The Priesthood after the Order of Aaron & the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek

HezekiahNow we are going to start out with the Priesthood after the order of Aaron, the Levitical Priesthood. Someone said to just post where the scriptures are, and not the scriptures on the Thread. So, if you have an issue with that, post it. I will go back to the other way if it is better. Pray that you harden not your heart, and have the courage to read all of these scriptures in the order they are presented.

Exodus 29:4-9
Numbers 3:1-13
Leviticus 21:16-24
Leviticus 4:1-2, Leviticus 4:27-32
Exodus 26:31-34

Hezekiah That was the Priesthood after the order of Aaron. Now look at how Jesus was setting up his High Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek in these next 2 scriptures. Pay attention to Jesus and Melchizedek in the scriptures you read with them.

Matthew 26:26-28
Matthew 27:50-51

Hezekiah When Jesus died was the end of the Priesthood after the order of Aaron. What was the Priesthood of the Levites? The animal sacrifice Law. It said that the veil of the temple rent. That started Jesus High Priesthood at the right hand of the Father interceeding for us when we fall in keeping the commandments or the New covenant. Now here is the Priesthood of Melchizedek, and Jesus, pay attention. very close attention!!

Genesis 14:18
Zechariah 9:9-10
Matthew 21:1-5
Genesis 14:18-20
Psalm 110:1-4
Hebrews 5:5-10
Hebrews 7:1-4, Hebrews 7:11-17, Hebrews 7:22-28
Hebrews 8:1-2

Hezekiah I hope you see how that is laying out the Levite Priesthood as the sacrifice of animals, and not the doing away with the Moral Law, the dietary Law, the Cleanliness laws, and the Feasts of the Lord. Remember keeping paying close attention to Melchizedek, and Jesus, and the descriptions, pay close attention.

Romans 8:32-34
Isaiah 53:1-7, Isaiah 53:10-12
1Peter 1:18-19
Ephesians 5:1-2
Zechariah 1:12-17

Hezekiah This will talk about how the Lord's temple will be built. It will not be built by the so-called Jews in the land now. They will build their temple next to the Dome of the Rock.

Ezekiel 40:1-5
Ezekiel 41:1-2
Ezekiel 43:1-7

Hezekiah Now the Lord is talking about the Prophets, and the conspiracy that was among the nations to not teach the true word of God, and hide Israels heritage, but the Lord Predicted that in Deuteronomy 28, if Israel disobeyed the Law, but the point is that the Prophets in the flesh are famined and have no Priesthood of God in the flesh. He is talking about how all of his Priests, Apostles, Prophets, so-called men of God have all gone astray in these days, our days.

Ezekiel 22:25-31
Malachi 2:1-9
Malachi 3:1-4
Ezekiel 44:10-17

Hezekiah Now this is talking about the end times, at the coming of the Lord, and he is the High Priest and King of his Church Israel.

Joel 3:1-2
Joel 3:15-17
Isaiah 2:1-3

Hezekiah Now Haggai is Prophesying who is going to build the temple of the Lord at his coming. Also in Micah the Lord say again that all nation will flow unto his kingdom, and his temple in the last days.

Haggai 1:1-3, Haggai 1:12-15
Haggai 2:1-9
Micah 4:1-4
Zechariah 3:1-10

Hezekiah Now this is the Lamp as the King, The High Priest, and if we keep his commandments we will rein with the Lamb 1000 years as Priests and God Kings of the Earth. That is the inheritance of Israel, the Church of God, who is our King, and High Priest, after the order of Melchizedek.

Revelation 22:4-6
Revelation 5:8-10
Zechariah 6:9-15

Hezekiah I hope you got some understanding. You will have to sit down and read, if you don't read, you won't learn, if you don't learn you will go into the Lake of Fire. It is just that simple. I know it is harsh, but it is truth. If you have questions, please post, or just give feedback. I expect that the false prophets will beat this down. If you want me to cut down the lesson, I will, and if you want me to post the scriptures I will. Please give feedback.

