice speech. I can even place it up here!

Now, have you seen this speech?

His words right here contradict the Constitution of the United States of America totally! America was and still is supposed to be a Christian nation. Its all good for Arabs to have their nation as being Muslim controlled, and Israel to be officially Judaic, but we have to renounce our faith?? BLASPHEMY!

You said: And by the way, I think it arrogant of you to deem Obama un-Christ-like because he does not see things in the same like manner as those tea-party, demonic right wingers. Come on, there's something wrong with your disposition.

My response:Its not arrogant of me, its me doing what the Bible calls for Ministers to do: watch out. You and this Right-wing nonsense need to stop! I said it before, and I'll say it again: its not about right or left, because its both wings flapping that make this corrupt bird to fly! They are BOTH in trouble, not just one side of the government!

You said: Oh, not the abortion thing AGAIN. We've gone over that repeatedly with you but you keep roting the same thing over and over again showing disrespect for our views on abortion. I told you that 'nobody is for reckless abortions'. Everybody including Obama wants to work on ways to end abortion. The man said so himself.

My response: If the man said so, then the man would not push to legalize abortion at all.

You said: Those verses from the Lord did you get them for Bush as well or strictly Obama? You see the thing is this, the Scriptures you are quoting is saying, 'God does not intervene in the affairs of nations.' even though His word says He does.

My response: I honestly didn't ask about Bush, so I have to say no. Now concerning the verses, you can agree with them or not. That doesn't matter at all. What matters mainly is that they are scripture, and therefore true. Are you doubting the truth of the verses? The verses don't say that HE doesn't intervene, they say that people do what they want to do, and often set up who they want to set up. Was Hitler a God-given gift? PLEASE tell me that he was!! I'd LOVE for you to say yes!

You said: And, if you believe God didn't lift up Obama as President then you must also believe that God doesn't lift up any man who has been President of the U.S. or ran for President of the U.S., including Huckabee whom you supported.

My response: You are twisting my words. I'm saying that the choice of GOD is NOT always the choice of man. Your vote is just that: YOUR vote. How often do people go with GOD's plans?

You said: You also said something like, "why weren't other blacks known for running." Well, because they probably like other lesser known whites who ran didn't have a viable chance. They always give little to no media attention to that sort, especially in the last few decades.

My response: Whose fault is that??? You had the perfect opportunity to have an all-black Election, and you passed it up, all to toss the support into one person.

You said: Bottom line, President Obama deserves to be respected and given a chance. You said, 'the solider don't like him'. Well, the man hasn't been President a year so it will take a little time to get the kinks out. You said, the 'soldiers were happy because they didn't have to do work under Bush? Well, then soldiers, it's high time to do ACCURATE WORK under the new Commander and chief so that he can get them on out of there. Ya know, 'mission accomplished' and all that.

My response: I respect him as a man. Thats not the issue here. I just don't like him as President. Don't give me that "he just started" stuff because the same judgments due to time were given to every President. He has been President since February and this is October. True, it hasn't been all four years, so I'll be fair about that. However, I KNOW good and well that he will serve another four years, not because he was the best President you ever had, but because 1) he's black and its historic, 2) an excuse of "he needs another four years to get the job done". Hey, it is what it is.

You said: Finally, in the other post you made a erroneous JUDGMENTAL statement that 'we don't understand government corruption.' How can a black man say that to a black woman?

My response: You are STILL stuck on this "black man-black woman" thing???? You think just because you're black I have to support you and your ideas? You think just because we are black, we are always right? No ma'am, we are not. I said that you don't understand governmental corruption because you jump from one side of government to another, not realizing that both are , for the most part, working hand-n-hand! You keep saying "Right/Left Wing" as if it matters. Money is the bigger issue, and it has gripped both Democrat and Republican, Senator and Supreme Court Justice, Political Annalist and President. All you have to do is look at the connection between the FED (history and present operation of the Federal Reserve) and the past and present regimes. I have one major suggestion: If you REALLy wnt to clear the national debt, you should get rid of the one who holds your debt! Kingdoms in the past declared war on the nations that held their debt. The same should be done today. Our true debt is not with another nation however, but held by private bankers running the Federal Reserve. This nation was NEVER to have a central bank because of this very problem. Mayer Amschel Rothschild said this dynamic thing that people who scream Left/Right Wing have never heard or totally ignored: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws." Does that sound like the Right or Left Wing actually matter?

You said: From slavery days on, a black with an ounce of sense understands government corruption. As for the government being involved in 9/11, yeah, I believe the secret organizations of the world, Illuminati and all that knew of 9/11. It is not a conspiracy theory, as all those worldwide demonic beings work hand and hand.

My response: Well AMEN! We agree once more!

You said: Remember there was the controversy of the Israelis who were caught cheering when the plane collided in the buildings. Oh yeah, I, unlike Newview believe that the secret societies elitists of America knew something about 9/11. They always do. They knew when they were going to kill Dr. King and the Kennedy boys.

My response: Yes, they sure did. I'm glad at least that you know this. What confuses me now is this: why is it that you chant Right/Left Wing when you know that there is a force deeper and more evil than the both behind them?

You said: I just thank God that God knows all things that are going to happen and His grace is sufficient to see us through. Let God's grace bless Obama. Pray for our President as he does mean well whether you believe it or not.

