This relates to the other thread/discussion about 'Adam ruling over Eve'

Here's an excerpt from what the author of the thread stated:
...If they were in a state of innocence and this is even a state taught and acknowledged by the Church then, one why did God punish Adam, and why even so harshly?...

My response:
Because Adam was her head.
The woman was made FOR Adam - the man.

Bro Watson this was your response:
Adam was not her "head" before the Fall. The fact that Eve's "husband" was to have rule over her (Genesis 3:16),was a curse, and that curse became effective after the Fall.

My response:
I see what you are saying Bro Watson. But wasnt she made for him NOT him for her.

Your response:
Yes, she was made as a help meet for Adam because all the rest of the creation had mates with the exception of Adam. Adam was lonely before Eve came along. So God put Adam under divine anesthesia, extracted a rib, stitched up the wound, made a woman, and brought her to the man.

In my mind, I don't think that God, when he brought the woman to Adam, slid her under him, or placed her behind Adam. No! I believe that God brought the newly made woman to Adam and placed her in front of him so that he could see her. Equality! That's what I'm talking about. I wish that I could have seen Adam's face when woke up and saw Eve standing there. That must have been quite a sight to behold.

And now this is my understanding as it was explained to me that The whole idea of headship is based upon the order of creation.
From the beginning he was her head because of the creation order - thats why Paul used it as an illustration in I Corinthians. Thusly having NOTHING to do with the curse.

What do you think, Brother Watson?

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"...All of this "headship" gender talk is a Pauline construction (1 Cor. 11:3-12; Ephesians 5:22)."

Yes, based on creation NOT the curse.

Are you saying that to use the term "headship" is not applicable? I also seem to recall in one of your previous replies that Eve was created for companionship with Adam and both were given dominion over the earth, which of course I understand. I guess where I may be off track is the fact that Adam was created first and Eve was created for him, but if I am understanding your explanation correctly, Adam was not given authority over Eve before the Fall. Therefore, the created order I mentioned earlier has no significance. Am I on track with your interpretation?


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