The Priesthood after the Order of Aaron & the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek

HezekiahNow we are going to start out with the Priesthood after the order of Aaron, the Levitical Priesthood. Someone said to just post where the scriptures are, and not the scriptures on the Thread. So, if you have an issue with that, post it. I will go back to the other way if it is better. Pray that you harden not your heart, and have the courage to read all of these scriptures in the order they are presented.

Exodus 29:4-9
Numbers 3:1-13
Leviticus 21:16-24
Leviticus 4:1-2, Leviticus 4:27-32
Exodus 26:31-34

Hezekiah That was the Priesthood after the order of Aaron. Now look at how Jesus was setting up his High Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek in these next 2 scriptures. Pay attention to Jesus and Melchizedek in the scriptures you read with them.

Matthew 26:26-28
Matthew 27:50-51

Hezekiah When Jesus died was the end of the Priesthood after the order of Aaron. What was the Priesthood of the Levites? The animal sacrifice Law. It said that the veil of the temple rent. That started Jesus High Priesthood at the right hand of the Father interceeding for us when we fall in keeping the commandments or the New covenant. Now here is the Priesthood of Melchizedek, and Jesus, pay attention. very close attention!!

Genesis 14:18
Zechariah 9:9-10
Matthew 21:1-5
Genesis 14:18-20
Psalm 110:1-4
Hebrews 5:5-10
Hebrews 7:1-4, Hebrews 7:11-17, Hebrews 7:22-28
Hebrews 8:1-2

Hezekiah I hope you see how that is laying out the Levite Priesthood as the sacrifice of animals, and not the doing away with the Moral Law, the dietary Law, the Cleanliness laws, and the Feasts of the Lord. Remember keeping paying close attention to Melchizedek, and Jesus, and the descriptions, pay close attention.

Romans 8:32-34
Isaiah 53:1-7, Isaiah 53:10-12
1Peter 1:18-19
Ephesians 5:1-2
Zechariah 1:12-17

Hezekiah This will talk about how the Lord's temple will be built. It will not be built by the so-called Jews in the land now. They will build their temple next to the Dome of the Rock.

Ezekiel 40:1-5
Ezekiel 41:1-2
Ezekiel 43:1-7

Hezekiah Now the Lord is talking about the Prophets, and the conspiracy that was among the nations to not teach the true word of God, and hide Israels heritage, but the Lord Predicted that in Deuteronomy 28, if Israel disobeyed the Law, but the point is that the Prophets in the flesh are famined and have no Priesthood of God in the flesh. He is talking about how all of his Priests, Apostles, Prophets, so-called men of God have all gone astray in these days, our days.

Ezekiel 22:25-31
Malachi 2:1-9
Malachi 3:1-4
Ezekiel 44:10-17

Hezekiah Now this is talking about the end times, at the coming of the Lord, and he is the High Priest and King of his Church Israel.

Joel 3:1-2
Joel 3:15-17
Isaiah 2:1-3

Hezekiah Now Haggai is Prophesying who is going to build the temple of the Lord at his coming. Also in Micah the Lord say again that all nation will flow unto his kingdom, and his temple in the last days.

Haggai 1:1-3, Haggai 1:12-15
Haggai 2:1-9
Micah 4:1-4
Zechariah 3:1-10

Hezekiah Now this is the Lamp as the King, The High Priest, and if we keep his commandments we will rein with the Lamb 1000 years as Priests and God Kings of the Earth. That is the inheritance of Israel, the Church of God, who is our King, and High Priest, after the order of Melchizedek.

Revelation 22:4-6
Revelation 5:8-10
Zechariah 6:9-15

Hezekiah I hope you got some understanding. You will have to sit down and read, if you don't read, you won't learn, if you don't learn you will go into the Lake of Fire. It is just that simple. I know it is harsh, but it is truth. If you have questions, please post, or just give feedback. I expect that the false prophets will beat this down. If you want me to cut down the lesson, I will, and if you want me to post the scriptures I will. Please give feedback.

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LOL... Ya'll tickle me.
Bro. Zealot X,

When Yeshua said this, and when he taught, there was no NT. And understand that there were no printing presses or anything like that so actually getting the bible in the state that it is in today with both testaments was not part of the experience of the early followers of the messiah. In other words, the first followers of the messiah were Scriptures only. The NT did not exist. What am I saying this for? All I'm saying is that it is very important to know that the Scriptures are what Yeshua taught and therefore the Scriptures are our foundation. They explain the fundamentals that all other biblical writing is based on. You cannot contradict the scriptures without the entire deck of cards collapsing. That is why any interpretation which denies or rejects parts of scripture must be thrown out.

I just recently learned this bit of information and it has truly opened my understanding to another level. It explains why many Christians today (sometimes reterred to as NT Christians) are constantly butting heads with the Jews who study and live by the Torah. But even more to the point, if Christians who have not thoroughly studied the OT (that would include me as well), we cheat ourselves of allowing God to reveal Himself even more so than what we have received of Him from just focusing on the NT.

I'm at work so I'll have to cut this conversation short; but I will return later this evening.