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Let me ask you this, would we know there was a Father if Jesus did not declare him?
because of this:

Jeremiah 31:9 - They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.

People were calling him "The Father" before Yeshua came, Hezekiah. But that doesn't mean people KNEW him. It's just like those who were raised in single parent homes without fathers. They know they HAVE one. But they don't know him or necessarily what that father is like. And this can have serious implications. Fathers TEACH their children. we learn how to be human beings from our Creator. When you don't know him you may not even have a moral standard to reach to. And with my father passing recently I am hyper-aware of the high standard that was set by my father. And it wasn't as much about what he said verbally, but the example that he set quietly. He loved people and he didn't have to say it because he DID it. Understand? Because I have that example, knowing nothing else, it is much easier for me to be a good man. And he learned from Yeshua who learned from the Father. The Father, even though he is invisible, can be seen in things that are visible.

Those are our examples that show us the Father. Knowing OF him is not even close to knowing him personally. Before Yeshua, people had ideas about him but Yeshua showed us what he would be like IF he were a man like us. But The Father didn't wait 6 thousand years for an introduction to his own creations. But perhaps he did wait 6000 years... to be understood by them. And that's the difference.

Zealot X,

I like the way you articulate. Are you a seminary instructor or a teacher of the Word as a profession?
Thank you for the compliment Chaplain Harris. No, I am not an instructor. I went through a period in my life where there was almost nothing else besides the bible and spirituality. During this time research and study was my life, not jobs, not women, not material things, nothing else. And I KNOW that YHWH was with me and was guiding me. He not only led me to more truth as the bible says he would but he also educated me on how to study. I had always prayed for knowledge and wisdom as a child but the smarter a person is the more they may reject the truth because of spiritual blindness. So YHWH, through his spirit (ruach hakodesh), had to deprogram me from what I believed I knew and basically stripped me down before building me back up.

I had the kind of experience where you go to sleep one day and wake up with an entirely new perspective the next day. And scriptures and texts started jumping off the page to me, screaming at me to be understood as if I was reading it for the first time and it actually was alive and wanted to be read. And while I was studying (because G-d doesn't just download the bible into your brain) wisdom also started to increase, the questions my mind began asking changed, and YHWH asked me questions too! That surprised me. One question I will never forget was him asking me "Why do you sin?" The question hurt but it was ultimately a blessing because I had to face myself and whatever parts of me I was using as an excuse. We give ourselves so many excuses because we DON'T BELIEVE that we can be perfect. When you begin to believe it, it is like Neo in the matrix. You will CHANGE. And I can testify of this change because HE changed me.

I could go on and on about this period of my life, the battles along the way, and how I would wake up with sermons and how I was attacked (physically) by demons. I can tell you all about how my experiences turned into Zealot X on a subconscious level and the evidence I found that backed up the things I was spiritually receiving. But I don't want to bore you.

Let me say something about seminaries. They are good places to learn and study but beware of them. There are 2 things I would warn about.

1) Some things that people learn in seminary can seriously shake their faith to the point that when they finally get to the pulpit they may not even believe everything their church teaches. At this point you'd probably get more of the inspirational variety of sermons (which I'm not knocking) than the more academic variety where members learn more about the bible.

2) Some seminaries are owned and teach in such a way that you get a carbon copy of what the church teaches to the extent that you are just another cog in the machine. Many pastors are not really free to preach what they want because their denomination pays their salary doesn't want them teaching anything they don't agree with.

I do not know of these things through direct experience. Instead, this comes from people who know certain ministers who have revealed this and also from friends in the ministry and other experience. One should go into seminary with an open mind but a strong love for his or her Maker. That's all I'm saying.

