Sin is breaking Torah. Why does Christianity insist on the double talk?

1 John 3:4,"Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness." If sin is breaking the law/torah, then why do Christians continue to violate it?

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So like I say you don't keep Torah, but actually rebuke the scripture as a 'figure of speech'.


Best you stop asking others to keep Torah, when you can't even keep the easy parts yourself!

(Lev 22:9) They shall therefore keep mine ordinance, lest they bear sin for it, and die therefore, if they profane it: I the LORD do sanctify them.
Amen Sis. Caral,

"Best you stop asking others to keep Torah, when you can't even keep the easy parts yourself!"

This has been my argument for some time. While I do not discount the Torah or any other books of the Bible, I cannot slam others for not being perfect in their obedience to the Word because all of us fall short of the glory of God. What I try to do, as you and others continue to do, is encourage with love, God's faithfulness in His mercy and grace. Every day we should strive a little harder to walk in love because this is the very key that will enable us to be more obedient to the Word of God.

You cannot keep any of God's laws or commandments without love. Until God's people display more of His love that is within them, we will continue to have these harsh debates that are not pleasing to God, and what's worse, it glorifies Satan because he is all about divide and conquer.

There seems to be a need for some people to always be right, especially when they post scriptures. Well, the thing is, we are not the ones who are right - it is the Word of God that is right. All we can do is quote His word to others; but the real challenge is learning to live it ourselves. It's real easy to tell someone, "keep the Torah, keep the Laws, keep the Commandments of God, stop sinning, etc." When in fact, the very ones who keep slamming us with these "direct orders" are not keeping any of them to the letter because if they were, they would encourage with love and compassion, and not the "slam dunk" approach - "do it or die!"

Some will no doubt come back with . . ."God's word says do this or die." Well, that is true except it is for God to say, not man. But, if people will read and "study" the New Testament, you will not see those harsh commands, and the reason being is because of His grace and mercy. God is not saying to disregard the moral laws (Ten Commandments), the dietary laws and cleanliness laws. What He is saying that through Jesus, we will not have to suffer the harsh penalty of death for breaking any one of these laws; however, there are still consequences to breaking these laws - but at least death is not one of these consequences.
very edifying ,chaplain harris,

Chaplain Harris---You cannot keep any of God's laws or commandments without love. Until God's people display more of His love that is within them

This is the most important "LOVE"&"The Display Of Love" ,I said it on another forum but i believe that everyone here has love for Yahshua ,or Why would they be on BPN ,I'm sure they would be on facebook or myspace ,and to be quite honest sis.harris ,I am embarrassed some who call themsevle's israel(the host of these unrulely debates) they are not reppin YHWH in his set apart righteousness, which is the same reason they were shipped into captivity,further israel was the one's who couldn't keep the law ,The lord says if he had whent to any another nation,they would have hearkened unto him,I qoute he said "ANY OTHER NATION" . /// but i must say more than just those saying they are israel playing host to these unrulely debates(we are all forgetting the lords pray "for give our trespasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us")/// so we all need reform and I appreciate your effort to bring it about.

rest today the lord require's it of you ,Shabbat Shalom
Luv/NoMalice2the Ncrease of Knowledge&truth---BruthaPharoah
Thank you Bro. Pharaoh for you words of encouragement and support. I am an ongoing student of the Bible, and I shall remain so until God calls me home. Meanwhile, I will continue to strive harder each day to walk faithfully in love thereby, allowing the love of God within me to manifest itself outwardly.

All we can ask of each other is patience as we continue this journey of life learning how to live righteously and in holiness as God would have it to be.

Shalom in Jesus
Sista Harris,
even this message of love is powerful i woke up @ about 3 o'clock,and read BruthaZealot's message to the Israelites, it'set my mind on the love of god great way to start a day ,then your's reestablished the thought ,and it is powerful, kain't stop smiling

Luv/NoMalice 2theNcrease of Knowledge&truth---BruthaPharoah
Shabbat Shalom Bro. Pharaoh; we are slowly but surely getting there as a unified body of believers.
Most lovely and edifying, noble and gentle.

Thank you Sista Pat

Orthodox Judaism is not the only sect of Judaism. Karaite Judaism rejects, for the most part, the Talmud & Mishnah. They also take figuratively, the Mesorah w/ the commandments on the doorposts, as well as your head and wrist. Nazarene Judaism, which believes in Messiah, takes on the same approach as Karaite Judaism.

The Pharisees that Yahushua dealt with were similar to Orthodox Judaism in the sense that they held in higher esteem, the oral torah(Talmud & Mishnah) over the actual written torah that came straight from the father's mouth. Caral, I do not have anything else to say here other than you keep the torah for yourself.

I did not and do not rebuke the scripture as a "figure of speech." I cannot correct the truth. Truth cannot be corrected; it can only be confirmed. The truth is that you cannot place all the words of Yahuah on your wrist or your forehead! Not on your doorposts or your gates.

It's just not gonna happen. Even the orthodox Judeans do not have all the words of the torah written on their doorposts or gates, their wrists and head. Let's be real and use common sense here.

Now, to my question that you keep evading.. When will you keep the Sabbath just like the Messiah you claim to follow?
Dear James
Sorry, I didn't realise that you were a Karaite Jew, and you are right as a general rule they do not put up mezuzot, YET, many Karaites do have a small plaque with the Aseret haDibrot on their doorposts. However, Kariate Jews that live in Israel do put up mezuzot.

However, do you wear Tzitzit?

Just for your further info, here is a little more information regarding mezuzot.

In the Torah, God commands the Jewish people to hang mezuzot on their doorposts. Two Torah portions, Shema and Vehaya, include the verse: "And you shall inscribe these words upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates."

The Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) begins with "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One." The Shema reminds us that God is always present in our lives, and that we should keep God's words constantly in our minds and in our hearts. The Shema tells us that one way to do this is by writing them on the doorposts of our house. Vehaya (Deuteronomy 11:13-21) assures us of God's compensation if we fulfill his commandments (mitzvot).

It is a Torah commandment to hang mezuzot on our doorposts. Mezuzot, in turn, remind of God's presence and of our duty to fulfill God's commandments.*



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