Polygamy... Is it scriptural, or does Yah forbid such?

What speakest thou?

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the septuagint borrowed from the DSS
ok ive read the LXX version its not right
look at the samaritan pentateuch , it agrees with DSS

This discussion is going in circles with you and it appears you seek confusion as opposed to understanding the writing is on the wall

I believe some of your friends are now answering the posts and have not went back through to see my explanation of everything the Torah supposedly says about polygamy.

Read my prior posts please.

If I am going in circles, then you refuse to even address the differences and reconcilation of the DSS & the LXX septuagint. You mention Gen 2:24, when that is not a commandment. Of course, the ideal marriage is monogamy, but sin does not come on a man that has 2 wives, as we have seen in Deut 21. Yah GAVE HIM INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO MANAGE THAT. If it was completely sin, then Yah would have called it out.

Why did Yah not give instructions for cult prostitutes? If He did, then what does that tell you of the character of Yah... giving a whore instructions.... and not calling him/her out to repentance. Yah did not condemn some of the patriarchs. They KEPT HIS COMMANDS.

I am ready to wash my hands of your stiffneckness and hard heart.

I will discuss if you will be reasonable.

My hands were already washed of your stubborness... You have to address what I said concerning the first wife's acceptance of a second wife. If this man take a second wife without telling the first wife, or even if this man take a second wife for the sake of vexing the first wife, then one can have trouble, but again..... I still have not seen you refute Deut 21 and why YAH HIMSELF gave INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING a man with several wives, and how he should handle that. WHY DID YAH NOT tell the man to put away his second wife?????????????
answered: see previous posts

cc: Trevor

I am not against you. I made a simple statement of fact and you never would acknowledge it until now.

You seem to have an issue with being proven incorrect and having to admit it. That to me speaks "pride."

I am woman enough and humble enough to admit my errors and appreciate being corrected when necessary because I do not wish to pass on incorrect information that would surely hinder a person's growth and understanding.

Unlike you James, I am not trying to "always be right" even when I'm wrong. If I don't know the answer to a question, I will admit it and appreciate receiving the answer, rather than dodge it with another question or shift gears into another direction, which is what you are famous for.
law of marriage Ge 2:24

Your statement is a cop out. You started the thread now you refuse to address strong points against your case, laughable.

I will be gone for 2 to 3 hours that will give you and your friends sufficient time to read up on all my posts and research.

You're not giving strong points of a winning position. You should not take a second wife to vex the first wife.. If the first wife agrees, then where is the vexing? Address that ;)

I will no longer allow you to sit at my feet for instruction on this topic.
You who read the LXX and know about the DSS must ask me to explain their relationship. (laughable)

You have used circuitous arguments that make no sense. But sadly you reject scripture. My posts and references are available for you and your friends to review.

Open your heart and you will see.

Any one can understand what not taking one wife to another means Why can't you?

One more reference Early Bible Versions by Dr. Coburn. This will help you to know what the DSS, Septuagint, Targums, Samaritan Pentateuch, Sahidic, Boharic, Masoretic Texts mean.

Please forgive me if I have offended you. I am merely being truthful.

Plus, If you washed your hands of me why respond and also why not give me common courtesy to tell me so.

Ge 2:24 and Lev 18:18 are witnesses against you. May Father YAH have mercy upon you.

Sincerely Shalom
Bro. Keith:

I have been reading your conversation with James and it has turned out exactly as I had expected. James will post a question rather than admit to the truth you have posted in response to the original question. For example, I stated more than once that God did not institute polygamy, man did. He has yet to admit to this fact. Instead, he responds with - God did not forbid it. This is why the two of you are going in circles.

You're just sooo against me aren't you hahahah??? Yes, I can truly admit that Yah did not actually "institue" polygamy, like saying,"You shall leave your parents, and cling to several wives." BUT, evidently, it did not always come out this way, for our patriarchs had several wives, David & Solomon had many wives, and yet Yah STILL blessed them, and gave them more and more.

If them having many wives was in violation of the Torah, then why did Yah continue to BLESS David with more wives?

Why would Yah give instructions in Deut 21 on how to manage several wives??


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