I feel that so many christians do not know the word of God. We won't and don't study the word , pray or fast. We believe everything, the pastor,teacher preacher tells us.Our sunday schools and bible studys for the most part are empty. Men and Woman are calling themselves to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus the Christ.Just because you have the gift of Prophecy, Does not make you a Prophet. The bible says that many are called ,but Few are Chosen. The bible says to study and show Youself approved unto God. We study to show ourselves approved unto man. When was the last time a christian just sat down and prayfully read the word of God? When was the last time a christian sat still ,and let the Holy Ghost speak? Our opinon and philosphy don't matter , What matters is the word of God, the bible says my people perish by Lack of Knowledge.you can have the best chior, the best praise team. The lovelist mime team and praise dancers, and the muscians are bagging. Yet only the word of God saves, and the Word only.In that we don't study we twist and turn the word of God to fit our means. A person can take a scripture and just about justify anything. Yet if we knew the word we would not be led astray.

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My AME brother put it too me this way. When you first come to Christ , you have faith and believe. that God will do just what he said. When you have become seasoned and knowledge in word and deed.. Then you have faith and know that you know, that God will do just what he said
To God be the glory my brother well said.


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