Polygamy... Is it scriptural, or does Yah forbid such?

What speakest thou?

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There is only one other place in the Torah where the term vex is used. It is when Hannah is vexed by Peninnah.

Vex= to the original first wife wife taking any woman as wife after the first is vexation to the first. Ask anyones wife a hypothtical,

If your husband took a second wife would you be vexed?

What do you think the answer will be?

Let us not split hairs over what vex means.

In agreeing with the Karaites, the husband should ask the wife. To take a second wife lies in the decision of the first wife. Do not split hairs over vex? Of course not, but we must underlie the actual meaning to it.
james if your wife could take a second husband would it vex you? If you are not married ask one of your married friends.

that will be your answer on the question of vex
Read this again please Zadokite fragment:

They are caught . . . in fornication, by taking two wives in their lifetime. But the foundation of creation is “male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27) and those who entered the ark, “two of each, [male and female,] came [to Noah] into the ark” (Genesis 7:9). And regarding the king it is written, “He shall not have many wives” (Deuteronomy 17:17). (ZADOKITE FRAGMENTS 4:20–5:2)

This the interpretation of Lev 18:18 vex included by the qumran hebrews.

Now are you refusing to answer this?

First... define fornication. Second... what is the background of that, and how does that weign in to the fact that the TORAH gives instructions on maintain polygamous marriages?

you are beating around the bush
in your heart you must change what you have been taught

I have asked you a question and you have not answered.

Why do you think the qumran community read it differently than you?

In agreeing with the Karaites, the husband should ask the wife. To take a second wife lies in the decision of the first wife.
1000 years after qumran speaks the karaites speak

I sincerely pray that you are still following this discussion.

I need you to respond to this: First... define fornication. Second... what is the background of that, and how does that weign in to the fact that the TORAH gives instructions on maintain polygamous marriages?

I have said again and again what ex 21, deut 21, levirate marriage, means look at my previous posts

fornication has nothing to do with this topic, if you disagree explain the point of this questioning,

this discussion is now becoming pointless, you are trying to skirt around the issue of Ge 2:24 and Lev 18:18 This is your thread!

Pollygamy is it scriptural does Father YAH forbid such.

I am beginning to think it is more than one person asking questions here and not just you james. because asking me to explain why "torah gives instructuions......" has been answered by me times 3 at least

Go back and read my posts.

Answer the question What is your response to the qumran communities zadokite fragment? what is your response to their halakhic letter? Ask any wife if taking a second wife would vex her? and start a new thread on fornication.

Otherwise you expound upon fornication and its background.

am i being unreasonable, look at my prior posts all of them,, I ask sincerely and humbly.

Concerning the Zadokite fragments in relation to polygamy.... they do not agree with what is written in the Torah. You are basing all of your studies simply on the DSS, and disregard the LXX. I am not going to debate that with you, but again what I said still stands. If the DSS forbids polygamy as violation of Torah, then why would Yah give instructions to them that have 2 wives? Why not tell them to repent?


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