Zealot X,

You have just confirmed what I had suspected and experienced somewhat while receiving my ministry degree from a private Christian college, which is denominational. But nevertheless, I am grateful to have learned the basics, but everything else I have learned and continue to learn comes from God first, then others as God allows them to share with me. I am careful not to take anybody's word without consulting the living Word for confirmation and/or clarification.

Thank you for sharing your testimony. I hope you have a lot of patience, because I'm sure I will be consulting with you from time to time as it pertains to the Old Testament and other issues as well.
You're very welcome. I would be honored to try an answer whatever questions you might have with the knowledge that I have been blessed with. The Oldestament (what I refer to as the Scriptures or the Tanakh) is an essential book whether you accept Torah or not. There was a Christian named Marcion who actually removed it from his bible, stating that the "God" of the OT was not the "God" of the NT. But what I would say is that the bible is a library of wonderful books that act as one. Jeremiah didn't feel the need to retell the story of Creation. Isaiah didn't feel the need to redo the story of the flood. I recommend that people read the bible cover to cover, or in the order it was historically written. Why? 2 Things:

1) Every seven years the Scriptures were read verbally. Only wealthy people could afford to have their own copy. Therefore there was no such thing as skipping around the bible at home like you can now.

2) Every writer's experience was based on their knowledge of the fundamentals expressed in the Scriptures. Each writer builds on what is previously written and known.

Doctrines that are based more of a mysterious breadcrumb trail would not survive the way the bible was originally dissemenated. Certain idea are lodged in our brains even though they are not in the bible. And as long as we do not go through it and actually read it we may think that all the ideas that are taught to us in church are actually in there somewhere spelled out where we just haven't seen it but we assume our pastors know and are just giving us the truth. But we really don't know what truth is unless we "search the scriptures".

Matthew 22:29 - Yeshua answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of G-d.

When Yeshua said this, and when he taught, there was no NT. And understand that there were no printing presses or anything like that so actually getting the bible in the state that it is in today with both testaments was not part of the experience of the early followers of the messiah. In other words, the first followers of the messiah were Scriptures only. The NT did not exist. What am I saying this for? All I'm saying is that it is very important to know that the Scriptures are what Yeshua taught and therefore the Scriptures are our foundation. They explain the fundamentals that all other biblical writing is based on. You cannot contradict the scriptures without the entire deck of cards collapsing. That is why any interpretation which denies or rejects parts of scripture must be thrown out.

Romans 16:17 - Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

When Paul said this, whas he talking about protecting doctrines that didn't exist yet? Or was he protecting what they were currently teaching against the threat of new doctrines?

2 Thessalonians 2 also has a warning. That's what I like about this chapter. Yeah there is a delusion from G-d. That's scary. But it tells you how to avoid it. The problem is we missed our opportunity to avoid it. Now we have to undo it. And that's more difficult because first we have to realize that it happened. But this is a case for another day. The point is that before the NT existed they were saying all these things and giving all these warnings. What was a constant were the Scriptures. If you knew and understood the basics, the core concepts, no one would be able to lead you astray. So this is why we have to realize how important the Scriptures are. This is what Yeshua believed. Are the gospels also important? Yes! Of course they are. The gospels show what you get when you understand the and apply torah (and Torah means more than just law. It also means teaching or instruction). What you get is Yeshua. He understood it. He followed it. And when people were misunderstanding it he was a reformer and brought out the true meaning and beauty of the law. Why would he answer twice, when asked about eternal life, keep the law?

And this is where understanding the law helps you understand NT principles, helps you understand the messiah, helps you understand Paul, a pharisee. The people did not believe in Moses. That is why they failed. Yeshua was the end (result) of the law. When you truly follow in his footsteps you become like him just as he was like G-d. The law was given to man for a reason. Man had become corrupted by sin. YHWH needed to change man's nature. The answer (the only one) was to TEACH man. But who would listen?

