What is the Point of the Hebrew in Word, and Specifically the Garden Word in Genesis?

Speaking to the glory of God, what do we gain in the absence of the Hebrew when interpreting the garden word of Genesis? And when we fail to employ full use of the Hebrew in the Genesis garden word are we walking, or putting ourselves at risk to walk in, idolatry and even idolatry of our own minds?

I ask with my own answer in mind but would like to poll the issue and find out what you think. I speak with specific reference to the garden word but even as a broader issue, is the authority of the Hebrew in Old Testament of the same critical and decisive nature as is the Greek in the New Testament?

In my opinion, it is critical to proper discernment and understanding to employ full application of the Hebrew in the Old Testament, and specifically to the garden word, in like manner as the Greek to New Testament. In the absence of doing so, whether well intended or not, we are at immediate risk of, or even already walking in, idolatry by preferring those things constructed in our own mind(s) to that which is clearly rooted (as perhaps found in a Strong’s Concordance) in the word and even of God.

The intention of this post is not to specifically speak about Hebrew terms of the garden, but only whether full application of the Hebrew in the garden should have priority in interpretation and what does it mean, if anything, when we fail to do so?

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Pastor Darby,

Not that this should ever even be a point, but what is the greater work in sin? A person who is deceives and makes a right honored confession, or a person who falls down and refuses to make righteous confession to get up again?

You keep telling me she was deceived. I know she was deceived. But she confessed to being deceived. She followed the process of God for deliverance. Yet the only word you have about the garden to prove her subjugation, is not even found in the garden but in 1Tim 2:14, from the traditional mind of a man pointing back to the garden with an incomplete exposition of word. All you have given me from 1 Tim 2:14 is akin to a sound bite only in and about the garden.

I do hope when you make confession your sins are forgiven and even by a Righteous God. That's more than you say Eve got.
AMEN Pastory Darby. I do much admire your wisdom and strength as well as Bro. Watson and Bro. Greene. I am learning a great deal from each of you and I am taking notes as I go along. This is why I have no shame in being corrected when necessary.

In His Grace,
Chaplain Harris


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