Be blessed,
Again, I echo your comment Pat. Well said!!
This is true. And trust.... Christians (although I hate to call them that because I believe they were called this by the gentile inhabitants of Antioch as a means of derrogation. Paul's trials reveal that they were more than likely identified by "Nazarenes", which was called a sect of the Jews - Acts 24:5 )

were butting heads with Israelites the ENTIRE TIME. Imagine what would happen if a rapist married into your family. Wouldn't there be at least SOME drama? MANY Israelites HATED...... HATED...............H-A-T-E-D.... The Romans. Remember when Yeshua was born and the decree went out to murder all Israelite male babies? A lot of people living in the time of Yeshua probably lost children or grand children because of the Romans. And this event really only underscores the type of treatment the Israelites had to go through. Imagine the suffering of an entire nation under Roman occupation where G-d does not prevent the death of so many of their children. It is quite reasonable for many to have given up hope and for many to believe that if there was a G-d up there he was no longer with them.

I wish this was taught more in Christianity. It's kind of like how American history doesn't really include the REAL story of everything that happened between America and its slaves and just how badly they were treated. And so people are all like "why are black people so angry?" Lol.... Gee I dunno. sum'm musta happ'n boss.

The reality is that relations between Israelites and new gentile converts was very bad. Many Israelites went rogue and tried to make the conversion process hard on them just like how many very intelligent black people, like Malcom X, did not want to integrate with Europeans. It wasn't really personal. It was more like, let's not be stupid. These folks are the devil! And actually, it could be argued that the fears of the Israelites were well founded because what happened?

The Crusades...
The Crusades were fought mainly against Muslims, although campaigns were also waged against pagan Slavs, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the popes.[1][page needed] Crusaders took vows and were granted penance for past sins, often called an indulgence.

(wait, I thought only G-d could forgive sin.)

The Inquisitions...
The Spanish Inquisition It targeted primarily converts from Judaism (Conversos and Marranos) and from Islam (Moriscos or secret Moors) — both groups still resided in Spain after the end of the Islamic control of Spain — who came under suspicion of either continuing to adhere to their old religion or of having fallen back into it. Somewhat later the Spanish Inquisition took an interest in Protestants of virtually any sect, notably in the Spanish Netherlands. In the Spanish possessions of the Kingdom of Sicily and the Kingdom of Naples in southern Italy, which formed part of the Spanish Crown's hereditary possessions, it also targeted Greek Orthodox Christians. The Spanish Inquisition, tied to the authority of the Spanish Crown, also examined political cases.

torture, death, yada yada yada.... oh and the church authorized the slave trade. So the Israelites found out the hard way that they were (kinda) right because the same gentile movement towards following the messiah got perverted and became on of the most darkest times in human history. A lot of Israelites died because they would not accept the trinity. Jews as well, can tell you of this history. I say the Israelites were kinda right because really its not about the nation, but the individual. Just because Rome's takeover of Christianity would end in severe persecution doesn't mean that each individual person was the devil. And the Israelites were human and fallible so they held their past history with the gentiles against them.

Chaplain Harris, I'm learning some different things as well. Like you I have a boatload of questions! But if I ask them all at one time I won't be able to be like the Berean Believers LOL.
True Dat Sis. Tracy,

So glad to see you back on BPN. We'll have to chat later this evening either by phone or by email.

Be blessed my sister,
SMOOCHES Sis... ttyl

I'm online trying to track down the lyrics to an Adalucian Carol titled "Campana sobre Campana" there are so many different Spanish versions its ridiculous!
(continued from page 5)

The first gentiles were learning Torah. This is not what Christianity now teaches of course. Paul was trying to include the gentiles in the feast days. See... even after the messiah's ressurrection the disciples were still keeping the feast days. This idea that everything ended at the cross simply does not reflect the actions of the disciples. They clearly kept the feasts thereafter. That's how you get "Communion". Yeshua did not have "communion". The famous "Last Supper" was actually the passover sedar. When Yeshua said do this in rememberance of me he could have ONLY been talking about passover since that's what they were doing and since he mentioned no other name. And it makes sense in a Hebraic context because he was the very object of the Passover.

If/when you study the passover you will see the passover lamb played a central role. So the symbolism suggest that the blood of the passover lamb covers the people so that the judgment of G-d will "pass over" them. It's really a very beautiful thing and because it represents more than simply what happened in Egypt it is something that is just as true today as it was back then. And the rituals helped to keep people in rememberance of who G-d was and how he had helped them. But also, how he was going to send them a lamb (as he did Abraham) so that Abraham's son.... and all those who are counted as his descendants, do not have to die.

