They used to brag about how they have satellites that can see a man's face while he's going about his business throughout the day.

If that is the case - Why can't they point it at the 'insurgents/Al Quaeda operatives' in Afganistan to see where they are placing IED's and when they are placing them and who is placing them and where do they scamper off to when they finish placing them?

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I'm sorry but maybe I missed something: where exactly in scripture did it say the coming of the great black President would be a sign of the coming of Messiah and world peace?
You just 'hate' the great black president don't cha'?

You 'hate' blacks who are proud of this 'I have a Dream moment.'

You 'hate' blacks who vote Democrat.

You're just altogether one darn piece of 'hate' while simultaneously referring to yourself as a 'Man of God'.

What a 'hateful' thing to do to the true gospel of Christ.
So let me get this straight: if I disagree with you, I hate you? If I think that you aren't for the Christian Church, but for our advisory, then I hate you? Even if I said nothing hateful at all, I'm labeled as being hateful? Thats just plain said.

The fact of the matter is this: I do not hate you or Newview, or anyone that loves Barak Obama. I don't even hate Barak Obama! Like I said before, I thought of it as being cool that a black man is President, but my Christian morals will not allow me to celebrate a man who openly stands for and even legislates things that are against the Body of CHRIST and the morals of GOD listed within the Bible. I hate this worl'ds system, but I don't hate you or any other person.

If you can actually quote me as saying something hateful such as a lie or something racists, then please show it. Otherwise, its just another case of "you're against my views so I'm against you".

Don't reply to just one part of my statements, reply to all.
Trevor, you just don't get it do ya? heh..heh

Just like you DON'T get it, when your right-wing brothers are pimping it to ya.

Exhibit A you are!
The fact of the matter is this: I do not hate you or Newview, or anyone that loves Barak Obama. I don't even hate Barak Obama! Like I said before, I thought of it as being cool that a black man is President, but my Christian morals will not allow me to celebrate a man who openly stands for and even legislates things that are against the Body of CHRIST and the morals of GOD listed within the Bible. I hate this worl'ds system, but I don't hate you or any other person.

O Trevor - have you ever voted in anyother election?
Thank Bro.Trevor for sharing the video clips.
Woman of God, take a deep breath. There's no need to speak hatefully to a brother in the Lord just because you disagree on some issues.

I can respect where both you and Bro. Trevor are coming from. But let us not let our differences stir up anger and resentment in our hearts.

Personally, I could care less what color the President is. It's what he stands for that really matters.
Chaplain Pat? 'Take a deep breath?' Ha! For what? You're reading this all wrong my dear, eh Newview and Watson? lol

Oh, with utmost dread, I say to you two, behold the blindness and deafness we are up against. Correction, behold the blindness and deafness our ancestors were up against.'

Bro. Trevor, I don't know about you, but these false accusations of being against blacks because some people are not impressed with Obama is getting real old and tiresome.

I don't seem to recall when many white Americans spoke out against Bush that they were accused of being against "whites." So, why is it that many black Ameericans want to curse those of us who are speaking out against the principles Obama represents?

I'm beginning to think that Black America can't see anything past black and white, which would explain why the art of deception became real easy.


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