People talk a lot about Israel and you don't have to do what they had to do and all that but the reality is that Israel was chosen to be a nation of priests. It was chosen to teach the world. It was simply the first. But even though they had the law there were periods of time when they didn't keep it and didn't know how to keep it and didn't understand what they didn't know how to keep. Israel failed to keep the law. But YHWH never failed to bring them back when they were ready. Even the "New Covenant" in prophecy was literally for the Nation of Yisra'el which WAS A COMMONWEALTH. And this is what a lot of young Israelites don't understand and cannot articulate to Christians when they're telling them to, basically, be Israelites.

The Commonwealth of Yisra'el included people of many nations. This is the reason why we confused for a religion instead of a nationality. Anyone could convert. And once converted they were, for all intents and purposes, Israelites. They kept the law. They received land. They could marry into Israelite families, etc. If no one had to convert and it was such a burden then no one would have done it. But YHWH never said we could follow him without being obedient. Sure other nations were considered righteous under the laws of Noah but was YHWH their G-d? The answer to that is no. If someone desires for YHWH to be their G-d then they are asking to be under the covenant. And that covenant is with the house of Yisra'el. Paul understood this very well. That is why he said that the wild branches (the gentiles) we allowed to be grafted in. What does grafted in mean? They weren't converted to some new religion. They were converted into the family tree of Israel. If you follow YHWH, my elohim, you are my family.

Yeshua was a personification of ALL the teachings from Gensis to Malachi. He was a WALKING TORAH. That's why the people considered him a great rabbi. This man knew the word of elohim (which was the Scriptures) like the back of his hand, so inside and out, so thoroughly, that it was second nature to him. Even first nature. Truly, it was his nature. That is the essence of Yeshua. And when you accept Yeshua you ARE accepting torah personified in human form. And the essence of the law, he understood, was love. But how can I tell you to love each other and that's all? How can I simply take all that the messiah was and define it with one word that everyone already thinks they know the meaning of? This is why Paul called it his school master. But make no mistake, Paul was an expert on Torah in his own right. So what applies to him does not apply to someone who doesn't know Torah... Paul is not saying "I had a school master but you don't need one." However, you need to hear the law, however you need to get it into your brain.... that's good. I don't go to a synagogue and read torah from a scroll. YHWH made sure it survived through time and is in every bible. At the same time we have the story of the WALKING BREATHING LIVING WORD(Torah) to show us what it means. And I submit to you, that if you learn torah through the eyes of Yeshua and these teachings are planted in you, you will grow to perfection like you have never experienced before and you WILL be saved from sin.

Believe in Yeshua and believe that the word of G-d he taught is life.

Luke 4:4 - And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of G-d.

Luke 8:11 - Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of G-d.

Let me show you what this seed can do:

7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. 8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of G-d was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of G-d. 10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. 11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.

There are only 2 options. We can be children of G-d or we can be children of the devil. Children of G-d are known by their righteousness. Children of the devil sin. I don't know about you but I want to be a child of G-d. That is why my foundation for truth is the word of G-d. And during the time of the gospels the word of G-d was being taught by Yeshua who was a teacher of the law. This is why I love torah. I can't speak for anyone else. But I love it because I love YHWH and I love Yeshua and I have absolute faith that the same word that worked in Yeshua and brought perfection can do the same in me and also in you.


If possible, can you say much by saying little.
Of course, but then I wouldn't weed out those who really don't want to understand. Those who want more will read more. Those who want less will read less.

by the way, I just said a lot by saying a little :)

You can do it. But as for me, I write what I feel needs to be written. I don't have an editor to chop it down.

Zealot, has anyone ever told you that your pic looks like Spawn? I thought that was the character you chose until i looked at your profile.
In a bizarre future of religious control and persecution, setting the backdrop for the last false messiah, a lone spawn of a mal’ak and a human woman comes to hunt down a demon.

See, I KNEW there was something "Spawn-comic-book-ish" about that character. The above is a quote from the your description of the character. Interesting will catch the attention of these Marvel and DC generations


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