But Paul's students could not keep passover because by law you had to be circumcised. That was the catch. This was the only feast day celebration you had to be circumcised for. And Israelites jumped at the opportunity to hit the gentiles with circumcision. But they weren't told by James and the other leaders of the congregation. I posted a few links before to show what the Jews today say about conversion and how it is a long process that is very involved with educating people so that they understand what they're doing and are fully persuaded to obey. The idea that you have to do everything the law says on day 1 is a fabrication. Modern rabbis suggest six months to a year. During that time a person could dip their feet in as much of the law as they wanted to. But it was all about what they were learning from the Scriptures. If all they were taught was "God... good. Jesus... good." they would not have known what to do. You always have rules to govern behavior but your behavior does not have to be defined by those rules! This is why many Israelites do not understand Paul. Paul was an expert on the law, so much so that he understood what it was meant to do. The law is just the bare minimum... its the boundary between good and evil. It doesn't tell you how to be good person as much as it tells you how NOT to be a bad person. Paul was impressed by Yeshua and saw in him what the law was supposed to bring about.

It was deeper than "thou shalt not". So Paul, again being an expert on the law having been taught by a famous pharisaic scholar, understood how Yeshua manifested the law vs how the pharisees had abused the letter of it (the legal language). So in a sense he was trying to beyond the letter of the law to the HEART of the law. And he was trying to get his students there too. But it sounds confusing because you don't hear all of Paul's teachings so you don't really see him reading from the Torah every sabbath. It just says they were read to every sabbath. His letters to the churches had less to do with the sum of all doctrines Christianity should have than it did addressing individual problems in each church. If they didn't have a problem with the second commandment, for instance, he didn't need to mention it in his letters.

What I'm trying to say is that by the time Yeshua and Paul had taught this more enlightened perspective of the law there were basically two laws. Because Yeshua and Paul were not civil authorities. They had no real power to change the way the law was interpreted. So you had the pharisees still with their version of the law; their spiritually immature interpretation. And then you had Yeshua and Paul with their very spiritually mature interpretation. ONE of those laws put people to death and just generally wasn't what G-d intended. But that was the pharisees version and when Paul was speaking on it he spoken from first hand knowledge because he was Saul the executioner long before he was ever Paul. And the disciples were actually afraid of him because of that. But Paul taught from the Scriptures. He had nothing else to teach from. So while he is saying all this about the law, understand that he is still teaching from it. He's just teaching his students to REJECT the law (version of it) of the pharisees. And he's also telling Hebrews (separately) how Yeshua fulfilled the SACRIFICIAL law by becoming the sacrifice. THAT LAW was certainly finished at the cross. But certainly "thou shalt not steal" was still in effect. And there is a REASON why Christians aren't taught this and why there's so much conflicting sermons. At some point, the CHURCH (and at this point in time were talking about the Catholic church), became more powerful and more important than the messiah. And there are movies and priest testimonies illuminating this idea. And of course we can see from Martin Luther and other opponents ("heretics"). The church became so important in the lives of its members and far less attention was paid to the messiah. I recommend finding a red letter bible and focusing on the ACTUAL sayings of Yeshua. What you will find is a Hebrew rabbi who taught the law with an understanding that wasn't popular in that time. And there is one way to truly know that he taught the law and that we should learn the law with HIS understanding.

And that is the original prophecy of the new covenant. Yeshua accomplished that prophecy right? Or was at least instrumental, correct?

Jeremiah 31:31 - Behold, the days come, saith YHWH, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah (you want to be grafted into this tree!):32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake,

Unless Paul is on crack or retarded he understands more than those reading his letters a thousand years later that the new covenant was for Israel. That's why in Romans 11 he is talking about the gentiles being grafted in.

although I was an husband unto them, saith YHWH: 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith YHWH, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.

Although I was a what? A HUSBAND UNTO THEM. The woman in Revelation is ISRAEL, not some Christian religious institution (no offense). Israel is his bride. That is why Israelites want to be part of the remnant. But look what it says there in verse 33. I will put a new law in their inward parts. What? That's not right? It says I will put MY law in their inward parts. Okay. So if Yeshua was teaching the commandments during his ENTIRE ministry and never said "yeah, yall need to do all this until I die and then you're free! free! free I say! No, he taught people the law. And guess what? The law was on HIS inward parts. And we could see that and that is why he is the "LIVING WORD". See, you guys accepted "Word" as a title when no one really taught you what it meant. It was just like "oKay, here's God the Father and then here's the Word, and then here's the holy spirit" I'm like wait... back up... why is he called "the Word"? And don't tell me the word equals G-d just because John 1 says the word was in the beginning. That doesn't mean the word was a man in the beginning.

1 Kings 12:22 - But the word of G-d came unto Shemaiah the man of G-d, saying,

1 Chronicles 17:3 - And it came to pass the same night, that the word of G-d came to Nathan, saying,

The word is simply whatever YHWH, G-d, says. Period. In the beginning he SPOKE the world into existence. Everything was made by his.... what? his WORD. But without understanding the Scriptures it is very difficult to have an understanding of the gospels because they were never designed to be standalone books. You need the scriptures. Because in the Scriptures we find what? The WORD of G-d. Thank you for listening.

My zealous friend... maybe you could put all of this in a blog and just post the link to the blog????
I'm better when I'm not addressing a ton of people. The way you write to a few people is much different than when you're writing to a large audience and have to worry about other people reading it and quoting you out of context.
I hear ya, Brother Zealot... lol...


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