My response: I'll pray for him, but like I said before, the frst time I prayed for him, it wasn't a good response from Heaven.

You said:Remember, Samuel worked with Saul even though he knew the anointing had left him. In like manner, since you INCORRECTLY have JUDGED Obama as NOT BEING OF GOD, the least you who claim to be OF GOD can do is 'pray for him' that we may live in peace and safety.

My response: 1st Samuel 15:35 says "And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: and the LORD repented that he had made Saul king over Israel." Exactly how much work did Samuel do with Saul again??
I invite all of you to check out the video under News & Events, entitled "The Obama Deception" and express your perception on this documentary. What we are facing and have been for years has nothing to do with Obama; he's only a pawn in this life game of chess.

I voted for Obama, not because he's black, but because I thought he was true to his campaign about "change." It didn't take long before I saw the "change" he didn't make. But, after viewing this documentary, it wouldn't have mattered whether Obama or Cheney stepped into the presidency, because they are only puppets on a string.
Hi Chaplain Pat, with regard to the "Obama Deception' alleged factual documentaries, I would ask that you as a believer 'consider the source' putting forth such information. As you can see from the media, there is a right-wing assault against any and every effort this righteous man seeks to make.

In fact, the Republicans stated, 'if we can stop Obama's attempt to bring 'health care' to the masses it will be his waterloo.'

As well, Obama held out the olive branch of 'unity' in spite of the fact that Bush and the Republicans toppled America economically, militarily, etc. and when we the people rightly ousted those right wing demoniacs for all the evil they exacted they did NOT repent rather, swore revenge against 'we the people' who voted them out and the Democrats in.

Yes, Obama promised 'CHANGE' and again, extended the 'olive branch' to Republicans who more or less said, 'the hell with change' we will resist you in the name of the right wing REBEL RUSH LIMBAUGH CROWD and call for your 'assassination BOY.'

This man IS trying to bring about 'change' and is resisted by the lying, right-wing mouthpieces including the so-called CHRISTIAN RIGHT.

Please remember that there were documentaries accusing Dr. Martin Luther King of being a Communist. The Right Wing Republicans and so-called Christian Right have sworn with fists raised to a Just God that they will OPPOSE OBAMA just as they SWORE WITH FISTS RAISED to a Just God in the 50 & 60's that they would oppose 'Dr. Martin Luther King and the abolishment of segregation annnd, just as they stated in the 60's that if 'President Johnson signed in the Civil Rights Bill they would NEVER vote Democrat again, and so they haven't, so they haven't!''

So please blessed Chaplain, be careful of modern day documentary deceits against OBAMA. For the same wretched KKK right wing, so-called Christians are once again 'lifting their pale fists towards a Just God' DEFYING HIM and that, ALLEGEDLY in the name of Jesus.

Bottom line, amidst the slavery era where there arose Abraham Lincoln of the Republican Party, blacks of that era turned to the whites of the Republican party who were really modern day Democrats. When the tide turned, and the Democrats spoke of justice and righteousness and the demonic spirit of racism flared in the Republican Party, then blacks SWITCHED to the Democrat Party.

The point being, whites whether they POLITICALLY called themselves Democrats or Republicans of any given era were ALWAYS, ALWAYS, POSSESSED BY THE DEMONIC SPIRIT OF WHITE MURDEROUS, BLACK HATRED RACISM.

If, the demon moved ferociously amidst the political party calling itself 'republicans' as in the past few decades then blacks turned to the Democrats who the demon of racism was not active in. If, as in ancient history the demon of white racism moved in whites referring to themselves as Democrats then blacks turned to the whites where the demonic spirit was dormant and voted for them. The fact is, the DEMON OF WHITE RACISM was moving in both crowds and blacks had to acclimate themselves to the 'lesser of two evils' just as we do today as we RIGHTLY VOTE DEMOCRAT.

Sooo...:white puppets on a 'demonic' string, oh yeah, intelligent, learned blacks know that story by heart, always have, always have.
Sister Elaine,

Our power is on our knees before our God. For some reason - peaople would rather fear than do what the scriptures say which is pray for the king. The simplicity of that directive by the Lord is just too simple.

Fear and rightwing youtube videos and viewing with sceptism the black man in charge are all the rage.

And still our power is on our knees before God for this president.

To God be the Glory! "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds" let us daily pull down this demonic white-wing stronghold of deceit that would not be found out.

Hey child, if God be for us, who can be against us?

God bless President Obama!
Ms. Elaine, the source stated in the BEGINNING of the clip that it was neither Right nor Left wing, and accused BOTH SIDES in the video. I keep telling you that this right and left stuff is a falsehood!

Did EITHER ONE OF YOU actually read my (long) response, or at least look at the youtube clips? They speak for themselves!
Yeah Mr. Trevor, from henceforth, all I can say to annnnything you say is, 'whatever!
I could care less, so long as you read what I wrote, and heard the clips yourself. Salute your Nobel Peace Prize winning President!

(a prize he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to win by the way!)
Celebrate? You're right, its not his fault that he won, because he did NOTHING to do it except be the first black President. Lets be real here, he gained a prize with little to nothing to show for it. A prize that men died for. Is that right? He gained it by "potential", not by substance. Of course, I would be proven wrong if something would be shown to me of exactly what he did to earn it.


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